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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. aNewHope: I first looked for a Manley tutorial specifically on nodes; no joy. I'll look for Kerbal Rocket School. I didn't know about that. Thanks
  2. blizzy78: THANK YOU. Also found this great video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aNlR4-1IrM
  3. When I set a maneuver node, it tells me my delta-V. What am I supposed to do with that info? How long do I burn? I assume direction is either 90 or 270 degrees, depending on whether I'm increasing or decreasing apoasis or periapsis. Each node has 6 handles to interact with. Do I use only one? If I use one, then interact with another, does the first get nullified? Is there a tutorial or video that explains nodes and their use?
  4. Are you sure you're going against the spin? How do you know this? I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just trying to understand.
  5. Does the craft you switch to have MechJeb on it? If not, then MJ is not available.
  6. I tried putting top and bottom plates for fairings. Failed to create fairings around payload. http://www.rickdomain.com/ksp/procfairings.mpg
  7. Starwaster: Thanks for posting that image an explanation. Along with Taniwah, that answers my question.
  8. One of Rickover's boys? Excellent. BTW. Best kept Navy secret? Best chow is aboard the carriers. My father was on the Coral Sea (CVA-43) at the start of Vietnam. In port at Alameda, we'd visit him and hit the chow line.
  9. Spyritdragon: thanks for asking this. I was wondering the same thing and was going to post a thread.
  10. SIDEBAR: My father was a 36-year USN officer (Supply Corps). As a USAF 2nd LT, I read his retirement orders at his retirement ceremony. I was USAF for 10 years. THANK YOU for serving!!!
  11. DeeJay: thanks for the video. I've seen many of Manley's tutorials, but I missed this one. Kicker and Scarecrow: I appreciate that info. I'll put it to use. blizzy: I previously downloaded your video mod, but hadn't tried it yet.
  12. After dozens and dozens of manual docking failures, all ending with the QuickLoad key to try again, my frustration meter is pegged to max. I've watched a half-dozen videos on docking...I use NavyFish's mod...all to no avail. Nearly all docking begins with the premise that the docking vehicle has matched velocity vectors (speed and direction) with the target vehicle. That's where I'm having problems. I have SAS on. I may use main engine to catch-up. I use RCS to try to match velocities. Just when I get close to matching (I think), the target slips away or drifts because the docker's X-Y-Z vectors does not exactly match the target's. Once you can match velocities, such that docker and target are at zero relative velocity to each other, then docking is rather straight forward. Is there some secret I'm missing? I could use MechJeb, but I want to do without.
  13. Love the mod! Can you add an option whereby the payload is not at the top of the rocket? That is, at the top would be the command module (with fuel tanks, RCS thrusters, etc), next would be the payload (surrounded by the Procedural Fairings), followed by the booster(s). Upon achieving intermediate orbit, the command module would decouple, reverse to grab the payload, then proceed to final orbit or docking with a station. In other words, just like the Apollo missions.
  14. Already done. Give players choices to allow them to play the way they want to. Some people want autopilot, some don't. My, aren't you the smug, self-righteous, pathetic vermin. You cower in the anonymity of the internet to vomit your self-satisfied vitriol upon others, because you won't be called on it. You remind me of a cockroach, skittering about. Then, when the lights come on, you quickly run to the shadows. Please leave...adults are talking here.
  15. As HeadHunter said above, MJ autopilot docking is defective. It worked well in it's prior incarnation with KSP 0.20. For 0.21, MJ autopilot is a PoS. It would waste over 800 monoprop and still not dock. MJ's other functions are great. Thanks to NavyFish's mod, I can dock manually.
  16. Suggestion for version 3.0: docking auto-pilot. Allow player to activate once the vehicle and target are within 100 meters.
  17. And you are rude. Polite disagreement is to be encouraged. I've been a developer for over 40 years. When my clients indicate there is a bug in an application (even one in alpha/beta) it indicates three very important things to me: 1) It is a feature that my user really wants to use and sees a genuine purpose in the functionality. 2) The user is frustrated because that feature does not work as expected. 3) The user cannot accomplish tasks efficiently or effectively that are important. If fixing the bug is a quick fix, I'll pause "shiny new toy" development to expedite the fix. If it is a major fix, then it may well be a new requirement. In which case, it is added to the job queue and prioritized by the client to determine when/if it is to be fixed.
  18. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I respectfully disagree with all the above.
  19. Thanks to your mod, I was able to manually dock my vehicle for the first time. Previously, I used MechJeb autopilot-dock; however, the auto-dock in the latest version is a PoS!!!!! It wastes all the monopropellant and still doesn't dock. Once I was within 100 meters, I switched to docking mode, and your mod did the rest. THANK YOU
  20. The SpacePort Installation tab states: Simply Extract the top-level folder ("DockingPortAlignment") from the zip file, and place it in your "Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\" directory. The ReadMe file in the ZIP file states: Simply Extract the top-level folder ("DockingPortAlignment") from the zip file, and place it in your "Kerbal Space Program\GameData\" directory. I'm obviously going to try both locations (GameData and Plugins), but you may wish to make the installation instructions consistent.
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