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Everything posted by searlefm

  1. from what you said im assuming MK2 expansion is ok. is that the case?
  2. magico13 i wish you luck with the new formula and an update, so will wait patently to see what you come up with
  3. and now i feel dumb. well i guess i should read the bloody manual next time. well there is nothing else to say but this is a brilliant mod
  4. Thanks for the update this is so much better than the vanilla ones. tho the only problem iv had is the sizing options diapering sometimes but iv now clue what happening.
  5. thanks for starting the process of updating KospY. im sure almost all of us love this bit of your work.
  6. wow you managed this overnight. well done and thank you as i now get my favorite mod again
  7. but this is a game about failing to make rockets how dose ... of the kerbals matter in any way? - - - Updated - - - but this is a game about failing to make rockets how dose the chromosomes of a kerbale matter in any way?
  8. wait kerbals have gender? i thought there where androgynous plant/fungus people as i see no other way they are green and dont need to eat or drink. tho more complex aerodynamics are long overdue in my mind and almost every think else looks good to me
  9. Banned for the use of the word 'Chillaxing'
  10. yer thers thing thing called dyslexia that i have a severe case of
  11. i have both in my real solar system folder and Module Manager 2.1.5 yet i cant seem to figure it out. -sigh- it would be nice if i could stick random space centers around the place.
  12. unless iv done something wrong there is not any new buttons in the Tracking Center or the space center. help please
  13. hi i love this mos i makes the game alot more challenging but i'd like to move the location of the space center in this mod yet i am unable to figure out how to do so. So dose any one have a clue how that's done?
  14. well i will have to vote for zekes just because of how it looks, the thing looks dam good. and now back to sulking as i didn't get to the finals ethen tho this one had a ladder and all, why do you not love me internet, but more seriously you guys have come up with alot of good desings
  15. Brobel*I love this design, also what is its top speed and it's intake cling?
  16. holy s*** we have a winner, Mine was a cool sci-fi design where as you'rs is definitely the best given so far as who else can get to the Mun with there's
  17. ofcorse there is you gave no input on how it should look just what it must do
  18. mine was cooler but you'rs dose mean the challenge alot better than mine in spirit
  19. so my i present The Arrow MK2 (its much better that the MK1 was, and Xeldrak this one has a ladder) and its flavor text. 'the Arrow is designed at fly at the most ridiculous speeds you can imagine in the atmophire capably of punching its way into the stratosphere with ease and reaching Mark6 (warning entering water leaving the atmophire or letting Jebediah Kerman fly this will break the warranty) 1)Open/Close air intakes 2)Turn On/Off engine 3)emergency shoot 4)Cut shoot 0)Ladder Up/Down' and hear is a pic of it's flight record from an easy going stress test and of cores the link enjoy https://www.dropbox.com/s/skx88yzi6dxa1c5/The%20Arow%20Mk2.craft?m
  20. Xeldrak i don't have magic Yaw look at the sided of the eadge intakes thar are small wiglets next to the landing gear. also you need a ladder since when?
  21. Sarcasm now aside my i present The Mitchells its a light weight craft that can take of at only 50mp/s~ and can glide at as little as 30mp/s~ with out loosing height, wile being removable and easy to fly at almost anyspeed It also has 2 emergency shoot to allow a safe landing in any circumstances, and the speed This butty is relativly good from its light weight alowing it to go as fast as 200mp/s~ at height around 300m altatude and has a ceiling of 20km~ before you run out of air wile reaching speeds of 740mp/s~ http://db.tt/rHhXrYqB (please use the second picture as the one for advertising the craft)
  22. he may just do it like this and yes this is unintentional I'm just trying to make a plain
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