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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Sometimes I don't know if Squad and the community have a good relationship. Sure, it's better than some, but the devnotes were awful until recently, and we still don't know anything about the admin facility except a very early model of it.
  2. It's KSP and KSO. Badly optimised game, with a really texture-heavy mod.
  3. GTA V isn't out yet, and GTA IV has an offline option.
  4. Oh no, you've reminded me of that moron who has a cult following who think gold is butter...
  5. All of these are valid points, whether or not there's a fix for them. If there is a fix, then you shouldn't be having the problems in the first place.
  6. Stock, because installing custom ones looks really complicated, I just want one where you start with planes.
  7. Do you have GTA IV? It's a REAL PITA to set up, but it's really fun, the game will last you a while (I'm still playing it, bought it a year ago) it's fairly old too, so should get discounts fairly often.
  8. That's sensible, actually. I don't like decimals that much.
  9. What do you mean, sense of humour? I was being serious! What have I said that's wrong? Seriously, what are you on about??
  10. I've never experienced it, but for spaceflight, or even for normal flight, I don't think it's that much.
  11. MEGA is very slow for downloads TBH... Nice content though.
  12. Just like sitting on explosives is the most efficient way of travelling in multiple directions at once.
  13. *its On "2. Why did you write this page?"
  14. So does everyone, but they're not telling us.
  15. Any reason for the ratings out of 10 instead of 5 like the standard? If just personal preference that's fine although it's easier to compare if everyone sticks to one scale.
  16. GTA IV Modability: 2.5/5 very hard to mod, range of mod is fairly limited Stability: 1/5 crashes a lot, especially with mods. I got a few BSODs from it too. Loading times: 3/5 meh, not too long, but not short either. Several screens to click through all with loading times between them. Ha, just as I was praising Papers Please for its stability, BSOD!
  17. As said above, remember fire (and therefore explosions) needs 3 things: ignition, fuel, and oxygen.
  18. Maybe for you, but in the time I played, I couldn't pull off a Duna return.
  19. Wow, they already do all they can to make landings easier? That will make it even harder to land a spaceplane on the carrier...
  20. Oh the irony... "We're telling you that we're working on something massive, but don't speculate about it, ok?" I erally hope it's IVA that's interactive.
  21. AFAIK, 0 means it isn't physicsless. It's a fact, 0.23.5 parts were probably rushed.
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