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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Protip: we did. Didn't work. We still got blamed, and flooded with support requests we couldn't do anything for. Not just requests we could ignore, but threads saying hey, mod X breaks KSP, don't use it! Modder, why you bad person who break KSP? (And worse, offer "solutions" that only made the problem worse, but spread quickly.) Please try to, y'know, look at the history of things.
  2. Drag = Cd * reference area (in this case wing are). Your wing area changes between the two craft as well as your Cd.
  3. Sure! And yes, the closer together the sea level and vacuum Isp, the more likely the engine was designed as a first stage engine. However, that doesn't mean it's a *better* first stage engine, just that there will be less thrust variation.
  4. ConfigNodes are not *supposed* to have names; it's just that some do, and so MM has some syntactic sugar for those cases (since they're some of the most-frequently patched things, like PARTs). If you want to select all NODE use NODE,* smjjames, since MM doesn't do anything once loading is complete, it seems unlikely it's to blame for "crashes, often at random times."
  5. SkyRex94: And when you check temperature, you're sure you're actually in Pol's SOI at the time? That's one other thing...
  6. Sounds like the heightmap was not found. Did you install a texture pack per the OP?
  7. Right-click the base that controls it. Click the box by "auto-shape" to turn that off. Now right click elsewhere, now right-click again to refresh the menu. Now you have shape controls.
  8. jsimmons: if you save an image as DXT5_nm, the export utility will do the conversion for you. However, you do still have to invert horizontal (and then invert the X channel to compensate), and offset, like usual. You should use: DXT1 for color maps for planets without oceans DXT5 for color maps for planets with oceans (alpha = specular, usually black for land and white for water) DXT_L8 (8bit luminance) for heightmaps (which were grayscale PNGs before) DXT5_nm for normal maps.
  9. Yay, engines for RSS! And welcome to the forums! As Cpt. Kipard says, your best bet would be to follow some tutorials on unwrapping game models. There are plenty of tools and plugins available to help, but they can't just do it automatically. As this is about Modeling and Texturing, so moved!
  10. Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1Slant/adapterSize2-Size1Slant has an error. Looks like your Squad parts got corrupted, try verifying local data in steam.
  11. You did indeed. That means you can use stuff in GameData in derivative works.
  12. As the latest Dev Notes point out, in real life an engine's turbopumps don't magically pump faster at sea level. Isp is a measure of how much thrust you get from a unit of fuel; where Isp is lower (like sea level) you get less thrust. That means that engines don't produce their rated thrust until in vacuum; at sea level they produce (sea level Isp / vacuum Isp * max thrust) thrust. KER's "Atmosphere" mode will show you the correct TWR, and in MechJeb, if you have the Delta V stats window open, click 'all stats' -- SLT is your Sea Level Twr.
  13. Read the Modular Fuels OP, where it says "use this or Real Fuels". Then notice Real Fuels is a required mod for RO. (Basically, MFT is the 'lite' version of Real Fuels--both mods have modular fuel tanks, but RF also does things to engines, and adds a lot of real propellants.)
  14. The number that controls how "tough" a reentry is, is called the ballistic coefficient: It's given as kg/m^2, i.e. how many kg of mass per m^2 of frontal area (i.e. Cd * S). With the pods as they are, it's rather high--since you have the real mass, but 39% of the surface area, that means your BC is 2.56x as high as real life. The higher the BC, the less you'll slow down high in the atmosphere, and the more you'll slow down in one big kerbal-squishing, metal-bending whump down low. Here's the issue: when you're reentering on regular Kerbin, you're only going maybe 2-3km/sec. That means that final big whump isn't that bad. On Earth, however, you're at reentering at 3-6 times that velocity--8km/sec to 13km/sec. Is it survivable? Sure. But it's a lot harder--both in terms of heating and Gs--than it would be with real ballistic coefficients. Your other option, of course, is to multiply payload masses by 0.4 or so. That will yield the same result for the crewed pods.
  15. A. If you installed RP-0 via CKAN, do this (or skip to 1. Open (your KSP folder) / GameData / RemoteTech 2. Delete RemoteTech_settings.cfg 3. Launch CKAN, search for RSS RemoteTech. Install that settings file. B. If you installed manually (or don't want to bother with the above) 1. Download this file, RemoteTech_Settings.cfg. 2. Place it in (your KSP folder) / GameData / RemoteTech (overwrite when prompted).
