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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Great start! Took the liberty of fixing your image, it was pointing to the KSP forums themselves.
  2. In KSP 1.0.4 there's a new variable literally just for that. multFlow If true (by default) then atmCurve and velCurve multiply flow. If false, they multiply thrust. Set it to false for propeller engines.
  3. RP-0 recommends regex's mod that gives fairly realistic names to the crew you can hire.
  4. Name the file whatever you want, as long as it has a .cfg extension. Have in it: @TANK_DEFINITION[*]:FINAL { @TANK,* { @loss_rate = 0 } }
  5. You will need rockets for Mach 2, I think, unless and until you unlock the J79 and Atar 9K (or maybe the Avon). The J57 probably doesn't have the thermal overhead for it. As for plane design, I'd suggest checking out the FAR craft thread, where people offer advice on craft building. I can do some area-ruling but I'm soooo far from being an expert. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121176-Official-FAR-Craft-Repository
  6. Very nice! Part of the issue may be mass? KSP fuselage parts are far heavier than real life, and FAR defaults wing mass to "strong but heavy" too. Try lightening the parts, and right-click on all aero surfaces and turn the slider down to 0.2 or below. Oh, another for the list of things that need updated colliders, the AJ10 appears to have a very large cylinder as its collider (far larger than the engine itself)... - - - Updated - - - And another collider that needs to be made solid: the Bonanza cockpit.
  7. Log? You can find where to find the log here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-(READ-FIRST)
  8. Ah! Yeah, there's multple copies, it's confusing. :] Glad it's sorted!
  9. Been working in 1.0.4 since 1.0.4 released.
  10. Around 35,786km. The main point is that your period should be 23h 56m 4.1s (the sidereal rotation period of Earth). As with most numbers in RSS, you can just look up the real thing.
  11. Sure! First, you need to find the right AFG. See here for how I loop through all and match on name. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs#L1912-L1921 Then I actually do the updating. That's this block here: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs#L114-L215 This does default rescaling (the way KSP sets up scaling of these things by default--you need to do it again here if the body changes radius): https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs#L192-L194 Next we recalculate all the derived members: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs#L196-L205 Finally we apply the changes: https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs#L208-L209
  12. Can you paste in the contents of your ModuleManager.Physics file? Sounds like you may not have the right settings there.
  13. Let me know if you need more guidance, happy to help, especially with all the time you sunk into helping me!
  14. Also make sure "arm rather than unstage" is set in the RealChute setting window in the SpaceCenter view. By default if you try to stage a chute and you can't, it will unstage rather than arming and waiting to deploy when it can.
  15. Rocket Farmer: I think you missed these are (presumably suborbital) tourist contracts. What's going on is that while a real-scale two-person capsule would be slowed sufficiently by Kerbin's atmosphere (since it's fairly close to Earth's), the way one flies suborbital missions on Kerbin, combined with the fact that to make a two-person spacecraft it generally involves not increasing frontal area but rather daisy-chaining Mk1 pods, further combined with the fact that the capsules mass as much as a Mercury capsule but have only 40% the surface area (chained together it's only ~28% the surface area)....well, it makes suborbital flights tough.
  16. That's all stock KSP funds handling... And I'm basically fine with it more or less as it is. Failing a high-profile contract should force you to rethink things, or Redouble Your Efforts, but it shouldn't be a game-ender.
  17. The only time I ever encountered the bug, it was due to SolverEngines not sending the right data to ModuleAlternator. That was fixed in SolverEngines 1.9, and I have never been able to replicate the bug since; neither has ferram4 or blowfish. If you are getting the error, you can remove ModuleAlternator from it... waerloga, who did experience the bug, said it went away on a clean install of AJE 2.4 and Solver 1.10 and RF 10.6.
  18. Given who you are, code may be faster than words. Search `AtmosphereFromGround` here. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/Source/RealSolarSystem.cs (tl;dr there's an AtmosphereFromGround object that makes that halo, and you need to update some properties. Easiest to just call Start() on it, but if you want to fine tune it you need the method above.)
  19. Bump maps are one-dimensional normal maps, essentially; instead of storing the normal at a given point you store displacement...but if it's a bump map (i.e. done with lighting) not a displacement map, no geometry changes inolved, that value is only used to compute the normal anyway, so you might as well save the GPU the caclulations and get better detail by just using a normal map.
  20. Well, it did get fairly toasty, but you're right about it not being a ball of plasma. My solution was to add the functionality to RealHeat, but you may not want totally real shockwave temperatures (or maybe you do, I don't know). If not for that, maybe somebody could take only the relevant code out of RealHeat?
  21. The engines are balanced for the tree. Engines you unlock at the end of the tree are going to be better than your starting engines, else what's the point of the tree? It'd really suck if the Space Shuttle Main Engine were no higher efficiency than a V-2 engine.
  22. Framerate: Yikes, never heard of that one before. Fenriswaffles: Yes, probably...
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