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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Same as above: maybe... Because when I came back 0.24 would have come out Seriously, it would be a challenge, and the trip would be long and probably uneventful...
  2. Very fancy design, I would like it to grow and get more users! EDIT: Added some promotion for the site in my description! That will be K9999.99 per day, get 0.1% off if you use the code "totesnotEA"
  3. I guess it's ok that it was in an incorrect-but-more-viewed category, since the reply was faster (not that I'm encouraging confusing among sub-forums!)
  4. Good idea for a thread. Loads of people (including me!) ask for mod suggestions.
  5. I swear I saw another post with this very recently. I thought this was the one except for the date. I'm surprised that page wasn't on the Kerbal website or the Daily Kerbal or something.
  6. I really like the idea of not having a "perfect" Kerbal with maximum stats: even stupid Kerbals carry a bonus.
  7. You had the chance to meet a much better kind of celebrity. I'd rather meet an astronaut than an actor.
  8. Now you mention it, so do many things in KSP somehow...
  9. Are these the people who get the updates of an unfinished game before us *restrains self from ranting*
  10. I think 99% of people on this forum cried inside while watching this video. He did learn some things, but DIDN'T ADD CONTROL SURFACES AND DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THEM Editing this post as I watch the video ARGH How did he not realise the centre of lift was not supposed to be ahead of the centre of mass?? WHY DOES HE THINK THE POWER CAUSES THE BACKFLIPS???????? Oh he's finally realised the wings are in the wrong place Ha! Even someone who's only played a tiny bit is having trouble with the terrible VAB and SPH system... He's only got one wing! NO!! ADD MORE WING SURFACE!!!!! DON'T MOVE THE WINGS!!! Can we agree for you to play other games please? Please Dan? PELASE?? *please You nooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo000000000000000oooooooooooooooob! Yay! You got off the ground! Yay! You touched the runway. Before exploding. That wasn't your debris. That was the runway lights. Please don't be a pilot. Also you made that joke about you being a pilot before. GAHHHH is a summary of KSP for noobs.
  11. As you may know, the Steam Summer Sale is going on at the moment. Many games are discounted during this time. It has various short events where a small selection of games are discounted further, so many can be bought at low prices. The majority of games are discounted by 60-75% of their original price. How is it that Kerbal Space Program is NEVER discounted beyond 40% ANYWHERE? I've seen it discounted on the Humble Store, for examaple. 40% off. The game is currently (as of 25/06/2014 18:54) on a Daily Deal. At 40% off. Looking at the games currently on a Daily Deal (as of 25/06/2014 19:00): 25% -1 40% -1 50% -3 75% -4 7 out of the 9 games on there are at or below half off. Also notice that the other games are ALL at a quarter, two quarters, or three quarters off. Yet KSP lingers at this neither-here-nor-there 40%. This is very weird, but the weirdest thing is that it never goes below this 40% mark. Has the game been turned into an exclusively moneymaking scheme? Are the developers afraid of dropping the price their too-expensive-to-many-of-my-friends-who-I-have-asked-about game to at least half price?
  12. Welcome to the forums! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/25-Welcome-Aboard is the correct forum for introductions.
  13. Change it to something like a random combination you write down, then change it back?
  14. If you get killed multiple times by the same sniper, UR A NOOB LOL you haven't thought about taking a different approach to remove the sniper, therefore UR A NOOB LOL.
  15. "new working link" "The account which posted this video has been terminated" YouTube does NOT want you to show us this video.
  16. The Mun doesn't like ion engines because they use electrolysed Mun dust
  17. I'm getting really annoyed because I keep finding new games I want, today I bought Civ V... And I still want Far Cry 3! And I've run out of money on my Steam Wallet!!
  18. I think if you don't make the link public, you'll be fine.
  19. It is, but most people barely ever use it, so it would be extra clutter in Propulsion.
  20. What are "cussy words"?? I assume you mean swearing/profanity? Anyway, I still don't have an avatar, can't think of a good image...
  21. Such an awesome place! They make robot arms, and they don't even tarnish their reputation (for me anyway) by playing in the world cup.
  22. At least you're on the same continent! Starting to wonder whether I'd have a better chance going to Baikonur...
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