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Everything posted by MasseFlieger

  1. Hey NathanKell, The autotrim is only to set the trim to same input as the SAS module had it, other than that trim works as previously. In this version it will set the trim to the SAS input values the instant you press Alt+Z. Next version Im planning on having persistent trim, where once you save the trim, it will be saved into the persistence file.
  2. Hello fellow kerbals For some time I have wished that we had a couple of additional options in our trim controls, below is my early attempt to add this on to the game. After losing several aircraft to hamfisted pilots, Kerbal engineers decided that enough was enough. And so ExtendedTrim was born. Made out of WD40 and duct tape this mod adds the following: new key binding: Press Left Alt+Z to trim the aircraft to the same input, and enjoy level flight. right-click and action groups now available to clear/reset your trim per axis or set the trim like ALT+Z key Binding you can now save your preferred trim settings: this means that independent of any other trim values you change during flight, you can save the values you want to recall later. These actions are accessible via action groups. nothing more to it. Dependencies: modulemanager Some images: This is an early release, some issues may occur, please let me know of any. License: GPLv3 Download Latest version from KerbalStuff: here Thanks to : dazoe for the inspiration to do it: https://github.com/dazoe/KSP-TrimIndicators taraniselsu for the awesome examples: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacExamples diazo for the help in the development forums Change Log: 0.3: - 3 new Action Group actions added: - Save Trim; saves trim to the persistence file as an independent set of values - Restore Trim: restored saved trim values - Set Trim to input: same behavior as ALT+Z - 1 new part event: set trim, will set trim much like ALT+Z - extended trim control can only be used when the ship is controllable - small improvements to the Auto Trim logic - code clean up 0.2: - ALT+Z now sets the trim to the current input with or without SAS on - "Set trim" now Action Group and Right Click Events 0.1.: - Alpha Release README: Quick instructions: during flight: - press ALT+Z or activate the set trim action group to save the current trim settings to the actual trim of the aircraft - turn SAS on, and then press ALT+Z or active the set trim through action group or right click event to turn on AUTO TRIM; this will dynamically adjust the trim settings to the SAS input, this allows you to turn off SAS, and the aircraft should hold the last SAS input enabling a smooth transition into manual flight - after adjusting/setting trim to a favorite value, activate the "save trim" action group to save the values (these values will be stored regardless if you change the trim afterwards) - activate the action group "Restore Trim" to reset the trim to the saved values from the step above
  3. This is great progress, I am trying the mod out in the next few days!
  4. Hello, This is a great idea and I cant wait for the build list, just wanted to add my suggestion to a couple of your outstanding questions: 1. building order in build list: rather than decide a sequential vs parallel build order, you could setup a system that would be able to build sequentially (FIFO - first in first out) with the ability to pause a build in the sequence - there by still able to influence the order in a way. Another approach, would be to implement a priority to the ship under construction, with a time penalty added depending on the amount of ships in progress; say for every additional ship addded to the list, a x% would be added to every ships ETA for completion... this could also add to the immersion of scheduling projects/launches, etc. 2. Regarding the simulation, I typically always default to giving the option to the user, you can add a prompt for the user to select a timer (and/or parameters to end the simulation - time, altitude, similar to mission controllers mod) or to run the simulation under the flight is reverted or recovered. - You could enforce a reversal of the flight regardless to prevent simulations being used to bypass build times, etc. Just 2 cents, either way this is a great mod, and a wonderful idea.
  5. Hi trueborn, Your mod is simply amazing. I am hoping that in your next work around the markers you include the velocity vector as part of the HUD? Apologies if you have said that already.
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