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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Nope! Adding a resource to RealFuels, and changing the ModuleAvionics code to read that total liters of avionics and convert based on techlevel and core type into an allowed tonnage. I think on reflection someone else proposed doing that a while back, but it slipped my mind. Though might use the part from Procedural Probes as the base.
  2. Oh. My. Goodness. You made Pluto. I will have to try that (and check out the cfgs and see if I can help. ).
  3. Parts can only have one staging icon. If a decoupler is on the same part as an engine module (and the decoupler is not set to unstaged) then both will fire together. Which is good for jettisoning the tower during ascent (which is, let's face it, more common than actually needing to use the tower). If you want to use it as an abort tower, action group the "activate engine" action for it into your abort group, and use that on abort.
  4. Actually I just had a neat idea of how to make procedural avionics easily. When I get a sec I'll try that out.
  5. Woo! Requestion: Does this now have a way to set minimum zoom as well as maximum zoom? (And if not can you add that? )
  6. SorensonPA: Great finds! A PR would be gratefully accepted. Sampa: I don't believe anyone's made an Edwards site config yet.
  7. So, let's review. FAR doesn't support win64 because win64 is buggy. So you used someone else's hack to get around that lock, and now you're claiming things are buggy? Do you see the problem here?
  8. Fengist: 1. The code looks correct, although it's worth noting that in Unity, foreach is a bad idea in realtime applications. I'd suggest something like: if(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) for(int p = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Parts.Count - 1; p >= 0; --p) { for(int i = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Parts[p].Modules.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { PartModule m = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.Parts[p].Modules[i]; if(m is ModuleResourceIntake) (m as ModuleResourceIntake).Activate() } } 2. ModuleEnginesFX derives from ModuleEngines. So you can just use the above code, and instead of checking if m is ModuleResourceIntake (and casting to that) you can check if m is ModuleEngines and cast to that.
  9. Ten to one you ran out of process memory. Uninstall some part packs and try again.
  10. Rothank: That page looks messed up. More payload to GTO than LEO!? A ton to GTO sounds right, dunno what payload to LEO would be; maybe it's missing a 1 prefix and is 1800kg? This page suggests ~1.8t as well. http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_2/United_States_4/Atlas-Agena/Design/Atlas-Agena.htm
  11. The thrust reverse from Firespitter (what KAX uses) relies on there being a second, reversed, thrust transform.
  12. Dynamic pressure is calculated according to the static density, yes.
  13. You can make them not appear in your part catalog, but there isn't an easy way to physically remove them from loading since often multiple parts depend on the same assets.
  14. Laie: As far as I know, facilities upgrade with the build rate, so they can upgrade quite quickly. Are you playing with Fund Penalties set to 100%, or something higher? That said, you're right that you'll probably need about 60t of LV (just over the limit) to get something TLI unless you nail a direct ascent. I'm not quite sure how to avoid the pitfall you're talking about regarding many things coming on at once--you can get a boatload of early science from sounding rockets and switching launch sites, and especially if you put a few points in R&D as well as build rate you can get a lot of nodes unlocked before the pad/TS/MC are all upgraded. That said, the nodes will unlock in succession so you can fly orbital (and even high-space) missions with starting buildings. Actually, you might even be able to do a lunar flyby with just the TS/MC upgrades, and 40 tons, and no more than the first tier of tech nodes. If you have, say, 4x X-405s (for the Isp) as your first stage, and a stretched Able, you probably could orbit an Explorer and just enough Baby Sergeants to precisely equal a TLI burn (~3150m/s). I *think* that can be done just under 40 tons, but don't quote me. Not sure why you'd need to bring avionics with you to GEO, you launch your satellite + apogee kick solid to GTO, create a maneuver node at apogee, orient towards it, then separate the upper stage. At apogee, fire the kick motor. Then on kick motor jettison, you can fine-tune with hydrazine. For a lunar orbit, you can just pack a couple Baby Sergeants, not even an Altair, and be fully under the 200kg limit of the Early Controllable Core even during LOI. Same deal with Surveyor: in real life it used a solid retro to kill most of its incoming velocity, then small liquid verniers to cover the last hundred m/s or so. This was a direct ascent flight, no lunar orbit first. Unless by circularize you mean circularize in LEO prior to TLI, in which case yes (but you should have the Agena by then). I agree that the AIES cores need to be moved. pjf placed them before avionics were a thing, IIRC, and also without much regard for their looks and modernity. :] I'd love it if you would move and reconfigure them appropriately! Same for the FASA Pioneer! Great! Regarding diameters, the problem there is tankbutts. KSP part makers insist on giving engines giant tank butts, and it messes things up. The buttless engines in FASA, etc, should work OK, as should many of the VSR engines (they have a thrust structure, but it's still not as odious as a butt except for the LV-1F and the KR-2L, IIRC). You can do a lot with proc interstages and proc tanks, and indeed I find it hard to imagine playing RO without them to adapt... - - - Updated - - - Yep, as I thought. (that tiny orange tank has nitrogen, you'd do even better with N2O or something.)
  15. Which is 1/2 * density * velocity squared. If in SI (with kg and meters and seconds) the result is in Pascals.
  16. Ah, no problem. Yeah, that definitely sounds like the motor has seen upgrades since the original stats that RO models. Might be worth cloning the part to replicate the new stats too?
  17. Yep, post on the CKAN thread (or better yet, on the github repo) that it's safe for 1.0.4 and someone will update the metadata.
  18. That's because for some reason the science archvies use the PSystem name, not the CelestialBody name. We can try changing the PSystem name too. Worth a shot. Changing the PQS name we _know_ will fail.
  19. When you go to edit, you can click "go advanced" and then edit the prefix to solved. Glad it's solved--if you ever do figure out why, let me know!
  20. Reactordrone: the drag for capsules returning bottom-first did not change at all since 1.0.2.
  21. I thought Delta IV used GEM-60s? AJ-60A is for the Atlas V. Anyway, the RO patch for that part is in: RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/KWRocketry/RO_KWRocketry_Solids.cfg It's possible we're modeling an earlier variant, and the specs you found are for a later variant? Dunno. A1Ch1 might know more...
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