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Everything posted by Sirine

  1. Lets give the OP a 48 hours (2 days from now) of waiting. - from this post date stamp. If he did not turn up. We can start our own voting. via, just stated here (in this post) who would you vote. Aside from that. I would like to promote my Tug abit. 1) It has TWR of 1.95 (while fully fuel) : It can push a pretty high mass. (10~50 Tons) 2) It has 2830 Vacumn-Delta-v : It can land on Mun, and back to LKO with its spare Ion engines no problem. 3) 2164 Vacumn-Delta-v of Ion Engines mode : It has spare Ion engines just in case that it can go to fuel-station to refuel itself, and no need to wait for other to come for it. 4) It has Science equipment on it. (Added value) 5) It has the direction indicator. The light pointing which way is Up. 6) It has RSC for fine-movement. 7) It has Reaction Wheel value of 20.5: enable easier turning, or stabalizing its toll. 8) Simple design, that the docking port can be easily switch to Jr. or std. docking port.
  2. Is the official soccer mod consider vanilla? It had a very high impact tolerant.
  3. I love your craft. Would you mind to share it? Call me stupid. I can't seem to duplicate one that manage to fly to LKO. Later Edit: Ok. I got it now...I'm installing FAR with missing the module manager and toolbar plugins...After fixing this. I manage to get the plane to LKO.
  4. I have try to duplicate your plane. But it seems that there are something that I'm missing. F.A.R or without F.A.R. Can't even make it to Kerbin Orbit. Perhaps you could enlighten me? Craft file Here.
  5. Well, the Garden module is definitely not a stock part. But it does not however help in making my 'Tug' any good. The OP stated that stock-station-core + whatever you want to dock. So, what is the matter I dock it with my garden module?
  6. I'm sorry to interrupt this 'discussion'/challenge. Please bear in mind, that.. having F.A.R. mod versus not having one, are having huge impact on the atmosphere environment. OP please stated this challenge/ discussion are base on which ground. With the FAR mod, or without one?
  7. This is a challenge about, 'could' your tug really do its job. To prove it, you do a mission, and my pictures shows it can. Arguing over a 'stock' only "space station core" standard-docking-port is invalid, since my space station core, CAN have a sr. docking port. Can't I. It is not a challenge anymore if you try to disqualify all your competences. The OP does not specifically stated that you "must" have a normal docking port, instead, it stated, you must 'fly' the mission.
  8. You did refuel the Mun lander at every Mun surface <-> Space plane(Cruise) route. right? And you did deploy the Mun lander, hence consider a stage? Further more, you did not show how your cruise are going to back to KSC, the technical difficulty here are when your fuel are depleted your COM will shift, causing your cruise to be unstable, compair with while its lift-off from KSC. Note: forum will never allow attachment. Try using 3rd party hosting site, such as www.
  9. Craft File Download. -> Here Press '1' for toggle ion engines. Press '2' for toogle normal engines. Press '0' for solar panel. Part Count: 75 (without lifter) Delta-V: Ion engines mode about 11,538m/s Delta-V: Normal engines mode about 3,175m/s Facing indicator (important for docking procedure for finding a proper way Up). Example: A garden module that is in danger of falling back to Kerbin. Calling "Tug." for help to raise its orbit.
  10. Learn to be really understand/read your Nav-Ball, The tricks are near the end of the video. (Recommended practice at Minmus.)
  11. How to name something, that we don't even know of? Yes, we hear about the incoming 0.24 having contracts, currency etc...but, hey, I really need to play it to really name it.
  12. May I know what mod are you using ?
  13. Try aim higher, then later will be much simpler. Example:- Build a (400tons payload) RSS lifter to Lower Earth Orbit. Then you will have no problem reaching the Moon (Mun).
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhy18eKcvys For your reference. Btw, LKO is 70,000m. (69,something actually)
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51610-Flying-around-on-the-Mun For Your Reference.
  16. Recently playing RSS (Real Solar System). It seems that the RSS mod maker, can't make the Kerbin (Earth) tilt for an angle. Instead, he make the whole universe tilt to a ~35 degree. At first, I thought that was a difference way to see it. Since universe don't really have up or down. -------------- Next, the problem. I have a craft from Duna (Mars) transfer back to Kerbin (Earth), and it seem that the angle [AN]/[PN] will not stay constant. Once warp, the [AN]/[PN] will shift to a distance (a few 0.x degree). After some thought. I believe, the centre for Axies, are not the same. In normal KSP, the Axies centre at the Kerbol (Sun), once you get your [AN]/[PN] to a 0 degree, it will stay there, except your move your ships to other direction. In RSS, once you-warp at Kerbol (Sun) orbit, the craft is going with a 0 degree movement (Calculation), hence the angle will change. 『Difference reference point from the craft (reference to ksp Kerbal), and the planets that orbiting the Kerbol (sun) 〠-------------- Question:- How to solve this shifting angle? (Unity Engine? Config?)
  17. [0.23.5]? Please add in config for S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster, Kerbodyne KR-2L Advance Engine, and LFB KR-1x2. And the ignitor Toolsbox, Please make it usable without KAS. (Or stated that it required KAS to work). Thanks! Thumb-up for a good mod.
  18. A failure that can be prevent. (However I'm not expecting a success return from Moon the very 1st times, and, after 4 times of F9, thats the best that it get). Using following mods.
  19. Agree. To OP. Squad does not owe you anything. Or does you donate a fair amount of $ for their development? Or contribution? Or support of any kind? If fact, are you playing a genuine copy of KSP?
  20. Learn to read the Nav-Ball. It tells more than what you think it has.
  21. Hi and welcome aboard to KSP. To prolong and make the most of the fun juice from KSP. Below are few advices. 1) Never install any mod. Play the game vanilla, start from the in-game tutorial, then sandbox mod, after that career mod. 2) Build your best rocket to orbit Kerbin. 3) Try your best effort to land on Mun (Sandbox), then back to Kerbin. 4) Try your best effort to land on Duna/Eve moon. then back to Kerbin. 5) Try your best effort to land on Mun (Precision landing). Landing side by side of difference launch. You might want to play the game as per your wishes. So, is all up to you to decide.
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