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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. These may help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126318-Part-heating-rate and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118839-Updating-Parts-to-1-0
  2. Confirmed that the dev version is working great for me as well, it even gave me splashes back.
  3. That would probably mean that the control surface transform needs to be rotated 180 degrees along the axis of the hinge.
  4. Yeah, stupidly I have forgotten to make RSS require it. It should. Vaporized Steel: that does sound pretty bad. Probably you didn't download a release and instead downloaded source? You can grab the release directly with this link: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/releases/download/v0.00000-testKSP1-9/RP-0-v0.00000-testKSP1-9.zip
  5. At least one of your PROPELLANTs must have nonzero mass. Thrust = massflow * Isp * 9.80665, if mass flow is 0, no thrust. This is usually done by making the engine generate a dummy resource which it then consumes.
  6. Nice work! There was a note in some dev note or changelog that the sidereal period was reduced to try to create a 6h solar day...
  7. RoketMan that sounds like a bad install. Make a clean, fresh install of KSP. Then _only_ install, manually, the Proc Parts from this thread's OP. Then test.
  8. Aw fer crying out loud. I meant RSS! RSS ships with a physics file! ...I have too many mods.
  9. As I said, compare the regular and drogue cfgs and copy the extra parameters (temp, skin mass, etc) over.
  10. Alas we do. There's a nice big fat sticky at the top of this forum that details how to post your logs, and what other info we need.
  11. You also don't need to worry about NEEDS[tac] if you're only running on AFTER[tac] since that pass won't exist if tac isn't installed.
  12. Occams: RSS includes some timewarp changes that increases maximum warp. Lilienthal: No worries at all. You should definitely install the latest off github, and you should try RP-0 pre #9, which I consider to be a release candidate. Assuming nothing breaks for you (and for everyone else testing) I'd like to release both shortly. EDIT: And I _do_ have a bad habit of not-releasing things. pjf is good about poking me out of that, and so are you now.
  13. MugWanaBe: as you were told on the FAR thread, it's not that no one wants to help. It's that we can't reproduce the problem with current FASA and current FAR (frizzank: that patch was for a long-ago FAR version and is no longer needed). I suggest starting with a clean install of KSP, manually installing just FASA and just FAR (from FAR's thread's Release link), and trying to reproduce the problem.
  14. Female kerbals have a different partname. If you're catching EVA kerbals by partname, you'll miss female kerbals.
  15. That's due to having ATM or Texture Replacer improperly marking agency textures as read only. Fix is on git (and on the now-closed issue).
  16. VonFrank: The current physics file that ships with RO _does_ make reentry survivable with the stock heat shields. I've tested it myself. Are you using a sufficiently high perigee?
  17. Crossposting here: Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in KSP: Use an unguided, solid TLI burn to get a lunar impact. I'm rather proud. RO/RP-0. The rocket was a 2x LR79 first stage, Agena A second stage. Parking orbit of about 230x220km. The probe was a 20in X-Ray core plus 4x Comm16 and a couple 1kg science experiments in addition. The TLI stages were 1x Baby Sergeant and then 6x Baby Sergeant. I had to create a maneuver node of precisely the correct m/s delta V from the kicks (it took some doing to figure out how much kick the decoupler gave too...) The whole Agena+kick+payload was spun up by onboard RCS about a minute prior to TLI, then separated at T-10 (i.e. no more yaw/pitch/roll, just ability to stage), first stage fired at T-7, second at T+1. The result is the second picture. EDIT: ignore the "dV expended", there's an MJ bug.
  18. Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in KSP: Use an unguided, solid TLI burn to get a lunar impact. I'm rather proud. RSS/RO of course. The rocket was a 2x LR79 first stage, Agena A second stage. Parking orbit of about 230x220km. The probe was a 20in X-Ray core plus 4x Comm16 and a couple 1kg science experiments in addition. The TLI stages were 1x Baby Sergeant and then 6x Baby Sergeant. I had to create a maneuver node of precisely the correct m/s delta V from the kicks (it took some doing to figure out how much kick the decoupler gave too...) The whole Agena+kick+payload was spun up by onboard RCS about a minute prior to TLI, then separated at T-10 (i.e. no more yaw/pitch/roll, just ability to stage), first stage fired at T-7, second at T+1. The result is the second picture. EDIT: ignore the "dV expended", there's an MJ bug.
  19. Some engines do use bladders, yes. (All RCS, for example.) The Generic Thrusters do (they're basically just big RCS anyway). Dragon01 pointed out the LMAE did (we need to fix that in RO), and there are some others. But in general you'll want to use either RCS, or sets of small solid motors as ullage motors. The upcoming RF will make this easier by disabling natural diffusion when you're under any thrust at all; right now it's very hard to ullage heavy stages without, say, solid ullage motors. But the simple answer is: yup, you make it stable with RCS and then ignite.
  20. The thing about aerospikes (well, altitude-compensating nozzles generally) is that they are not magic. You don't magically get nearly the same Isp at sea level and in space (let alone at 5atm and in space) no matter what. And I'd really rather KSP didn't break more laws of physics than it needs to. An aerospike will, for the same cycle and chamber pressure: 1. Always be worse than a bell nozzle, at the bell nozzle's optimum ambient pressure. 2. Be better than most, but not all, bell nozzles in vacuum. 3. Be considerably better than a bell nozzle at a higher ambient pressure than the bell nozzle's optimum (doesn't have to worry about overexpansion), but is not magically better.
  21. Thanks! I do, I'm just super busy sad to say. I do have a few more written which I'll try to upload soon.
  22. Aluminum Oxide: CKAN is a Mono application. That means, just as Java applications require a Java install (but will work on any computer that has Java installed) CKAN requires a Mono install. Install Mono, then install CKAN and run it. There should be a guide on the CKAN thread or on the CKAN repo. You will definitely want to make a clean KSP install (no mods) before starting installing Realism overhaul, and you should select no part packs from the Suggested tab, only those mods that CKAN already defaults to installing. boosters++: I'll check that out. That seems another case of the "says stable but vapors out" bug... That said...it's time for another Exciting Episode of The Myth that Just. Won't. Die. Think of an aerosol can. Just because you pump it full of nitrogen doesn't mean that you're any more liable to get 100% paint than if it had no nitrogen at all. Without something separating the pressurant and the propellant, you're going to get pressurant as well as propellant...unless you apply a force such that the heavy propellant goes to one end, and the light pressurant goes to the other. Further, all tanks are pressurized. Note that RF (on right click) doesn't say Pressurized: True/False, it says Highly Pressurized: True/False. There's pressurant in the tanks of pump-fed engines too, just the tank's at a lower pressure (say, 2atm instead of 20+atm).
  23. If your propellant status is unstable, then the engine will use up its ignition and then immediately flame out. You need to provide some stability first--small solid ullage motors, or RCS burn. Do that until it says stable.
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