Now that you can quicksave while flying (most of the time, if the game is feeling happy when you try) you should fly your approach, get within, say, 1km from the runway, and practice landing. If you crash, just F9.
At that point, it would be safer to land in the sea... But what if the carrier was going fast and away from the orbiter? I don't how fast your local aircraft carrier can go, but if you can get it to the stall speed of the orbiter, it should be easier to land.
How many PCI-E plugs does your PSU have? I REALLY messed up, mine only had 1, GPU needed 2. Had to use a molex->PCI-E adapter... Oh, and what's with "shipping might not be such big a deal"?
I think I used that mod once (as in one time, not in a time long past) but since I don't use spaceplanes much, it wasn't fun. The IVA will set a high standard for the rest of them, and while we talk of IVA, WILL THE LAB FINALLY GET IVA (I've been waiting since December!)
I think R* announced they liked the idea of flying to other cities/combining games together. Modding is the main reason why I HAVE to buy it on PC, along with a more usable controller (IMO)
Do you think games will ever have no loading screens whatsoever? I assume having only a single screen at the beginning is already feasible with small games like FTL or Super Hexagon, but what about no loading screens within the game for big games like KSP: how soon do you think it will happen.
The Corsair 300R is the case I used. It's pretty big by my standards, but probably not that big really. Slight issue with headphone port, otherwise great. I would recommend it. And make sure you check your PSU has enough DAMN PCI-E CABLES TO POWER THE GPU!!!!!!!!!! Not that you should get a GPU for a low-end PC.