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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Liberty is...ambitious, I'll say that, given Ares I's problems. For Titan IV parts, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117844-Realism-Overhaul-Saab-s-Historical-Pack
  2. Yep, for some reason the non-SolidFuel costs weren't patched. Fixed in git now. You can replace your RealismOverhaul/RO_Resources.cfg with this one.
  3. The Spaceplane parts already have such things. Check out the maximum temperatures of the Mk3 system, they're in line with Shuttle tile temps.
  4. Realistic heating only feels like it's ignorable because even fuel tanks can withstand more heat than the X-15 could. If parts melted at more realistic temperatures, heating would be more of an issue. But the same "flimsy" rocket parts have to survive being on spaceplanes etc. For reference, the X-15's record speeds were ~4000mph, or about Kerbin orbital velocity (when in surface mode, inclination 0 orbit).
  5. Then you need to go to that thread. The OP should have a link to an FX pack, if it does not post on the thread and ask. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81239-Stockalike-RF-Engine-Configs-v2-1-8-7-22-15
  6. I'm confused; it's not mirrored for me at all ingame, it's correct.
  7. M@.: You are indeed experiencing a bug, since the RO setting for convection factor is 1.1 not 6. What mods do you have installed? Verify you have GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_Physics.cfg and verify it looks the same as https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_Physics.cfg Clearly *something* is messing up your physics settings.
  8. The AJ10Mid is there twice because we have a clone of the original AJ10, but Lack up and released a new model (with the same name, as I asked him to). Next RO will fix that, now that we have the actual part we don't need the clone.
  9. You need an engine config pack and a set of FX. You can choose either Realism Overhaul or RF Stockalike.
  10. Raptor831 you might be interested in this script that e_14159 wrote: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/Scripts/engine_ignitor_conversion.py
  11. Given the casing mass, I'm not sure you can safely assume the casing was not reinforced for end-burning.
  12. I heartily second this! You should check out this thread if you haven't, though, Raidernick has made an amazing quantity of probes. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125397-Historical-Rockets-Probes-and-Stations
  13. I, too, thought that the optimal in terms of delta V involved burning during ascent, rather than an impulsive burn to establish apoapsis. During the coast to apoapsis you're just taking in gravity losses (and losing Oberth effect advantage) without gaining anything in return. However, it's plausible that a pure impulsive burn from launch and a pure impulsive burn at apoapsis (precisely half a world away) will amount to the same thing, it's just not the sort of math I want to take on. (Note: no cosine losses here, that's not the issue.)
  14. Speaking of that. Note you can set the FX to one single main thrust transform, and then add four (differently named, i.e. thrustTransformEngine and the FX one thrustTransformFX) thrust transforms around the nozzle and link the engine module to that. That, and a small degree gimbal on thrustTransformEngine, will allow you to get roll control from the engine (i.e. simulating the jet vanes). RO does just such a thing to the RD-103 and the NAA75 (Redstone engine).
  15. You're using the DRAG_CUBE in the shock cone cfg, yes? It has an override, so the one in PartDatabase isn't used.
  16. v10.6.1 Fix throttling via throttle in CONFIG (minThrust was not being set properly). Work around an ignition resource issue (due to, apparently, either a float precision issue or a bug in stock KSP code). EDIT: TomatoSoup, yes, known issue, hopefully will be fixed in 10.7 (if I have enough time )
  17. The specific message is only generated when part.RequestResource fails. So it's entirely within RF (and within the stock resource request system).
  18. passinglurker: Project Bumper was the codename given to US tests of captured V-2 missiles. Some were launched with WAC Corporal upper stages (Bumper-WAC).
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