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Everything posted by Javster

  1. There is no link, probably got removed by moderators since you have no pictures.
  2. Look, I'm not here for life advice. If you're here to tell me to get a job, please go away and lecture someone else. Let me live my life how I want, I'll let you live yours. I will recognise you are the first person to give actual advice as well as lecturing, which is to sell parts on Ebay. Thanks for that. Unfortunately, my computer is an all-in-one, so the parts are a bit more specific, so less useful to most people. I'll give it a go though. What I'm looking for, ideally, is something which i can specialise this machine for, the same way I'd add a graphics card to do video editing. If I wanted to use it only as a server, somehow, how would I optimise it?
  3. Honestly don't see how this helps...
  4. (That's not a new Jane Austen novel by the way ) As you might have seen from another thread, I'm planning on building a new gaming computer. This is the parts list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/3YcH7P. Now I need funding. Basically, I need to convince my parents that the price is worth it for a computer that will last me a long time. I also need to find a good use for my current computer (which is not great for gaming but fine for word processing etc.) EDIT: Should this be in off topic? It's related to computing but not directly. EDIT 2: To clarify, I am looking mainly for things to do with my old computer, as that is my parents' main objection.
  5. Yes, but 99% of mods make an attempt to keep themselves balanced in relation to the game.
  6. That's, uh, never... At least I can't think of anything. In fact, why have this sub-forum?
  7. You'd have to do it on purpose to get stuck in the middle. Surely you'd have some velocity when you move away from the side?
  8. I changed the SSD slightly and I think that's it.
  9. That's what I was going for. Terrifyingly fast was not completely intended, I just wanted a fairly fast gaming computer, but terrifyingly fast sounds great! Following the advice of a friend I changed it to this http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/NX3t99 Planning on getting one of these instead of wi-fi card
  10. I'll stick with http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/NX3t99 then. It is £50 more, but that isn't too much if you consider total cost (ignore the below it's my personal ramblings) FINAL CHOICE http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/NX3t99 vs http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/QY2VmG
  11. They don't even need to add tracks, they just need to put the code in so we have folders for each SOI, with the default music in each one, which anyone can replace.
  12. I replaced them with a hybrid drive. Also I'm not sure what you mean by QVL
  13. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/QY2VmG Are there any obvious parts missing? If I were to build it would it be fine?
  14. With that amount of tech, they could probably obliterate us from where they are, if they wanted to. Maybe they know we exist but they're hiding.
  15. [shamelesspromotion]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85408-About-KSP-s-music[/shamelesspromotion]
  16. More spaceplane parts would be nice, or actually finishing them (IVA, please?)
  17. Really good idea, could be useful. An "AutoOut" option would be good for space stations, where you would select a tank which would automatically send fuel Out to any fuel tank (eg. on a visiting spacecraft)
  18. The whole concept of Keep It Simple Stupid is what made that idea happen, IMO. I don't know if that applies today.
  19. Personal favourite is Atlantis, I'm not sure why, but it was the only launch I was really aware of (STS-135), before that I knew they were a thing, but I heard little about launches. Side note: it really annoys me how way more people (I was going to write "most people" but that's sadly not true) know about Challenger than Columbia. Both were equally tragic accidents, but not that many people know about Columbia. Maybe it was because of the timing (launch vs re-entry), loads of people saw Challenger but few saw Columbia?
  20. As long as they keep that guitar that they had on Mir too...
  21. I think it would be simple enough to basically transpose the fuel bar onto the manoeuvre node, and don't worry about new players, since the game is hardly kind to them anyway, relying on the community to make tutorials... Besides, newbies don't use manoeuvre nodes.
  22. It's really good. EDIT: trying to embed it Imagine this playing during DEFCON, although the current music is really good.
  23. Not a bad idea, and maybe the main gameplay should focus on daily ship life, where you start off as a junior guy, and eventually become the captain at the end of the game. Battles should be rare-ish events, but not too rare, or it might get boring.
  24. That would be best for Minmus IMO I think there certainly should be more tracks, whether or not they are by the same person. Thinking about it, the music KSP uses is at a professional standard, it's just that the composer allows everyone to use his music.
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