Hello, This is a great idea and I cant wait for the build list, just wanted to add my suggestion to a couple of your outstanding questions: 1. building order in build list: rather than decide a sequential vs parallel build order, you could setup a system that would be able to build sequentially (FIFO - first in first out) with the ability to pause a build in the sequence - there by still able to influence the order in a way. Another approach, would be to implement a priority to the ship under construction, with a time penalty added depending on the amount of ships in progress; say for every additional ship addded to the list, a x% would be added to every ships ETA for completion... this could also add to the immersion of scheduling projects/launches, etc. 2. Regarding the simulation, I typically always default to giving the option to the user, you can add a prompt for the user to select a timer (and/or parameters to end the simulation - time, altitude, similar to mission controllers mod) or to run the simulation under the flight is reverted or recovered. - You could enforce a reversal of the flight regardless to prevent simulations being used to bypass build times, etc. Just 2 cents, either way this is a great mod, and a wonderful idea.