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Everything posted by Dooz

  1. For example A message would Pop up about very kerbal month saying Pay your workers! Otherwise if you dont pay you lose reputation The fee to pay your workers costs about 1000 funds to 3000 funds. In the new 25. Difficulty menu this can be turned off.
  2. Look at innacessable's config there should be something like PQSoblate or something like that.
  3. I Uninstall PFCE and Make it so you can never reinstall it! I go claim A hill on pol.
  4. I sue you for using Illegal Hype fuel And I win in court. My Planet system.
  5. It is impossible, Gamewise this glitch appears to effect the PQS/terrain mesh of the planet otherwise Jool is PQSless, rendering Jool immune to danny. yep I am terrible for pointing this out.
  6. Universe discovers sima is impersonating Sentar and the entire sima system is destroyed, I go claim a hill on skelton.
  7. It was a Major Data lose for the forum.
  8. yay destructible buildings! Are the Destroyed versions of the buildings separate models or is it physics based?
  9. PQS or Procedural Quad Sphere Is the Terrain mesh and everything a planet is made of, PQS controls allow randomly generated Terrain slippery Ice, for example, gilly Is Procedural.
  10. Auroras Look flat, otherwise awesome looking clouds and planets.
  11. Your THE Official hype train driver! That's cheating!
  12. I'm wondering why is this a discussion about silly hype stuff and not discussing features.
  13. There is no Sln file what do you mean. Edit: oh I see you got the source code for the mod you need the mod its in the thread here its Sdr.ms.com or something.
  14. You put in the folder along with the sentar stuff again keep in mind this mod is very outdated.
  15. Well, brightness of Jool may vary from screen to screen. I like Cycles, the renders maybe long but makes good renders, the laythe render took 7ish minutes But i do see what you mean I was not aiming for total Realism. rendering it as separate images has its downsides like No water reflection. Thank you for Criticism.
  16. I'm thinking Mortimer Kerman is a reference to Mortimer goth From The sims. Mortimer Kerman's clothing Is similar to Mortimer Goth from the sims.
  17. Sentar is reflecting light onto Skelton.
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