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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Which turbojet? I suggest asking the FAR thread, and point out you're using AJE and exactly what engines are available. They'll help you with area ruling. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121176-Official-FAR-Craft-Repository
  2. balu0: Sounds like a bad SXT or Firespitter install. I was referring to the numerical model that governs performance. Phearlock: Then you have a bad dll somewhere. The bug was fixed two versions of SolverEngines ago. If you're still having it, then you need to try a clean install and get the newest version of it and AJE (2.4 of AJE). MicroUzi: Keep trying. Known issue with CKAN, it spams github with requests and github refuses after a while. Just try again until it comes through.
  3. I suggest that, like RSS, you include a basic physics patch on :FIRST (so any other physics patches run after).
  4. Generate mipmaps unless you expect to only see the texture from one distance (i.e. a GUI item).
  5. I've done all sorts. For RftS, I've used Greek for US, bow and torsion weapons for German missiles and Norse/Viking/etc for German capsules, and Roman (with Rainbow codes) for the UK. In my prior career I used bays for boosters and rivers for upper stages; in my present career I'm using bird names for sounding rockets (and planes), dog breeds for boosters and felines for uppers, and the locations of international [redacted] conventions like Zimmerwald and Moscow for capsules.
  6. Yeah, still don't know why but glad it's resolved anyway.
  7. Yep. Heck, I could take off before AJE was fixed--2kN prop--at about 37-40m/s, and that's with the high-wing-loading Bonanza!
  8. PART {} uses TechRequired. Inside a CONFIG, it's techRequired. Also, updated the OP's versioning finally. Whoops. Thanks lilienthal!
  9. I had thought that was fixed in 1.0.4.
  10. Yes, there's certainly the intent to allow transmission photography later, we just need an appropriate part. As to how strict this is--if you come in high enough and make multiple aerobrake passes I think you'll be OK, but I don't think an LEO-rated shield will survive a direct reentry that, even if it skips, never fully leaves the atmosphere. The skin temperature will just get too high, the pyrolysis rate won't be enough and you'll get burnthrough. Note that a reentry from lunar orbit is--just in terms of convection alone--4 times as hot as a reentry from LEO. And that's not considering radiation, which accounts for half the heat flux in the early portion of the reentry (whereas during a LEO reentry, you won't take in much radiative flux at all). - - - Updated - - - v10.3.1 Fix plumes to not be dependent on UI throttle, fix LR89 plume and RD-103 positioning. Make RL10s ignite and throttle as slowly as an F-1. Upscale RCS to more visually correct sizes (SXT/Stock/VSR). Give the Bonanza engine a new propeller config. Fix FASA Launch Tower - thanks Yaivenov! Remove any TweakScale modules on RealChute chutes (was causing confusion). Slightly rework existing solar panels, support SXT and VSR additional panels. Misc part fixes.
  11. Latest Changes (v0.37 aka ZOND) More Temperature and Bio Sample science results courtesy jhathawaytn. Engine cost and tech updates from SirKeplan. New Crewed Lunar Orbital contract from Arbos, and Milestone Crewed Lunar Flyby. Duration parameter fix (needs CC v1.7.1). Corrections to KCT science node formula and simulation formula; you no longer get to game the system researching multiple techs at once. However, upgrading the R&D facility does increase your research rate now. Hide some non-RO SXT parts in career mode. Pricing for lunar heat shields. Tech tree extended out another few years, with some strings working until the present day. The Aero line, the Staged Combustion line, and the Rocketry line see the most improvements. Note that some parts have been moved earlier/later. Photo via Wikipedia, from RKA.
  12. GuardianofBlind: Can you take a screenshot from that situation, but with "(mod)F12->Physics->Thermal->Display thermal data" turned on, and the part right-clicked? It'd also be very helpful if you installed AeroGUI ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117141-1-0-AeroGUI-v1-0-28-Apr ) and had that window open as well. That'll show me much more info and I can maybe figure out what's screwing up. vicktor19: Are you using a LEO-rated shield or a lunar-rated shield? Note the part descriptions; you won't be able to survive a lunar return with a merely LEO-rated shield...
  13. ? I'm talking about if there are part configs that were designed for pre-7.x DeadlyReentry.
  14. You have to add the module to all the parts you want it on. By default it's added to proc tanks but not stackmount stock tanks.
  15. Welcome! You can get started writing code for KSP by following the startup guide on the wiki. However, while it's not hard to add functionality, it's rather harder to replace things. I'd suggest taking a look at this thread, as it seems relevant to your endeavor re science. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120748-WIP-RealScience-Say-good-bye-to-whack-a-mole-style-science
  16. I thought the Bonanza came without oxygen. I'll check that out. For the actual combustion chamber temp, right-click on the engine to see the "Chamber temp" line; IIRC the Derwent has a chamber temp limit of about 550 K.
  17. Uh, what? 65m/s is 126 knots (145mph), which is waaaay above takeoff speed for any light plane. The Bonanza that comes with RO actually outperforms the real thing with the IO-550B. Methinks your plane is either too heavy or too draggy compared to the real thing.
  18. Really don't know what to tell you guys, I keep trying to replicate and can't. No problems with the Mercury, no problems with the Mlk1. Try with only the mods RO requires, first. Then add the ones that RP-0 requires. Then try adding more and see when the problem occurs.
  19. The new ModuleHeatShield module doesn't expect old-style configs and will throw. Starwaster, would it be possible to have the module recognize an old/outdated config and either set defaults or disable itself?
  20. It's best to use DDS now. Let your exporter vertical-flip the texture. For color maps, DXT1 if there's 3 channels, DXT5 if there's 4. For normal maps, DXT5nm (if your exporter does not support DXT5nm, copy the red channel to alpha, and copy the green channel to red and to blue).
  21. I'd be fairly interested to see a light plane that's optimized for speed that can deliver >5kN thrust static on 280 horse.
  22. Given the style Porkjet transformed the engines into, can't wait to see what you come up for them. (Especially if you go Ven's "buttless/butt" route so that engines can be used sans butt)
  23. :] Oh, and that reminds me, once again fell asleep before updating OP. Changelog: v10.6 New throttling behavior. Old bugs with it were fixed, and now there is a proper delay while thrust builds up, when igniting a liquid engine. It will take about two seconds for an F-1 class engine to build up to full thrust. The rate can be tweaked, set throttleResponseRate in the ModuleEnginesRF (or in a CONFIG that's applied to one). By default when the current throttle is within 0.5% of the desired throttle, the engine clamps to the desired throttle. Further, when setting 0 throttle, the engine instantly shuts off (the latter will change, later). WORD TO THE WISE: Use launch clamps, and make sure your engines are at full thrust before disengaging the clamps! Fix for sometime "says stable but fails to ignite" issue. Supreme thanks for stratochief66 for figuring out where to look! Increase ullage acceleration threshold. Cryo stages will no longer keep themselves at Very Stable, but it won't take much thrust to ullage them. Add tanks for the other Ethanol resources.
  24. Jonno: Alas I've never seen that issue myself. For now, I'd suggest removing mods that RP-0 isn't requiring or recommending (i.e. KW Rocketry), and removing Crowd Sourced Science since it does nothing for RP-0 (All the entries are nuked by RP-0 because they pertain to Kerbin/Moho/etc not Earth etc). PSA: With the latest AJE (2.4) and SolverEngines (1.10) and RealFuels (10.6), prop engines work now and the EC bug is fixed.
  25. Well, the internal temperature maximum should be that, but the max skin temperature should still be around 2200K. I'll take a look.
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