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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Svm420: It's one of RO's recommended mods, actually.
  2. If they're producing zero charge that's a bug. Can you post screenshots and a craft file?
  3. v10.4.1 Fix FASA J-2 to have correct number of ignitions (3). Thanks Raidernick! Support LOK, LK, TDRS A-G, fix Block L. Thanks Raidernick! Rename Sounding Rocket avionics, improve description. Add a clone of SXT RD-170 as RD-107/108. Fixed Engine Group Controller. Thanks asmi! Fix reentry (oops), DRE Mk1-2 pod heatshield. Rework DRE heat shields to have better internal max temps, and higher (2300 K) skin max temps. Change Mk1-2 pod to have higher (2000 K) max skin temp. Change a Cryoengines config from Vinci to RL10B-2. Thanks A1Ch1! Added a full-thrust Merlin config from latest SpaceX docs. Thanks A1Ch1! Rename Able/Delta to just Able, add Delta avionics (for Delta E and above, or Able-Star) in 1.45m diameter. FASA Agena parts' masses tweaked slightly (note: FASA Agena models an early Agena D, which as far as we can tell is much heavier than the later, 673kg-dry-mass versions. You can tell because they have later-model 8096 engines with 300s, not 291s, Isp). Make Agena avionics (stock part) exactly 5ft in diameter, not 1.5m. Fix solid fuel costs again. They were way too high due to some weird math error going back nearly a year. Fix UA1205 dry mass. Bring the FASA LMDE in line with the stock-config one. Add a much improved nosecone cockpit from Randazzo (expect an even better one soon!)
  4. Support Raidernick's US Probes pack. Thanks Trollception! Add new 2 and 3-person LEO repeatable contracts, give them and 1/LEO random durations. Thanks chrisl! Place and price cloned-from-SXT RD-107/108. Thanks Stratochief! Support new Delta avionics unit (1.4m, 10t capacity, successor to Able). Photo via NASSP, from NASA.
  5. 1. The other docking ports are in a node I haven't made yet. I also need to place the APAS, that should go in a node that exists already I think. 2. As mentioned in this thread and the RO thread, reentry is bugged in RO 10.4. Sorry. Fix incoming ASAP.
  6. Bouncing off ferram (who has been doing great work configuring the engines for AJE, and has been building some *awesome* replicas) whom I want to second, also, a question: the part that's labelled as DB-601 in-game and as a Jumo 211F in the configs, what is it based on visually?
  7. Dunno why I didn't think to do this before, but I added a link to this in the RSS OP.
  8. On my storage drive, everything from 0.20 on. Main drive, 90 (haven't shifted it over yet) and 1.0.4 in about 5 installs counting dev, RSS/RO/RP-0, clean, etc.
  9. Red, I _so_ hate to do this for the third time, but...as of 1.0, it's 9.80665m/s^2; in KSP versions prior to 1.0 (i.e. .90 and below) it was 9.82m/s^2 (we don't know why), although if RealFuels was installed it corrected it to 9.80665m/s^2. That is, btw, the officially sanctioned value for g0 However, you lose next to no accuracy (except pedantry ) by using 9.81, so...
  10. Modify what? Solar panels don't produce less EC/tonne than stock, as it happens, they just need to be larger (but they're lighter). And higher-tech solar panels produce more watts per square meter, up to about ~200W / m^2 for high tech stuff. That goes hand in hand with the rest of RO's electricity rebalance; RO actually makes 1 EC = 1 kilojoule (and thus 1 EC/sec = 1 kW), unlike the unitless stock KSP stuff. So everything has real draws and real generation.
  11. I think you mean Eugen Sänger and Irene Bredt in the 1930s (indeed, DynaSoar is a direct descendent of Silbervogel by way of RoBo/BoMi and Walter Dornberger).
  12. Do you see lots of red dots in the tracking station? Are you in Florida?
  13. Correct. Also, even as they are they're still quite OP compared to reality. We underestimated the current draw significantly.
  14. Ven's Stock Revamp has an issue where the transforms are inverted. Try rotating. If it still fails, upload the craft file. Note that power generation is *very* low by stock standards, on the order of 'flow 0.05' or lower--*certainly* lower deep inside an atmosphere.
  15. Just a quick note that Scatterer now supports planets not named Kerbin. So hopefully the RVE re-renaming of Earth can be nixed now?
  16. Yes. Although we usually think of TWR in terms of Earth gravity (g0, i.e. 9.80665m/s^2) even then, since it's a useful metric.
  17. Herrkurt: I replied on the DRE thread regarding the gauge bug. For data, open debug toolbar (Alt-F12, or rshf-F12), go to Physics, Thermal, and click show thermal data. Then right-click the parts. That shows temperatures. chrisl: I'll check it out, I agree 34t dry is correct... As to reentry problems in RO, it's due to a bad physics patch in 10.4, I'll release an update shortly. Sorry.
  18. There's a bug in the gauge code, it checks the skin temperature (correct) vs the max internal temperature. Which leads to silliness if, as in RO, the skin temp can be up to 2000 K but the max internal temperature is 500 K. As to reentry problems in RO, it's due to a bad physics patch in 10.4, I'll release an update shortly. Sorry.
  19. Red Iron Crown, that was true in .90 but in 1.0x thanks to some de-hardcoding from Mu RSS now does have correct planet names.
  20. Red, I think you mean Thrust / (mass * local gravity).
  21. Framerate: I'd bring that up on the Contract Configurator thread; I have no idea what could be the issue there because RP-0 is just creating contracts, not messign with strategies or anything... Randazzo: Congrats! Regarding Mach 2 aircraft, this is what I use. Does not use tweakscale, and is all from the Mature Supersonic node (and RP-0 default mods). chrisl: I meant to do exactly that, just ran out of time. It's coming soon. winged: Oh *man* what is that cockpit!? I want my Ford! (Yours is like an F5D-2 or something, Skylancer with a J79...)
  22. Did you have thermal data on? What were the internal and skin temperatures?
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