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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. The MCE cost should equal the KSP costs, which includes fuel and oxy. I don't use the real fuels mod.
  2. Something is seriously wrong about MCE costing. In this image are two stock parts. When I started with the Stayputnik (cost: 2509), MCE showed the cost as 2359. When I added the Rockomax tank (cost: 5734), MCE showed the cost with LF and Oxy as 13566
  3. There are canisters (mods) that you can attach to your command module to store experiments. For instance, you could read the Goo. then EVA to remove it from the Goo container and store it in the canister. Then, reset your Goo container to use further along in your flight. You'll use that technique a lot when going to Mun, Minmus, and the planets. Allows you to return more science. There are other mods that will permit you to transfer the science from the Goo Container to the canister without an EVA.
  4. I use MechJeb for planning, not execution. NASA/ESA engineers don't use a clumsy, imprecise graphical tool to plot trajectories. Why would you? They use flight computers to model solutions. The KSP flight computer is called MechJeb. Don't want MechJeb? use Protractor. Edit in Advanced mode. At the top is a drop-down where you selected "Unanswered".And, as cantab says below, PreciseNode is an excellent tool for maneuver nodes. MJ has a maneuver node editor which is very precise.
  5. I use MechJeb for planning purposes; seldom for execution. MJ will show you you equatorial AN/DN nodes. You can then manually point your vehicle in the right direction and execute at the AN/DN node. MechJeb has a lot of excellent planning tools. NASA/ESA engineers don't use a clumsy, imprecise graphical tool to plot trajectories. They use flight computers to model solutions. the KSP flight computer is called MechJeb.
  6. I use one RTG as my backup to solar panels. Solar panels supply the main electrical needs. The RTG prevents the probe/command module/lander from dying when Kerbol is blocked. I cannot count the number of times I've launched (with no RTG) and forgot to unfold the solar panels, only to watch my ship die.
  7. Just checked and confirmed a long-held suspicion: I received no salvage values after recovering a ship. The mission was ComSat IV. Cost of the vehicle was $29,798 at launch. According to the cost window in the VAB,vehicle costs were 25,346 and fuel was 4452. Upon completing the mission in orbit, I received the $100,000; thus, my CB was now $100,083,098. I then retro-fired to bring the vehicle down. At some point, I then staged to separate the vehicle in two parts: probe section and booster section; both sections had parachutes. Prior to separation, the vehicle SV was $17262. After separation, the probe SV was 3475 and the booster SV was 13787. I followed both sections until they landed to ensure they were not destroyed; they weren't. While focused on the booster section, I clicked the recover vehicle button. Upon returning to the Space Center, I went to the Tracking Center. The probe section was not listed for me to recover. I went to the VAB to see how much CB I had. It was still 100,083,098. In other words , I was not credited with the salvage values of the probe nor booster. There were also two RT-10 SRBs with chutes that should have been salvaged. The cost in VAB with parachute for each was 3990. However, after launching and burning and separation, SV was shown as 3986 each. WTF? the difference between cost and SV is 4 ? So, adding together all the SVs of the pieces: 13787 + 3475 + 2x3986 = 25,234
  8. SUGGESTION: Other than random and stock missions, all MCE contracts/missions are in the MCContracts.cfg file. Ive added and modified missions in this file. When the new versions comes out, my missions are deleted by the file that replaces it. I suggest: rather than a single file with the missions, create a directory "MCContracts". This directory will contain all the mission files, one mission (with sub-missions) per file. Whenever the player wants to select one of the missions in the directory, the app can parse each file for just the lines that contain the "name", payment, and science points. When the player clicks a specific mission, the app can parse and display the info contained therein; this would use the same parsing algorithm it does currently. To simplify matter further, perhaps just do the name/payment/science parse just once when the game begins (when mods are loaded and initialized). Making this construct would also allow other players to create contracts to share with the player community. Finally, when you (malkuth) create new versions of MCE and add missions, the new files will not clobber the player-created missions. You could implement a naming standard; all official MCE missions would start with MCE and a number: MCE_001.cfg . All player-created content could be named whatever they choose.
  9. Best that you try it yourself on the parts you're interested in. Concerning the Mono-prop tanks; yes, it does work. Even works on the RCS jets as well. If a part is stock and it's logical to tweakscale it, then the mod-maker has probably added the functionality. You can add the functionality yourself; just follow the instructions in the orig post. I did so with the AIES parts pack.
