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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. MM is an unsigned dll loaded by KSP, so Windows freaks when it tries to write files.
  2. Sorry, must have misread. 3% structural / 9&% fuel fraction does sound right. For LH2 RF goes with 0.0206t per cubic meter for a non-balloon (Delta IV-like) tank, or 0.0066t for balloon cryo. That equates to 22.5% and 8.5% structural fractions Clearly I was getting confused between the LH2 tank's structural fraction alone (which is very high) and the sum of 5.5:1 or 6:1 LOX/LH2's structural fraction...(which is on the order of 1.5x compared to LOX/kero) sorry... You might want to check the Volumes page here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lz2ntsqhwe192xv/Calcs.xls?dl=0 It has all the data RF uses to mass tanks.
  3. Do you still have control? I've never heard of that issue before, so my first suggestion would be to make sure you still have an active connection to the ground station, you still have sufficient avionics, and you don't have MechJeb (or anything else) set to limit throttle to terminal velocity, or in any other way mess with throttle.
  4. There's a quaternion operation that will return the rotation from one vector to another; feed it the original normal vector and the desired normal vector, then apply that rotation to the vessel.
  5. CAPFlyer: I will try to make RO only apply its groundstations if RSS is installed. As for RP-0, do you have any idea how to handle lunar contracts, and outer planet contracts, in non-RSS settings? RP-0 *should* be available for people who play, say, 10x Kerbol or 64K, but those other-planet contracts exist by name, we can't just say use Homeworld. Trolllception: It involves adding a line to tree.yml for each part, with the correctly reserached (or, if not possible, guesstimated) cost and R&D cost (entryCost). See this post for more details, although if you're used to github use what you know to make a PR to update tree.yml. There's room in Early Avionics, Basic Avionics, Stability-Early Probes, and Improved Instrumentation for everything through 1963 or so...
  6. Theysen: That sounds like a buggy install. Please try with a clean KSP install, then use CKAN to install RSS with required/recommended but NO suggested mods; then do the same for RO. Certainly don't add Tweakscale. Nerd1000: Same advice. CaptainSprite: avionicsTL7 is not a node that exists yet, and when it does exist it will be at the end of the tree. If you want to play in the 1980s+ in terms of technology, play sandbox.
  7. Don't run KSP from your desktop, that has limited permissions. Make a folder under C:\, like 'Games', and put the KSP folder there.
  8. Centaur is indeed a balloon tank, as was the old (Atlas II and earlier) lower stage tank. Also the Ariane V EPC is a balloon tank. Other tanks are rigid and don't require constant pressurization, but they're still very thin and light. Your numbers seem very low; I'd expect something like 97% fuel fraction for non-balloon tanks, and not much less than 99% for balloon tanks (for kerolox density). LH2, now, the tanks will be rather heavier in a weight-weight comparison; EPC is 6.6% structural fraction (counting engines, guidance, interstage base, etc, as well as tank mass), Centaur is about 11%, and so forth. At a rough cut I'd expect LH2 tanks to have 1.3-1.6x the structural mass, per mass of propellant, as another tank. Normal pressurized tanks (i.e. not those for pressure-fed stages) run about 2 atm of pressure IIRC.
  9. Cool! Yeah, I definitely wouldn't worry unless you go over 15,000 faces, and even then it's probably fine. <1000 is nothing!
  10. Ok, that looks ok... Sharkman Briton: Yep. Though you're better off asking on the SMURFF thread, not the "thing you use instead of SMURFF" thread
  11. add a line to the part's cfg skinInternalConductionMult = 0.5 that will halve the rate of skin to internal flux. Change the 0.5 to whatever you want. ModuleAblator won't change the rate at all.
  12. Replace your local copy of the SXT jets patch with this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/SXT/Jets.cfg (the URL shows the complete local path too)
  13. chrisl: Then I'm not sure what's causing that, since I don't experience it myself. CAPFlyer: I know that, in the current version of RP-0, contracts expect your homeworld to be named Earth (this is fixed in git, but we can't really fix the rest of the body-name-dependent contracts). Not sure why that would break RT or science, though. Sounds like something in RT itself is breaking? Borogove: Can you upload a craft file?
  14. ormi: I suggest taxiing slowly off the runway first, and taking off from the grass. The runway is very bumpy, it's a known issue even at stock scale but RSS makes it worse. Not sure why the temperature is screwy, I'll chalk it up to 1.0.4 issues... CaptainSprite: If you want more parts to be supported, it's very easy! You need to edit this file (click the pencil icon and then make your edits), then give a message in the upper of the two boxes at the bottom of the page, click "suggest changes", then on the next page click "create pull request". https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/tree.yml (You also need an account on github) The somewhat harder part is researching/guesstimating what the part actually costs... What parts are you thinking of adding?
  15. I'd definitely suggest doing the injectors by texturing, and instead spending polies on the turbopumps and piping. Looks like you're making good progress, and don't worry unless you get over 15k or more, KSP is far from GPU-limited (as long as the *collider* is simple, the CPU won't care about your tricount).
  16. Probus: what's your Upgrades display show? How many points are put into R&D, and what's the research rate in science/year? You might not have been on the RP-0 preset before, maybe, or maybe your upgrade points got lost?
  17. Then unless for some reason you are still using KSP 0.90 yourself, you have your answer as to why it doesn't work.
  18. That's a bug in deadly reentry, or was last time I checked. I thought it was fixed...
  19. Can you post the relevant bit of ModuleManager.ConfigCache? EDIT: And yes, it does need to end up as ModuleEnginesRF--that's the only way to have the thrust curve now.
  20. 1. FASA-in-RO questions go in the RO thread. 2. Use a procedural interstage, it's what it's for. ( There's coverage in this tutorial: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Tutorial%3A-Reaching-Orbit )
  21. ThomasTheHuman: Welcome to the forums! Check the top of the OP in this thread, it has links to other mods. You probably want S^3. Alexoff: Yep, Raidernick told me about it a couple days ago. I'm working on it and will release a new RSS patch when fixed.
  22. It runs so fine you don't need a hack to get it to run at all, amirite?
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