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Everything posted by lunait

  1. I have a question (which I think hasn't been asked so far in the thread - forgive me if it has, but I couldn't find it) regarding celestial body properties. I'm currently playing with the RealSolarSystem mod with clouds added to some planets to make them resemble gas giants - but you can still land on them, since their surface behavior hasn't been changed. Do you know of any way to do this, either by changing the surface itself to make it resemble that of Jool, or in some other way? Would it for example be possible, for a certain celestial body, to set an altitude limit below which the vessel explodes or breaks apart?
  2. Which engines and which tanks, and in what way does it not fit? Could you provide an image to show what you mean?
  3. Yep, I did it just a few minutes after you posted - check the link to the other thread
  4. I think I solved it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-v5-5-KSP23-fix-12-23-13?p=906687&viewfull=1#post906687
  5. OK, thanks for the info. Maybe it's possible to change the planets to become gas giants in some way? Oh hey, by the way, I figured out why the clouds in your config aren't working with the latest version of Visual Enhancements (or at least in the one I'm using - it should be the latest one): the way the parameters are encoded in the userCloudLayers.cfg file has been changed. The news are as follows, from I've been able to find out: In the color part, besides r, g and b, there is also an a value for opacity. The scale parameter is now combined to a single value instead of an x and y value. Here is an example of how the updated config should look for Eve/Venus: CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve radius = 1.08 color { r = 1 g = 1 b = 1 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/Venus1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.002109109 y = 0 } speed { x = 1E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detail1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.002109109 y = 0 } speed { x = 1E-05 y = 0 } } shader_floats { falloffPower = 0.2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 0 } } EDIT: I tried it with every planet and moon in your config file, it works (except for the second Kerbin layer, where the kerbin2 texture seems to have been deleted from Visual Enhancements, unless I've missed it somewhere - so I deleted that layer from my config file). Here's my updated userCloudLayers.cfg file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ld3xru - just use the RSSConfig3 pack and replace userCloudLayers.cfg with this one.
  6. Can I ask, for the bodies representing Uranus and Neptune (since they're gas giants), in addition to replacing their textures, do you also change their surface behaviour and topography so that e.g. the terrain on Uranus (Laythe, IIRC) disappears and it behaves similar to Jool when you try to "land" on it? Awesome config, by the way.
  7. Okay, here it is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ftcx6h If you do bust a tire, there are landing legs to raise the car before repairing the tire. If you try to do it without using the legs, it will immediately bust again.
  8. My latest project. It's a bit too heavy for these wheels, resulting in a few busted tires if you don't drive carefully (which I don't seem to be doing in this picture, judging from the front right wheel...). But it works.
  9. I'd also love to see the craft file for this! It would be fun to try to fly it to Mun, or maybe Duna.
  10. I like small rovers. As long as I don't use any bulky equipment on my rovers, I can usually make them small enough to fit on the underside of the lander within a standard 2.5m fairing. With the new 0.22 landing legs that don't flip around when extending, you can build some very streamlined rockets! The lifting and transfer stage can then be built downwards from the underside of the rover (using lots of struts!). (click on images to enlarge)
  11. Asparagus staging works on shuttles too! This one can take 50 tons to LKO and then land at the KSC runway. Built with B9 structural parts and wings but uses stock LV-T30 engines, as well as a pair of jet engines to aid in landing. The cargo here is a Duna lander bundled with a small rover (last image). Click on images to enlarge them.
  12. I made an infiniglider with stock parts. It even looks like a plane! (click to enlarge) Basically, I built a plane, then noticed it flew just as well (even better, in fact) with the engine turned off...
  13. Cool! I tried to construct something like this before but with RTGs, so it always ended up being a bit too heavy. Also I love the Revelation Space reference.
  14. So Jeb decided to let Mervis borrow his car for the day. It went well at first, but then he accidentally stepped on the throttle a little too hard...
  15. I like various types of music, although a lot of it is video game music. Nobuo Uematsu (composer of most of the Final Fantasy soundtracks) has made some of my all-time favourite songs. Here are a few examples:
  16. Off the top of my head, I would probably choose option 2. You get to use the regular transfer windows, and you avoid the extra deltaV required to land and lift off again to adjust your position on the target celestial body. I haven't done the calculations or anything, but I would expect that adjusting the orbit while in... orbit, takes less effort (but maybe more time) than landing and then hopping along the surface. Also, I propose the word "munth" (or "münth", depending on how you spell Mun/Mün) for the time it takes Mun to do one full orbit. Very imaginative, I know.
  17. Today I sent a bunch of houses to Laythe. They will be the start of a kethane mining colony, being located near one of the few kethane deposits on Laythe that are not in the ocean. Here's the mothership heading over Jool (the houses detach later). Aerobraking down to orbit... Deploying houses. Almost down... And here they are!
  18. Man, it's a bit strange to think of Super Mario 64 and Halo as old games now. But I guess they are, huh. If we are to classify games from that period as being old, then I would say that Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite game. Great story and gameplay, awesome music, and beautiful graphics for its time. (I'm surprised no one has mentioned any of the Final Fantasy games yet!) Otherwise, my favourite old game (or at least the one I've played the most) has to be Super Mario Bros 3. I've played it more or less regularly (that is, at least a couple of times per year) for the past 21 years.
  19. Built a prototype for an interplanetary spaceship, inspired to some extent by the Normandy from Mass Effect (the "Kermandy", perhaps). Seats a pilot and six passengers, plus cargo space for a lander (which I call the Roast Chicken, since, well, that's what it looks like...) and an ISA MapSat probe. I have yet to test the range capability of the ship, but it's not intended to land itself since it has the lander so that should give it some extra range, and it has quite a lot of fuel. More images here: http://imgur.com/a/TEzhQ#0
  20. Today I went to Duna for the first time! Two Kerbals and a rover - but I might have to mount a rescue mission since I doubt that lander has enough fuel to get back to Kerbin... should've built a separate interplanetary stage that could be left in orbit.
  21. I made a space station! Not my first one, but definitely the one I'm most pleased with. Sent it up in two parts (so far, there may be more later) and docked in orbit. The ring at the front can spin around the length axis of the station, providing artificial gravity in the habitation modules around it (though there's no way to measure without putting another craft on the ring, is there?) - courtesy of the ball bearings from Modular Multiwheels / Damned Robotics.
  22. So, yeah. New to the forums. Been playing KSP for a month or so, after watching a lot of HOCgaming's and Scott Manley's videos. No mods so far, but might start using some of them in the future. Currently looking into the kethane pack to add a bit more purpose to the moon base that I've recently started building. See you around!
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