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Everything posted by Dooz

  1. Procedural in this context is using math and numbers to create textures like minecraft's world generator. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procedural_generation
  2. One smallish question Is jools texture procedural otherwise My life is easier when i recreate my planet pack.
  3. I'm pretty sure when nasa tests they pay for everything.
  4. I believe they disabled attachments for security reasons. I am also not capable of posting attachments.
  5. As the title says coupons can be earned via completing contracts for example, I have a rockomax 20% off coupon meaning during launch I can use the coupon and get 20% on a single rockomax part of selection This also apples to other manufacturers such as kerbodyne c7 aerospace, found lying beside road parts do not have coupons.
  6. I have ad block its there. In the corner of the picture it says free update.
  7. It means the 0.25 update Is free.
  8. Best kerbal Ad ever. Video: kerbals using hacks.
  9. Thank you very much, sounds like a big perk I have. Have some rep
  10. So I was poking around my steam keys and I have one called KSP early adopters, Im curious about what it means.
  11. Interplanetary SSTO s they kept being to heavy and never took off.
  12. Well as long as if he can distinguish what code does what and knows how to compile. And what software are you using, Notepad? Just get visual studio Its free. I did not need to make a microsoft account. http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#DownloadFamilies_2 Visual studio express 2010 c++ Is the One.
  13. No way. Pressing the button will make you a alien 10% chance its a alien bacteria.
  14. Mk3 Remodel. SP+ Has a lot of polygons, mk3 doesn't have many polygons. MK3 Pod And MK2 Pod MK3's model has been used since .15 it needs a update.
  15. More planets. Seriously I landed on everything im bored.
  16. IRL Our sun is White if we go into space it only looks yellow because of our atmosphere, I thought this should be in the game. Inside kerbin's atmosphere The sun will appear yellow but going into space it will turn white. now I thought about maybe if in Eve's atmosphere the sun could be like a different color Or something like that.
  17. Anyone notice we have a stock craft that looks and flies like a space shuttle. Also new biomes for the space center buildings.
  18. Steam.. It installs and downloads quick. I did not even know .25 was installed until I started KSP Praise steam!
  19. I can say this, I crashed a SRB into the SPH and crashed The game.
  20. Kinda but not really. Check out kcreators mod it has a sun fix but no solar panels., and nope.
  21. Punishing Time warp is Just plain Ridiculous Most simulation games have a form of time warp, imagine if you where Time warp punished and you are on a Jool mission while in transit Imagine Waiting 1 year of Real time:rolleyes: But now thinking of it I think the workers should be payed every year or the administrators will leave if not payed. And can be bribed funds to get them back.
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