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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Framerate: I've heard similar scattered reports of engine clusters having some of their number fail to ignite. Scott Manley hit that for example. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the stock resource request system, since my code looks ok. I'll be digging into it... Rabada: Thanks!
  2. I have a solution: Update your other mods, and remove any that aren't compatible with 1.0.4. That's a sure sign that something has an older version of KSPAPIExtensions.
  3. Density at 267m during the day at KSC is only 1.09kg/m^3, vs 1.225kg/m^3 (i.e. 89%) at sea level in reference conditions. You need to worry about the lower pressure at 267m, and the higher temperatures during the day at the equator.
  4. Some more references: http://www.v2rocket.com/start/makeup/motor.html http://www.airpowerworld.info/aircraft-engine-manufacturers/a4-rocket-motor.htm http://heroicrelics.org/info/v-2/a-4-combustion-chamber.html (minus the pumps and plumbing etc).
  5. Bevo: Oh man, that's rather funny. GuardianofBlind: Awesome! Sadly we don't have many later-game contracts, though we'd obviously love to have more! chrisl: The probe core was available, and it seemed to reasonably replicate the flat base of Surveyor...
  6. cantab: They do, but they're generally of the same diameter as the rest of the rocket and therefore don't cause a bulge. Even so, they're dwarfed by the lower stage in most cases (Saturn IB was something of an exception here, with the S-IVB nearly as long as the S-IB).
  7. You could do multiple passes. It's not a problem unless you're going fast enough that you can't aerocapture on the first pass.
  8. Great work! eggrobin found this pic of the bottom of the Ariane V without its engine shroud, should be useful?
  9. Great progress! Do you have good reference material for the V-2's engine? It has a very distinctive gigantic spherical combustion chamber...
  10. ErrHead: No longer required. I've removed it from our netkan, which should have been done a while ago.
  11. Quick note: The BJE is, currently, a *low* bypass turbofan, closely modeled on the F100 (dry, not wet). My understanding is that the hope for *1.1* is to turn it into a high-bypass turbofan.
  12. Correct, there's lower drag from turning them around. It's also worth mentioning that even if a part does have a drag arrow, that arrow may be short enough that it's inside the part graphics and thus you can't see it.
  13. Yep, the depth and the bounds are used for occlusion. (Depth is the depth in meters from the "front" of the part, looking backwards along the given axis, to the widest point of the part). The axes are part-local. If you place a part in the VAB without attaching it to something, you'll see what the local axes are (Y is up, X is towards you, and Z is to your left, in the default camera view IIRC; if looking towards the wall so, say, the window of the Mk1 pod faces you, X+ is right and Z+ is away from you).
  14. An unguide burn from LEO that ended in lunar impact. From my post when I did it: Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in KSP: Use an unguided, solid TLI burn to get a lunar impact. I'm rather proud. RSS/RO of course. (And RP-0, done before Stability or Basic Solids, and on a budget.) The rocket was a 2x LR79 first stage, stretched Agena A second stage. Parking orbit of about 230x220km. The probe was a 20in X-Ray core plus 4x Comm16 and a couple 1kg science experiments in addition. The TLI stages were 1x Baby Sergeant and then 6x Baby Sergeant. I had to create a maneuver node of precisely the correct m/s delta V from the kicks (it took some doing to figure out how much kick the decoupler gave too...) The whole Agena+kick+payload was spun up by onboard RCS about a minute prior to TLI, then separated at T-10 (i.e. no more yaw/pitch/roll, just ability to stage), first stage fired at T-7, second at T+1. The result is the second picture. Launch Vehicle: Trajectory (ignore MJ delta V expended, it's a bug.)
  15. Ah, yeah, I was assuming this would be a vac-start, not an air-start. If you're trying to start under, say, 50km, you better hotstage.
  16. Well, to be fair it doesn't now, nor has it ever had a bubble canopy. I'd like to see one with a bubble, that's for sure.
  17. Just force-setting the min zoom to, say 0.01 (which worked well for RSS for years) when you change everything else. Right now it's very hard to zoom in enough when parts are small. But yeah, best to have it settable along with everything else.
  18. No, the question is only will TouhouTorpedo update it. The license prevents anyone else from doing so.
  19. Any part mod is compatible with RSS. RSS doesn't touch parts. If you meant "Does RO include patches for these?" then the answer is yes.
  20. Ok, then I'm going to need the actual log. See here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29
  21. Yep, the same area value is used for both. However, you're missing a step in each case: lift is multiplied by the global lift multiplier, and drag from wings is multiplied by the global liftdrag multiplier.
  22. Svm420: Might as well, it'll give me the satisfaction of closing it when it's fixed. Though that _is_ foremost on my mind, I've just been rather busy with KSP stuff.
  23. illectro: RF will autoswitch from an unavailable type to an available one, so it's possible what you hit was invoking that? (I.e. if you have something as type ServiceModule but load it in a save where that hasn't been unlocked yet). There *is* a bug where it's hard to switch tank types if not all types are unlocked (you have to click-drag the green tweakable bar rather than use the buttons). Rabada: I'd say you're doing everything right; I too am surprised that a short sharp burn is better; it should be the same, all told, as the longer steadier burn (same total impulse should mean same settling). westamastaflash: I'll take a look. Want to put it on the repo as an issue so I don't forget?
  24. Here's a test for all you "no really closing intakes matters" folks. Ramp intake Small guidance unit BACC throttled to 50%. 4x fins for stability. Launch it five times open and five times closed. Record apoapsis each time.
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