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  1. Looks liek teh CKAN version does not work, I don't have the gui, some part elements are present but most of the MOD is missing. EDIT, ye because CKAN installs 1.9 not 2.0 ...
  2. Hmm Nothing happens if I press B strange.
  3. Looks like the radiation belts do not work, I have the mission to cross it but It never gets completed, and I can not see the graphic on the map either. Am I missing something or is this a bug ?
  4. Maybe this was already answered, can the stock 1.2 ground stations be used as RT ground stations somehow ?
  5. I'm trying to build a basic airplane from the first unlocked plane parts, basic non retractable landing gears, but every time I try to move them after placement they jump inside the the fuselage. Is there a workaround for this ? I can't build any airplanes right now
  6. Hi, Quick question about mach number and IAS Never mind I figured it out , my understanding of TAS was wrong Basicly I was wondering if mach number is IAS or TAS , but it is TAS and it is good that way .
  7. "Give the Bonanza engine a new propeller config" Dose this mean spinning prop graphic ? I still see a spinning and a stopped pro together.
  8. Ye it was a weight issue sorry and thx fro the help.
  9. Don't know if this is the right place to ask. Is there a way to add fuel to wings somehow ?
  10. Oh I'm not saying it is a correct value but currently it is impossible to take off , the IO-550 engine is not usable at the moment. My Cessna replica barely doing 60 - 65 m/s thats about 80 knots IAS, real Cessna 182 easily do 150 IAS on sea level with a 230 hp engine. But it is totally possible that other parameters are to be blamed. this 5kN was calculated in the RP0 topic. I just want a usable IO-550
  11. IO-550 only produce 3.6 kN thrust on the runway (RP0) , still too low, my Cessna 182 replica cant really take off (was 1,7kN before the patch) so its better but still too low. As someone mentioned in the RP0 thread it should be around 5,5 kN - - - Updated - - - IO-550 only produce 3.6 kN thrust on the runway (RP0) , still too low, my Cessna 182 replica cant really take off (was 1,7kN before the patch) so its better but still too low. As someone mentioned in the RP0 thread it should be around 5,5 kN
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