  10. I have this problem as well. I was on dry land (Gilly). However, the Rover Research Box was atop my lander which was on legs. I folded the legs and toppled the lander so the Rover Research Box was actually sticking into the ground. All motion ceased. It still indicated that I had not landed. Sidebar: good to know about the "must be on dry land" requirement. I'm about to land on Laythe with Rover Research Box. Now I know to aim for land.
  11. Follow the examples in the first post and you can do this yourself. I did it with AIES parts pack.
  12. Not everything had or requires the Enable AGM button. I never have to use it anyway. I'm using KSP 0.23.5 and it works perfectly. I also previously used "Actions on the Fly". This mod is better.
  13. Found this interaction issue between TweakScale and Mission Controller Extended. I've reported it to the MCE mod-maker; so, I'll report it here as well. MCE is a contract and budget mod; when KSP 0.24 arrives, MCE will mostly go away. Mostly. When I scale MechJeb, the cost of the vehicle skyrockets. Note the cost of "Control & SAS". This vehicle is a stock MK1 Command Pod with MechJeb. This problem does not manifest itself with other parts.
  14. And, the offending mod is .......TweakScale. The following image is a ship with two parts: stock MK1 Command Pod and MechJeb. On the left, MechJeb is set to full (100%) size; the Control & SAS cost is correct. In the right image, MechJeb is half-size. Shrinking MechJeb causes the cost to spike upwards. Using TweakScale on other parts appears to not have this effect; just MechJeb. I mentioned the problem in the TweakScale thread. Another user (not the TweakScale modder) replied:
  15. MCE is miscalculating the ship's value. Note that Control & SAS shows as 52.647 MILLION. I believe that is incorrect. Here's the craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbe7ab21q01pipr/Mun%20Lander%202.craft
  16. Biotronic, this has become a MUST HAVE for KSP for me. Along with Kerbal Alarm Clock and MechJeb, EditorExtensions, and kData. For me, all other mods are nice-to-have.
  17. The Repair Contract bug may be fixed. Using MCE vers. 0.70, as soon as I clicked the "Start repair" button in the context menu, the MCE "Contract Complete" dialog popped up.
  18. Malkuth, I'm glad you made/tookover this mod. I use it extensively. It adds fun, variety, and challenge to the game. Like UAL002, I wondered if Squad had approached you to integrate some of MCE's ideas into 0.24. I know you've mentioned that you'll stripout a bunch of the missions when 0.24 arrives. Perhaps, MCE can exist along side KSP's official contract and budget system. That is, meld MCE contracts in with KSP's. Squad is aware of the modding community. First of all, they've made integration of mods easy. Secondly, every Monday, Squad highlights a specific mod, Modding Mondays.
  19. Thanks. I already fixed it in previous version. Just thought you'd want to know for future updates. Thank you. I added a rep to your profile. So, to set a specific LAN, you must start from a perfectly flat (inclination=0.00) orbit. As you approach the required LAN point, you must then accelerate north to immediately tilt the orbital axis. If you miss the LAN you want/need, you must then flatten your orbit and try again. Is this correct?
  20. 1. ComSat Contract IV reward should be 100000, not 10000 in stock.mpkg. ComSat III is 95000 and ComSat V is 110000. 2. In ComSat III, what is "LAN"? I googled that in terms of satellites and found nothing.
  21. I mostly use Crew Manifest to swapout Kerbalnauts on the launch pad. Unfortunately, this one cannot do that, I assume. In space, I EVA just for something to do..
  22. Set your Kerbal Alarm Clock for 5 days. Then, go to Space Center and 10k/100k time warp. At end of 5 days, go to Tracking Center, and "fly" your mission. Your five days will have passed and you'll get paid. If you don't user KAC, then just time warp for the five days at the Space Center. As you know, vers. 0.23.5 provides time warping from the Center.
  23. Continuing the Repair Mission bug discussion: I used vers 0.69. I made the change to MCcontracts.cfg. I received no error message during EVA. MCE still failed to indicate the mission/contract was completed. Here are the KSP and MCE savegames. The satellite to repair is Satellite Repair Target 3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pyr4gvioyp7jdt/MCE_Career.zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb4qgyhe3c2qh5u/Rick%20career%20%28CAREER%29.sp And, I previously mentioned; this is a small thing. After I complete the mission, I manually update my money and science values in the respective files. Secondly, with the advent of KSP 0.24, this issue goes away, because you're removing these missions from MCE. Again, thanks for a great mod that truly enhances gameplay. Hopefully KSP 0.24 Career wll live up to these standards.
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