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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Raptor831: ullage is a kspfield loaded from the part config, so yeah it will apply to stuff in flight...however, you can turn ullage (and limited ignitions) off in RealSettings.cfg.
  2. IMO the Unity 4.x / KSP DX11 client isn't worth the bother. Got waaaay too many weird issues to be worth the time.
  3. MOARdv: RealFuels currently contains ullage and ignition code. Since RPM supports/ed EngineIgnitor, I'm wondering if you could add similar support for RealFuels's implementation, and what I can do to take that easy for you.
  4. FAR has a negligible impact on RAM, correct. The old map should be fine. For ascent, this may prove useful.
  5. Requia: KW Rocketry installed? Necrobones; Alas RF does not handle mesh switching, so yeah they'd all need to be handled the same at the moment.
  6. Uh...what kind of trajectory do you fly!? Anyway, you can copy the parameters from the drogues into the mains. That'll give you probably 450-500m/s limits for mains.
  7. Well, I just found and fixed an issue with LR105 mass, so it turns out LR105 does make sense after all
  8. Bulkhead profiles are only used for filtering in the VAB/SPH, they are not used for drag calcs. Drag calcs only care if something is attached by a node or not; beyond that the drag cube of each part is queried to see how much area is at that joint.
  9. Yep, arbitrary unit is arbitrary. Though on the solar panels--if you take 1EC = 1 kJ their W/m^2 is totally screwy (the surface area is too small), but their watts per kilogram is actually pretty spot-on. Voyager's RTG started at 470W so 750 isn't that far off...
  10. The agent files are converted back to png in git. As mentioned by nightingale here it's possible to keep the main agent files dds but add scaled copies, but in this case it's probably simpler to just keep things png. EDIT: If possible it'd be very nice to have all 8 transforms, so the RO hypergolic FX could look right. Also also while I'm making asks ( ) could you lengthen the tubes coming up from the AJ10, and also make a long-nozzle variant of the AJ10 (i.e. just lengthen and widen the nozzle to about 1.25x to 1.5x its length and diameter--there really aren't many reference photos). Thanks so much!
  11. I...really don't have anything to say except keep being awesome!
  12. Um, I don't see how not being able to save _while your engines are burning_ has anything to do with not being able to stop once you get to orbit and continue tomorrow. The way stock saves in flight is by shutting your engines down, then restarting them on load. That uses an ignition. As to inability to (re)start a stage that has >=1 ignitions remaining, I have not seen that and would like reproduction steps with a fresh craft using the latest RF and Solver Engines.
  13. Yes, you can. skinMassPerArea - defaults to 1 (kg/m^2)
  14. Some flames on ascent are fine. Just because you're going fast enough to make the air glow doesn't mean it's imparting worrying levels of heat.
  15. If you have it, use the LR91 instead. Much higher TWR, basically the same Isp.
  16. DX11 is not a stable client for KSP. I dare say if the Unity folks knew what was breaking for you they'd fix it.
  17. If the log's reporting structural failure that sounds like something joint-related rather than temperature-related, tbh. I too would love to see a screenshot of the Thermal window. Also, since this is a modded install, I assume you have ModuleManager? Can you post the contents of KSP/GameData/ModuleManager.Physics ? That is the final cfg that KSP loads when ModuleManager is present.
  18. Different shapes are not separate parts. There's only one part per fill type--the shape, as the name implies, is created procedurally once you place the part.
  19. I would be shocked if X-405 could air-start. TestFlight basically doesn't allow it to, for the record.
  20. Yup, Svm420, you're awesome! 1. No engine configured for RF will use it, but engines that are unconfigured will still use it. 2. LOX is a good oxidizer. "Oxidizer", like "LiquidFuel", is a fantasy resource. Who knows what it is or what its properties are. 3. It means high Isp. Hydrolox engines generally have lower TWR in fact, but they do have excellent Isp. 4. This sounds like you didn't install ang engine pack like the OP says you need. Here's how it works. You download RF, and an engine pack (rigbt now, Realism Overhaul or Stockalike RF configs). you laod KSP, place a tank, place an engine under it, then right-click the tank and tell it to autofill. Or you can open the GUI (show GUI in the menu) and edit tanks manually. You can also make the GUI appear by going to Action Group Editor mode and selectng the tank. In other news: Changelog: v10.4.9 Hotfix for the hotfix. Don't load/save ullage sim data in editor. NOTE: You may have to detach and reattach your engines in saved craft. Also, action groups involving engines will need to be remade.
  21. Number of cores doesn't have anything to do with 64bit. You're seeing 8 cores because of Hyper-threading.
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