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Everything posted by Amoun

  1. I actually know exactly what you're talking about.....and thought it was just me with the issue. I want to say that I notice it far less than before, but I do know what you mean. I always assumed that it was drag of the parts (I may be imagining but it feels like the parts have a lot more drag than they should?) so if I built a long plane, it was if there was a rope attached to the nose of the place/space-plane pulling it to the side. But I for one can not wait for the mod to get updated I built "the" perfect SSTA with KAS/crane in the hull that would dock an exploration rover...*just* a week or so before the update. Legit refresh CKAN and forum daily waiting for an update.
  2. *Just* discovered this mod a week ago or so and started working on a rover (loooove the design btw and the bendy parts is like sexy gravy) as 1.4 hit
  3. Ah got it. I actually decreased the gimbal very low in order to make it work. But I seem to have this issue while in VAC. Thank you for a quick reply though WIll experiment further; really liking the engines
  4. Actually came here trying to figure out an issue I am having with ARI-73 engines. These are actually my favorite however anytime I 'd use them they make the ship wobble. CoT is dead on with CoM and it is the same thing in anything I build. It starts to swing almost like a pendulum and across multiple re-installs. Was wondering if I am missing something or if it is a known issue?
  5. It's a balancing act really. I am practicing and trying to perfect my shuttle as well. In the beginning I gave up trying to figure out the angles and made it almost a rocket-like vehicle with the shuttle sandwiched in the middle. It was good enough to dock, made it to my SS and then back down to the complex. Now I am playing around with the real-life like shuttle design and was able to get away with using two engines (one on shuttle and another on the tank and have the fuel drain evenly to make sure that the spin does not happen. Anyway, this sounds a lot like Center of Mass issue. While you are in the atmosphere and when you launch your weight shifts while the trust doesn't and in the atmosphere your wings (or control surfaces rather) can kinda compensate for that shift but when you are in the atmosphere it does not do you any good. (Imagine trying to balance a broom upright on your palm, same idea). This is why the shuttle and the people who design them sometimes have two sets of engines. Main ones to help get to orbit and then a smaller set for vacuum flight. Definitely test the shuttle in flight before slapping it onto a launch vehicle....especially the reentry, that's when things can get interesting (at least for me).
  6. I am not sure if I don't understand or that is more complicated than it should be. That just sounds like a sky-crane to me. Engines etc all ready to go, with a docking port releasing the payload. Done that a lot of times. If it is DECOUPLERS you want to use...well that makes it a little more complicated. I would build the engines first, then try coupling the payload...but then that would end up being rather weird...hmm. I want to experiment and see if that would work. But I would still recommend going with method 1.
  7. I quiet enjoyed that hahahahaha And learned somethings too ;D
  8. That is weird.... It's the same code, should be identical. I would rely on the fact that it could simply be a bug due to parts maybe? I would think that maybe its the 4 SAS units you have, the 2 and 2 are pointing in different direction, so that could be throwing off the orientation for the SAS? Maybe reaction wheels over those? That's just my guess...because its the same vehicle, same code, its not like we have weather issue like IRL or something...so I would guess it's the conflict.
  9. There is no fool proof way but a few things you COULD try. First of all, quicksave as often as you can. You could make your orbit speed 0m/s and just "fall" towards your site. Also, don't forget that the planet will rotate as you descend you will need to compensate for that...SO, the lower your start the more dV you will need to slow your speed but less dV (i THINK) as you ascend (but you will have parachutes so shouldn't be too hard). Another way is you "flying" down where you lower your PE or AP overshooting the landing site by a bit (to compensate for drag) and deploying your shoots when you are almost over the landing site. However, it will mainly be trial and error. A few runs and you will get the general idea of how the craft will behave and be able to compensate That's all I can offer my self....I am sure there will be others who can contribute more detailed instructions.
  10. If anything ever breaks off....struts. Unlimited struts.
  11. I adore balance, simplicity and efficiency.... and I have to say, I respect the work you do a lot. Very nice. I have the previous planes (mainly the one with the rover) and the ring. Very well done throughout.
  12. What T-Pilot said. I personally use the B9 airbrakes. Really like them, they also almost look stock and nice and neat. I recommend them. haven't tried the other ones yet.
