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Everything posted by Sim1

  1. maybe it takes few days to index it, I can see your other mods but not this one
  2. will it be available on ckan too? We'd like to add this mod to our list so we can use it in our weekly let's play on youtube.
  3. there is a bug in the last part of the mission. It checks for the ISS to be landed instead of the Orion capsule and therefore the mission could not be completed
  4. Yes, other in the comments of the video pointed it out, sorry but I didn't know it
  5. 13 Youtubers collaborated to create the most beautiful space station ever made (or at least they hope so), Enjoy the trailer! Release Date: March 11th, 17:00 UTC. All episodes go live at the same time.
  6. A beautiful view of the Alps in Milan, Italy
  7. Any chance to see you in the italian gamesweek (maybe next year)?
  8. Ciao a tutti, ecco le principali novità introdotte dalla 1.2 in italiano!
  9. yep, you're right, I will try installing it manually. Uninstalling all the mods using ckan except rpm seems to have solved the issue btw (I post it for future references) so it may be a conflict or indeed a ckan related issue. I can't thank you enough for the awesome mod you've created, you made our let's play a lot more enjoyable
  10. it still seems to not work properly for me, the IVA has no monitors http://imgur.com/bCKlcFs
  11. when I try to reinstall this mod from ckan I get the following error: About to install... * RasterPropMonitor v0.24.2.1(cached) * RasterPropMonitor Core v0.24.2.1(cached) * Vessel Viewer v0.71 Downloading "https://dl.dropbox.com/s/odezb7nj3gb03xa/VVComplete.zip?dl=0" Error! ----------------- Failed to download "https://dl.dropbox.com/s/odezb7nj3gb03xa/VVComplete.zip?dl=0" - error: Errore del server remoto: (460) Restricted. Any idea on how to fix it? Thanks, Simone.
  12. when I try to reinstall this mod from ckan I get the following error: About to install... * RasterPropMonitor v0.24.2.1(cached) * RasterPropMonitor Core v0.24.2.1(cached) * Vessel Viewer v0.71 Downloading "https://dl.dropbox.com/s/odezb7nj3gb03xa/VVComplete.zip?dl=0" Error! ----------------- Failed to download "https://dl.dropbox.com/s/odezb7nj3gb03xa/VVComplete.zip?dl=0" - error: Errore del server remoto: (460) Restricted. Any idea on how to fix it? Thanks, Simone.
  13. Le 5 cose da fare nella 1.0.5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E1SFqrqrAc A proposito, avete già creato il vostro primo sommergibile? Vi consiglio la mod ballistanks per avere un sommergibile capace di andare in immersione ed emersione
  14. Vediamo insieme cosa ci riserverà la 1.0.5 (le altre info sono nei video linkati alla fine di questo)
  15. RULES 1. send an art-work that has as its theme the space ( screenshots, photos , collage , etc ) full name 2 images are sent to email or private message on facebook 3. you have until midnight on Friday, October 2 4. have also forecast Saturday and Sunday time to rack up the last votes 5. Monday we will announce the winner PRIZE Kerbal Space Program Steam edition e-mail: the.simon.and.simon@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sim1.e.sindar87
  16. (Autorizzato da KasperVld a postare qui) REGOLE 1. mandarci un art-work che abbia come tema lo spazio (screenshot, foto, collage, etc)completo di nome 2 le immagini vanno mandate o alla mail o come messaggio privato su facebook 3. avete tempo fino a venerdì 2 ottobre a mezzanotte 4. avete inoltre tempo sabato e domenica tempo per racimolare le ultime votazioni 5. lunedì verràannuncio vincitore Premio in palio, una copia di Kerbal Space Program! (edizione Steam) RULES 1. send an art-work that has as its theme the space ( screenshots, photos , collage , etc ) full name 2 images are sent to email or private message on facebook 3. you have until midnight on Friday, October 2 4. have also forecast Saturday and Sunday time to rack up the last votes 5. Monday we will announce the winner PRIZE Kerbal Space Program Steam edition Il nostro indirizzo e-mail: the.simon.and.simon@gmail.com La nostra pagina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sim1.e.sindar87
  17. Ciao, forse posso aiutarti io, sul nostro canale trovi una serie di let's play (25 episodi, o missioni come le chiamo io) sotto forma di tutorial, cerchiamo di affrontare le difficoltàpiù comuni ( punti scienza, docking, etc.) Ecco il link:
  18. any suggestion or idea for improving this video or for a new one?
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