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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. Just tried with MechJeb before you posted. Works great. Thanks, again.
  2. THANK YOU for this. I gave you a rep point as well. I asked the same question, in the official thread, that Mokokid asked. Works for MechJeb as well.
  3. May I suggest MagicSmokeIndustries mod. Lots of moving and rotating parts to construct the ramp you want.
  4. Agree with Chris. RCS on in the atmosphere? Oh hell no! SCS on? Absolutely YES! But, I'd do it myself so I'm certain of vehicle status.
  5. He's looking for a tether that automatically attaches to the kerbalnaut on EVA. FOR KAS, he has to go to the winch. Otherwise, a good workaround for now.
  6. 1000 "Thank You"s. The default highlighting is grossly insufficient when attempting to locate some parts buried in the rocket. THIS MOD SHOULD BE IN THE VANILLA GAME. It has joined my other MUST-HAVE mods. - MechJeb (for planning, not executing) - KOS - SelectRoot - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - Kerbal Alarm Clock - Editor Extensions. - Editor Part Highlighter All other mods are optional. BTW: may want to add to SpacePort
  7. Would it be possible to make the device smaller and less obtrusive (perhaps flatter)? Or radial mounted, about the size of MechJeb.
  8. I use the Docking Mode, so that I can use the WASDQE,SHIFT,CTRL keys. Add Navy's DPAI mod and you're set. Ensure that the docking port on your vessel is set to "Control from here", not the vehicle itself(which will throw you out of alignment).
  9. As Dart980 says, Infernal Robotics is everything you're asking for.
  10. When the player right-clicks on a part (to display the context menu) in flight and the part is too close to the right edge of the screen, then the right side of the menu is not displayed, i.e., displayed off screen. My suggestion is that when the above situation occurs, move the context menu to the left such that it is fully displayed. Other apps/mods, such as MJ, handle this situation. The game should do so as well
  11. Sirkut, this is one of the best mods out there. Given that Squad has NOTHING like this in stock, your mod ought to be incorporated as stock. I do not anticipate that Squad will ever develop stock parts that can do these things.
  12. MechJeb has all the planning features you need. Even if you NEVER use its auto-pilot functions. Therefore, MJ does the planning and you do the work. The Maneuver Node Editor is a great MJ app.
  13. I was thinking about the ALT keys as well. However, some folks assign the ALT keys as hot keys, like CTRL and SHIFT. Would be great, though, if we could have SHIFT-0, SHIFT-1,...ALT-0, ALT-1,...etc. Unfortunately, when pressing SHIFT-0, that would cause the vehicle to throttle-up before the 0 key was pressed.
  14. Right now, keys 0-9 can be assigned to Action Groups. The keycodes for 0-9 at the top of the keyboard are different keycodes than 0-9 on the numpad. Therefore, I suggest that numpad 0-9 be assignable to action groups in addition to action groups assignable to the top-of-keyboard 0-9.
  15. I always anticipate that an update will break savegames and mods that I have. This is a pre-alpha game after all. If it all works with a new update, then great! Otherwise, delete savegames and offending mods and go forth.
  16. Thanks for the in-depth explanation. I may have to dig into this now, although I may have to read your post a few times to comprehend it all.
  17. Being vanilla...hmmm.. So, if Squad were to incorporate somebody's mod into the game, then that mod is now part of the vanilla game experience. So, does that make the formerly non-vanilla mod acceptable as vanilla?
  18. Kerbal Alarm Clock. This is essential when time warping, especially over long periods.
  19. I'm not trying to start a flamewar here. I'm just curious. Mods come in two basic flavors: Parts and Gameplay. As I read through the forum posts, some players have very definite opinions concerning the use of mods in the game. ========================== Gameplay. Some folks are concerned that a mod, such as MechJeb auto-pilot (kindling for a flame war), changes the fundamental game dynamics and should not be allowed to anybody. Others view these mods as helpmates which enhance or ease the player's experience. Mods, such as Kerbal Alarm Clock, don't change gameplay; it just helps in the same way that time warping helps. Imagine how boring gameplay would be if there was no time warping. Yet, warping is built-in. If it were a mod, some folks complain that it changes the game play experience. I believe that if Squad hired more developers, they would eventually develop Kerbal Alarm Clock. =========================== Parts. "I just use stock parts." How often we've seen statements similar to this. Squad provides quite a nice inventory of stock parts. Yet, this inventory is limited by the number of developers at Squad. These same developers must devote time elsewhere as well, so they can't add more very often. If Squad suddenly expanded its modeling and texturing staff, then more stock parts would be forthcoming. However, Squad must work within its budget. So, no new hires for new parts. However, Squad has at its disposal, a huge staff of modelers and texturers. And, they work for free. This volunteer staff are individuals who create the mod parts that many of us use. There parts mods cover the gamut from command pods to tanks to engines to...whatever. Other parts mods, like KAS, are unique and very helpful. KAS does change gameplay experience in a subtle way. ============================ We come now to the crux of the matter. To use mods or not to use mods. Assume Player NoMod hates mods, won't use them, and doesn't want them available in the game to anybody. Player UseMod uses a variety of mods. Why does it matter to Player NoMod if Player UseMod uses a mod, especially a Gameplay mod? If a mod enhances or eases Player UseMod's experience, then why does it matter to Player NoMod? For instance, MechJeb auto-docking helps new players who have trouble docking. (On this issue, we often read the smarmy, self-righteous "Learn to do it manually!" or "I docked my first time. It's not that hard." statements.) If Player UseMod wants to use a mod part, why should Player NoMod care if Player UseMod uses that part? What is it that sanctifies a part if it is a stock part versus a mod part? Stock part, good. Mod part, bad. However, if Squad were to incorporate that mod part into the stock inventory, then it's OK according to Player NoMod. ============================= IMHO...there is no right way or wrong way to play KSP. Well, actually, there is a right way...YOUR way. Play it the way that makes it fun for you. If you want to use HyperEdit to put every vehicle in space and make perfect landings on Eve, then use it. If you don't want to use mods or a specific mod, then don't bloody use it. Just don't condemn those who do. Full disclosure: I use mod parts. I use MechJeb to plan, but not execute some maneuvers. I use Maneuver Nodes extensively for planning as well. And...(donning my flame retardant suit now)...I use MechJeb auto-docking to help dock, though I do 90% of the work by toggling auto-dock off and on while using NavyFish's DPAI. Discuss. Keep it civil.
  20. Great idea. Especially the sample scripts. I gave you a Rep for starting this.
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