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Everything posted by Sirine

  1. Bases or Orbital station serve no purpose without the Kathane Mod.Except your own fantasy.
  2. Thread 11 already provided the download link. Seems that today I can play the invisible man. Im so unnoticeable...
  3. I believe you are referring to the OP rocket. Yes. But lets give OP the chances to learn, or find out how to design a better version. (However I think OP will ask the next question...)
  4. @Keymaster89 Edit 1st thread, click 'advance edit'.
  5. http://www./view/k0o6poovxg66cfp/Bad_Lifter.craft Put this craft file to your 'Save->Assembly' folder. And load from the assembly to attach it to the bottom of your craft... Note: Remember to put some strut to hold them together.
  6. Note:I always admire your 'big' whack building. You might want to consider this. Build it at VAB will cause some 'balance' issues, due to the part placement are not...serial enough. Especially the wheels. With this mod, KSC is your SPH. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hangarextender/
  7. I think this thread should be more on 'bugs' or 'glitches' than suggestion. Hope to see this get fix at 0.24.
  8. Kerbin sea are sticky as soup. It is not practical to explore the sea. Head up and explore the sky. They are Kerbal, they walk slow, but they fly fast. So, VTOL for sea, and the sky. Kerbal travel intercontinental via...rockets+wings. Boat is simply too slow for their taste.
  9. Jeb clone himself for multiple-times, so even, he is easily kill, but, impossible to lost. (Same for his buddy too). Thats 1 of the reason why, Kerbalkind get rocket with man mission 1st before they get the satellite remote control mission. You will see him back in no time.
  10. Just realize this is your 1st post. And welcome to KSP.
  11. Nice...the Desert Temple are above the desert now...perhaps you should pay a visit?
  12. F9....did you have a quicksave file there? copy that out, create a new game, dump that quicksave in, start the game, in action, press F9. and you are back to last save state.
  13. @Jasonden Staging (S) = 1 for asparagus, 2 for conventional Why promoting conventional launch? Asparagus is proven more effective, and harder to build. no?
  14. I think lots of people missing the point here. OP just want that "flight in progress" at the Beginning Load Game Screen to be remove. Nothing to do with any in game content.
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62903-Flags-are-not-Flights-in-Progress Need some communities voice. 0.24 should fix this. 1) You agree. 2) You don't agree. 3) You don't care.
  16. Direction of parachute look weird....
  17. @ Speeding Mullet Have you choose you Mun base location yet??? Some advice... 1) Choose a high + flat ground for your base. Ideally near the equatorial line...High > 4000m. Higher the ground and more you safe fuel. 2) If you use Kathane Mode. Make sure your Kathane deposit (randomly generated) are near, or direct beneath your base floor. Put this line Debug = True at the settings.cfg under the Kathane mod folder. This will give you ideal on how your Kathane deposit locate. 3) Make you base mobile-able. If you can.
  18. Why don't we have some..."official mission/challenge" from SQUAD/Moderators. So, we cal fill the times in between updates? Example:- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52141-KSP-Test-Pilot-Challenge?highlight=pilot+test
  19. 1.) What's the minimum thrust in kN for one ton worth of rocket to achieve liftoff on Kerbin? Plain mass, not payload. Is it 9.82, because gravity? Or is it something else? (Sorry my physics is bad ) A) You are asking about... TWR. (Thrust to Weight Ratio). There are formula that you don't want to go into. Simple solution, get a mods call Engineer Redux. TWR > 1 = lift. 2.) Are there any differences between probe cores that I am missing? There's so many of them, and they all seem to have largely the same stats. I am looking at weight, at reaction wheel torque, and at power consumption (both probe itself and reaction wheels). Is there something else to them that gives a good reason for this large a variety? No. Aside for aesthetic (Good looking Satellite)
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