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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah, I could _probably_ bung up some sort of global toggle, but an MM patch to remove throttling limits would be much easier to make.
  2. Hotfix for PP Proc SRB issue is out (RF 10.4.6).
  3. How you should treat parts tagged "non-RO" is "submit a patch to the RO repo adding support for them" of course! Temeter: Mk3 parts should be correct in RO 10.1. Example? As to the service bays I'll check them out. Kookas: Sounds like either you're not launching in OpenGL mode (see the OP) or you have too many part packs installed, or too high-rez RSS textures. Use at *most* the 4096 textures, and try with only one or two part packs. nablabla: If Isp is equal between all stages, then delta V should be distributed equally between stages. If upper stages have higher Isp (as is usually the case) then delta V contribution should be biased towards them. Say 4000 vac dV on the lower stage and 5300 on the upper for a ~300s Isp lower stage and a ~350s Isp upper stage. You also need to be careful about burn time; 2-3 minutes makes sense for a lower stage and 5 minutes for an LEO upper stage (or 7 minutes for a high-energy upper stage where you expect to circularize well after apogee). As for reentry, pics of the craft and tell us the orbital parameters right at 130km. RO and its required and recommended mods alone (on CKAN) should give survivable reentries. We *did* test these things.
  4. Desperado34: 250m/s is 560mph. You try sticking some silk or nylon out the window at 560mph and see if it doesn't shred.
  5. Yemo: you can use only one pass specifier. The specifiers are: FIRST (nothing) -- runs after FIRST and before any mod passes BEFORE[x] FOR[x] AFTER[x] FINAL You are including both AFTER and FOR, so it will run whichever comes first.
  6. Alpha is used for specularity in the usual KSP shader. I think the only case where an RGBA texture can be made RGB is if the alpha channel is 100% white.
  7. And by reading that post you get...GregroxMun's choice of something fitting for his own reasons. :]
  8. Better Atmospheres is not updated to 1.0, and the RSS for 1.0 does not do what Better Atmospheres needs it to--instead it does a bunch of other things that cause problems for you.
  9. You probably want an orbit of at least 100x100, probably more like 150x150. Even so, it's fine to circularize after apoapsis. Burn such that your initial apoapsis is like 180km, and then burn with positive pitch once you pass it, canceling negative vertical velocity once you reach desired altitude.
  10. You missed the DRAG_CUBE differences. Shock cone advantages: 1. Lower drag 2. For its area, lower convective heating Ram advantages 1. Lighter 2. More area
  11. Thermo uses cubes whether or not FAR is installed, though FAR will set the areas based off what it calculates.
  12. Changelog: v10.4.5 Update to CRP 4.3. Remove no-longer-needed hsp changes. Add a fix to TEATEB flow mode until next CRP. Clean up behavior when igntions are specified in a CONFIG. Make the simulateUllage setting be respected. Add a limitedIgnitions setting (which can be set to false). Default origTechLevel to -1 to avoid an issue on engine configuration change. SolverEngines update fixes "can't activate when shielded" issue.
  13. Since lift is ignored for KSP stock airbrakes, orientation won't matter (the angle of attack is the same either way, just with a sign flip).
  14. Massive thanks to Warp11 for reminding us that that needs to be done! Totally slipped my mind. The Todo list is updated. I will shortly be creating an issue on the repo detailing what are the 'first priority' experiments.
  15. Generally one adds a few small solid motors as ullage motors, for example the Ven Stock Revamp inline sep motors. Here's a set of vehicles from .90 that shows how to add ullage rockets. Features AJ10 (the old model), RD-0105, and RL10-based uppers. If the setting isn't working, that's a bug. I'll fix it.
  16. gruneisen: I'm...not sure what you mean. Svm420: Well, prior to 1.0, KSP didn't really _have_ thermodynamics. Parts lost (or gained) 12% of the difference between their temperature and the outside world, and then DRE added some temperature back on.
  17. Why would 1.0 change the logic of needing or not needing background processing?
  18. Not only that, from extracting the curves, the densities and temperatures follow that of our sun's atmosphere. Keepin' it Real....
  19. The actual issue, I think, is integration timestep. Truly accurate thermals would come from an integration timestep that is infinitely small, because radiation, conduction, convection, etc all happen simultaneously. With a discrete integration step, that means that (in KSP's case), first conduction runs, then convection applies some heat (changing the part temperature) then radiation runs, removing heat based on the temperature and leading to a new temperature. As the integration timestep becomes large, that means that convection is applying a giant lump sum of heat, and then radiation is operating off that sky-high temperature, thus leading to wild swings. (recall that physical timewarp increases the timestep from 20ms up to 80ms, i.e. from 50/sec to 12.5/sec).
  20. @MODULE[foo] will run only on the first module that matches. You want @MODULE,*
  21. Correct, the temperature curve for a gas giant reentry is very, very lenient.
  22. If it says Tweakscale is outdated, I'm not sure why you're posting here....
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