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Everything posted by Dooz

  1. So I wanted to make the KSP Planets in cycles So far I only made Jool and kerbin. Jool And eve duna and laythe's surface, and Minmus Kerbin Eve This is the new one its much better than the previous Which used a smoke simulation and this one uses a venus cloud map tinted purple and given a glow. Duna Ike uses A procedural surface On this one I feel like the particle system stars are not gonna Cut it here Laythe's surface My masterpiece. I had issues with sand although the solution was easy. Make a beige Blank texture and just add some noise to it. Minmus I wanted to go into more Detail with Minmus because its a Small Moon this uses a space engine Texture and height I think it Works out, Kerbin is represented by a blue dot Because Minmus is faraway. Sentar From Krag's Planetfactory First attempt at Planetary rings 20000 particles used Some computers were Harmed in the making of this.. Eeloo Is next. All renders that have Jool in it I credit thesonicgalaxy for the texture. Feel free to use these for Desktop background or any private use.
  2. Why make your own when the mod can do it for you PQS Is magic. Anyways i see the style of your planets so I can see why you need custom ones. Now a general post I'm wondering if we will get PQScity support (Easter eggs)
  3. The link that mentions Sdrv.ms/randomstuff. Thats the download.
  4. I'm being stalked by "Obama lowers homeowners owe" and "view arrest record now!" And "secret trick removes water fluoride" or "DONT DRINK ANOTHER DROP OF WATER UNTIL YOU SEE THIS!!" What id do is look through your installed programs and check if you have adware, and empty your cookies. I also dump my cookies frequently so these are out of the blue.
  5. The first link you see on the op that is the download.
  6. Dooz

    Kerbals vs The Grox

    Kerbals can ram planet buster sticks into planets and planet buster sticks only cost a couple 100 funds, while Grox planet busters cost 5 Million funds, basicly kerbals can spam planet busters. To see what I mean skip to 1'40 of this video.
  7. If terrain scatter was used it has to be animated Aka like spinning slowly tumbling around. It shouldn't be to hard to do.
  8. A particle system when up close to the rings could work.
  9. I have been thinking about ways to make rings work in the game and heres my idea They could put a Ring mesh around a planet and then texture it Or for more realistic they could put a series of small thin ring meshes around a planet. And for up close of the rings they could use terrain scatter and animate it so its tumbling around. I hope that this works!
  10. Im gonna Spoil the descriptions for planets in Kaiser 2, and some changes Kaiser: Named after the kerbal god Of colors, Kaiser Is a newly found Gas giant after eeloo, it was found after eeloo because Kerbals like flying around with flashy rainbow lights and It caused scientists to be confused and they never looked at it. Kaiser's atmosphere contains Thousands upon millions of chemicals All In one mega chemical reaction. Kural: Kerbals argue over kural being orange or yellow However they happen to be looking at different Sides of kural, Kural has a large yellow scar stretching from pole to pole, kural has a high concentration of gold in the Yellow scar, and iron oxide in the orange lands. Don: Don appears to look like duna however Its composition is way different Its atmosphere is Mainly made of radon gas And crust is made of Radium and uranium Which makes it Dangerous, Don may have been a companion to duna then somehow escaped duna, migrated inwards and Captured by kaiser. Polo: Polo Appears to look like a cyan sphere from space Kerbals like telling story's about supernatural things on Polo The famous story like Kerboo monster He lives on polo and he rides his Ship to kerbin and scares Kerbals these stories however are not true, kerbals are still scared to visit polo. Jabin: A Large lumpy rock wandering around kaiser, it has fairly high gravity similar to Tylo Its mainly a lavender color with green Spots It appears to be Holding on tightly to a small moon P&G: P&G Is a Sub moon of Jabin it Appears to have green ice Its very much like minmus. CZF30: A mysterious Moon CZF30 appears to be covered in Clouds Made of water vapor, it appears like it can support life this theory has been supported with Kerbal Xenobiologists finding dead Bacteria Floating high up in the atmosphere. Changes include Kunar was renamed to kural and many more changes.
  11. Nope you can not, although they did say they will add a Conversion script.
  12. 3056 I don't know Why people look at my profile.
  13. Ooo So working ice And custom Scatter You guys have everything!
  14. Not entirely true, you can slingshot off Jool to get on a interstellar trajectory and if done correctly Encounter The Star Using Engines we have now. We will need Higher time warp.
  15. Well if they do Slay the Physics Errors and such. They can have a Galactic center(blackhole) then Instead of The sun being the center point for all the galactic center would instead of the sun, then put all the stars and kerbol Orbiting the galactic center. It could work. And then maybe some microwave engine for probes. And mabye some rocket motor with 1000 ISP
  16. Another Small question Can we choose what ground scattering we want? Like for example I have a tylo like planet and I want Pols Ground scatter, so can we do this with PQS. Another question I have is I was reading the github source and what does Modify the physics material of the PQS Do? Deadly oceans suddenly high gravity?
  17. Yes but this a Gas giant system, and I want my planets to be realistic, and as far I know I don't have a cube height map laying around my Harddrive, sorry but I wont be adding your suggestion, but I do like the concept of easter eggs which I might add in Kaiser system 2.
  18. Electric propellers are the best your gonna get, normal turboprops Don't work.
  19. I'm hoping it does not go down like the april 2013 crash, Btw for those who remember was there forum issues before the day the crash occurred?
  20. I Just noticed, Im hoping they will fix it soon.
  21. See the link? In the Op Thats the download. 800 poster yay. Well if this mod dies out. I thank kragrathea for Pioneering Planet modding, I had a lot of fun using your mod.
  22. Heres your Nerva Cake and broken strut soup I'd like carbonated Liquid fuel and Bacon sandwich.
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