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Everything posted by Sirine

  1. To prolong the game experience, please start playing game without any mod. Jump directly to mod only give you bugs and odds game behavior.
  2. Put up a signboard. State your outpost name. Logo.....big logo.
  3. If resceale mod are allowed. Making a ultraman/Godzilla size kerbalnaunt could easily solve this issues.
  4. Could this "Museum" things be the "administration building" talking about at the Devnote? Seems.... likely...
  5. I believe it is the life support that killing his crew. He only having 1 chance. I presume.
  6. Play the tutorial 1st. Let it be there for some meaning.
  7. Simple. 1) Undock. 2) F5. (Within docking magnet distance). 3) F9. 4) Automatic re-dock.
  8. Since you install so many mod. Why not http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v3-4. Construct your craft at orbit. Logical, and realistic.
  9. Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Feel free to ask. And remember to play the game on your own style.
  10. Make sure you are not in "docking port magnet range" (about 1~2 meters between docking port). Hit F5, Then Hit F9. This should fix the rotation.
  11. Below solution apply to KP-1~4. Just make sure your front wheels are not angle. Please list your mods use...I have try to load your craft file...about 2 hrs trying to figure out what mods did you install.... for KP 5. Just make sure your side wheels are 'straight', when your craft hit the ground. Normally, The middle section of your craft will be pull down-worth by gravity. Hence, creating angled wheels. Including fixed craft file for KP 5. Download here.
  12. You're clipping too much on that thing. So it explode when game physic hit.
  13. 64 bits means 0.24.x . Mechjeb with part means older mods. Solution: Update your Mods to 0.24 compatible.
  14. register a free account at www.. Upload, and post the link here.
  15. Perhaps, post your persistent.sfs or quicksave.sfs. We could help you to identify the problem. Pretty quick.
  16. @jamgoth Please be specific? You want us to give you a save file that shows all the Monoliths? Give you rough location? Give you exec coordinate? Give you a craft that capable of explore the Monoliths? Below are a bit of everything. http://www.kerbalmaps.com/
  17. Yeah, but you can't denied that expert like you will need to take more than 30mins just to get that plane to orbit Kerbin.
  18. @ Speeding Mullet : Here, try this out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52141-KSP-Test-Pilot-Challenge It works in 0.22, but not tested on 0.24.2.
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