  16. Skyler4856: Sounds like you somehow managed to install RSS without DDSLoader. RSS comes with DDSLoader if you install manually, and if you install via CKAN it should not let you install RSS without DDSLoader already being installed.
  17. chrisl: Yes, as you saw, DRE is kinda screwy, but much better behaved in beta. As to turns, if you're only at 65 degrees by nearly two minutes (and 40km) in, you're turning a bit slow. Try a sharper kick, or adding a bit more down-pitch during the turn (rather than flying a zero-lift ascent). You should aim to hit 45 degrees at 1km/sec. In particular, it sounds like you *stop* pitching at 65 degrees for some reason...you're supposed to keep pitching smoothly all the time, and only stay "above" the prograde indicator if for some reason your time-to-apoapsis is getting too small. Yes, 5 minutes is the total burn time (basically you jettison boosters at ~2m15s, then stop sustainer at ~5 minutes in, then burn on verniers until desired velocity reached). 230km is a fine first apoapsis; most LVs, after all, circularize after apogee (so you'd be burning all the way to, and past, 230km, and finish circularizing about 180km on the way back down).
  18. Neat! I'd highly recommend rescaling as well (1.6x should be spot on). This is because otherwise your pods will have only about 1/3 the drag they should on reentry, making reentry much, much harder.
  19. The quote seems very clear to me: 1. Non-wing parts are supported automatically, but can sometimes violate the assumptions FAR makes. If something is behaving "weird" search this thread and, if nothing found, bring it up. 2. Wing parts (wings/control surfaces/etc) *do* need configs written for them, but FAR ships with configs for many parts.
  20. Paul Kingtiger: That sounds like out of memory? Can you post your log file (player.log / output_log.txt ). Also, since RSS depends on DDSLoader anyway, you might as well use DDS. (And then you can give a GameDatabase URL instead of a direct path; see RSSTextures.cfg in one of the RSS texturepacks for an example.) Skyler4856: that log file does not appear to actually be a log file; it is a binary file referencing folders on a hard drive...? Yargnit: Sounds interesting! I'd recommend a universal 1.6x scaleup, too, or reentry capsules will not be draggy enough and thus make reentry harder than it should be. dimovski: As the OP says, that's necessary due to changes in .90. Just reselect Baikonur whenever you start your game the first time; it'll persist until you quit (and for mods that care what your active space center is, like KCT, it'll persist through saves, you just have to go to Tracking Station and click on it once each time you start KSP).
  21. Bristol Tornado (Aug 1936): The Tornado saw a protracted development: first drafted in early 1934, thus in its lines a contemporary of the Hawk, it languished for years as its first engine cancelled and its replacement faced considerable teething troubles. When finally introduced in August 1936, however, it offered excellent low-level performance and astounding acceleration. By this time optimized for low-level combat and featuring clipped wings and a large-diameter propeller, its performance was however lacking at altitude compared to the latest Hawks, in particular the two-stage supercharged Hawk Mk III. In addition it suffered poor visibility from its “razorback†canopy lines, though the layout did offer lower drag than other canopy types. At the start of the Second World War it was supplanted in short order by the Typhoon, which was in essence an up-engined Tornado with a teardrop canopy and a slightly redesigned wing and tail. Tornado Mk II: 7936lb dry, 10582lb loaded, 1800HP, 389mph. 2x 20mm cannon, 4x .303cal MG. Typhoon Mk Ia (1939): 9061lb dry, 11575lb loaded, 2400HP, 442mph, 4x 20mm cannon. Tornado Mk I fresh from the factory, September 1936. "Tiffie" Mk II, somewhere in southern France, mid 1939.
  22. If you are playing RP-0, then thrust plate size (and fairing adapter size) should track with unlocked tank size. If you are not playing RP-0, then as I said career mode is not supported (with RO).
  23. Also, 65 degrees!? Well, that would explain things. You are kicking over quite late (150m/s) and to a KSP-level degree. Please see the Guides here, especially the False KSP Lessons one and Ferram's ascent / TWR tutorial. That should help you out. The key is smooth. Also, Atlas generally dropped boosters at 2min 15s in. You might well want to wait a bit extra. Suggestion: Put a small satellite in orbit first (something like a 300x2000km orbit), and launch your geosat while that one is overhead, to act as a relay.
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