  13. Exactly how Johnno said: built it backwards. It helps a lot and much much easier to manage. if you want to get very technical, the most difficult part (at least to me) would be making sure that your actual "drive" part of the ship would be powerful and efficient enough to move all of your other weight (ie: your lander, rover and return craft) But that is also the fun part, to see if your ship makes it or not and then rebuild if you need to.
  14. Ok...that #9, is sexy as hell. Neat, compact, looks awesome....I want it D:
  15. Why won't it land? I know MJ is using a new way of landing, mine is suicide burn. I was really close to hitting the ground and I was 100% sure I will crash...but nope....last few inches, full burn and a nice stop lol
  16. Now now don't get upset. No one is ignoring anyone. You ARE asking for a rather complicated vehicle here. It has to be very efficient, very well balanced and very easy to fly (mainly because it is not you building it, so you need to have a predictable ways of how it will perform). I am not going to lie, I do not think I can build a perfect craft like that but the theory is there. You can have a regular delivery craft that will get you to the Mun, have a sky-crane type lander undock and then it can float to the surface. It will definitely need to be very....very efficient, so I am thinking ion engines or 2 nukes due to their ISP...though they are heavy, but if anything, you can refuel the lander at your main ship. I am trying to build a mothership which will do about the same thing, I want to be my exploration ship. with the ability to scan, land, explore and take off to refuel. What about some VTOLs though? There is a PERFECTLY balanced VTOL which can take off and land and hover and fly...its amazing, truly very well engineered. I will try to find a name....and its cockpit detaches, so you can use it as a rover. I love that thing...its just amazing. What you then need, is only the delivery craft, and thats it I am going to try and find it....have no idea what the name was...but I loved it.
  17. I love this. It's so tiny lol Badass shuttle. Wish I could give you rep.
  18. Really enjoyed this, a good watch, lols at the end with the orbits xD I more or less understand the game but I picked up some points off of it. Kudos to you sir.
  19. Aw man... I am liking all these easter eggs. Can't wait till they are all above ground.
  20. Yo.....I REALLY like that design O_____O I might copy some of it. Getting it into orbit will definitely be annoying and you WILL need a lot of struts.....but then it wont look like that and will be just a web of stuff. (not a fan of too many struts) I would definitely recommend getting it in orbit in pieces. It looks like it will be a lot of fun AND it will help get practice for docking (which, believe me, the more the better) Option B is using docking struts, which may end up looking pretty interesting (with laser looking things keeping stuff together) Option C is Hyper Edit, the quick and easy. I used it on my mothership because it ended up being HUGE but sexy
  21. Which side and at what stage? Or does that start from launch? Post a few screenies and yeah, if its a stock craft, post the craft file, maybe we can check it out. But that is odd....didnt have that happen before. Only thing I would think is fuel consumption. ANOTHER thing, is make sure you attach the fuel tanks together. The only similar experience I had, was when I had the fuel tanks dis-attach while in flight. That resulted in uneven fuel consumption but I could not tell because the rocket was still pushing on the fuel tank so it LOOKED like it was still attached to the whole craft. As soon as I put struts on them, it was fine.
  22. Hmmmm.......Try to make the CoL more forward? Gonna be annoying though because it will always bring its nose up. Perhaps more lift would help? I would try lift+still move the gears closer to the CoM (fraction or not, it may be sufficient) with a set of gears on the back, angled so it doesn't make contact with the runway unless you pitch up.
  23. Yeaaah...I would also say use a docking port if you have one. That must be frustrating as hell though. If neither one of those (all the ideas) works, then I am afraid you might have to bring the pod back to Kerbin.
  24. If I got it right, you are loading the same rocket that worked before and now it crumbles? Hmmm...that is weird. First question: are there any mods to the game? Reason I am asking is that even if you do a "clean install", you HAVE to delete the old mod folders etc because those do not disappear. I do find it strange though that the whole thing falls apart, especially on your old craft. A clean install should have fixed everything, and if it doesnt that just means there are left-over files somewhere. Definitely post some screenshots and the flight log.....very curious to see what happens there.
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