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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Can't repro. Just tried locally and it worked fine. Check your KSPCommunityFixes folder in GameData -- look in PluginData and open the DisalbeManeuverTool.cfg file--does it show the correct state in that? (Does the file even exist for you??)
  2. What version of BDB do you have? The game is choking compiling the parachute and RCS part for the BDB Mercury.
  3. @seyMonstershas a good tutorial RP-1 series that's worth a look! As to installing, it's very simply, just follow the steps here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RO-&-RP-1-Express-Installation-for-1.12.3 If you run into further trouble I highly recommend asking on the RO/RP-1 discord, folks can walk you through step by step.
  4. Ah, I misread a previous quote. Then I'm not sure where the confusion is? RP-1 disables stock delta V. Because stock delta V is worse than useless when RP-1 is installed. So if you have RP-1 installed, you don't get stock delta V. If you uninstall RP-1, you should get it back. What's the actual question?
  5. If RP-1 is uninstalled and the settings file has both related settings set back to true then it must be some other random mod because, well, RP-1 isn't installed
  6. Procedural Parts 2.4.2 (which took advantage of KSPCF 1.22+) exposed a stock bug with the SaveUpgradePipeline, namely that it blew up if an upgrade script did not apply to both sfs and craft loadcontexts. I have now fixed that bug in: V1.22.2 Fix a stock UpgradePipeline bug where load context is not checked for upgradescripts before running them, which results in upgradescripts with the 'wrong' loadcontext breaking craft or sfs loading.
  7. Turns out this wasn't a bug in Proc Parts, it was a bug in stock KSP--apparently no one else had yet written an UpgradeScript that used only one loadcontext (sfs) rather than both sfs and craft contexts. I've fixed that bug in KSPCommunityFixes 1.22.2, please download that and download Proc Parts 2.4.3. @NippyFlippers^
  8. For anyone who didn't see, I've done a bunch of work speeding up reading and writing ConfigNode for KSPCommunityFixes, which significantly speeds up Principia saves and loads. If you haven't updated yet (or don't have KSPCF installed) I suggest you give it a try.
  9. Because I can never get an initial release right, V1.22.1 is out. Add KSPAssembly attribute to MultipleModulePartAPI as well, and add the KSPAssemblyDependency to KSPCommunityFixes just in case. Set AssemblyVersion to 1.0 and only increment AssemblyFileVersion and KSPAssembly Refactor FieldData.WriteValue for ease in use by other mods.
  10. V1.22 is released! New modding patch : ModUpgradePipeline [KSP 1.8.0 - KSP 1.12.3]. Further improve ConfigNode performance. The tunable settings blocks have been removed since base performance is high enough now. They've been replaced by a single setting that enables not indenting save games and craft files on save, which offers a slight performance boost reading and writing and a fair amount of savings on disk. See #90 for full details. Note that some of this rewrite is done via PersistentIConfigNode, which is now enabled by default. Add a KSPAssembly attribute to the dll. I should expand a bit on the Mod Upgrade Pipeline. It lets mods use the stock SaveUpgradePipeline for upgrading sfs and craft files, but instead of having to use KSP version numbers (and thus having to run every single time), KSPCF will save the version numbers of all loaded mod DLLs in sfs and craft files, and use those saved version numbers when running addons' UpgradeScripts. Note that if no version number exists (because the mod was not installed when the craft or game was saved, or because this feature was not enabled at the time), the version 0.0.0 will be passed to the mod. This defaults to off so mods are responsible for turning it on if they wish.
  11. v1.8.5 released: * Fix exceptions closing and removing RT stations and on scene transition when detaching groundstations. * Fix exceptions trying to get debug mode state when in a scene transition.
  12. I'll fix that last exception when I have a sec and release (if there hasn't been a KK release by the middle of the weekend, ping me! Currently busy shipping things at work...) As to the facility stuff...I don't know anything about the econ side of KK, do other bits of that work? We just use it for making the Cape (or other launch sites) look pretty and, err, extra-launch-siteable. :] My guess is the overlap between KK and RT folks is pretty minimal? I'd guess many RT folks who play stock-ish moved on to CommNet (and maybe Kerbalism?) But I'm really not plugged into the non-RO scene at all.
  13. I frankly don't understand how that code ever worked, since it's removing an item from a dictionary *and then getting the item from the dictionary*. Anyway, here's a dll to try @Xilexiohttps://github.com/KSP-RO/Kerbal-Konstructs/raw/master/GameData/KerbalKonstructs/KerbalKonstructs.dll
  14. V1.21.0 Got's busy atm so I'm handling the release this round. New performance / KSP bugfix patch : PQSCoroutineLeak (issue discovered by @Gameslinx) [KSP 1.8.0 - 1.12.3] Prevent KSP from spawning multiple PQS update coroutines for the same PQS after scene switches and on other occasions, causing large performance degradation over time. Fixed the ToolbarShowHide patch partially failing due to an ambigious match exception when searching the no args `ApplicationLauncher.ShouldItHide()` method overload. PersistentIConfigNode patch : added support for nested Persistent IConfigNode, see associated PR (@NathanKell). New performance patch : ConfigNodePerf (@NathanKell) [KSP 1.8.0 - KSP 1.12.3] Speeds up loading and saving of ConfigNodes and allows skipping processing on certain known-good keys (like Principia's serialized data). This has yielded up to an 8x boost loading from/saving to disk in testing (although much of the expense remains serializing/deserializing the actual objects involved, not just reading and writing ConfigNodes from/to disk). This applies to all confignode parsing/saving, including loading into GameDatabase, MM loading/saving the cache, sfs and craft files, etc.
  15. Annoyingly it works now, so never mind. Must have not been invoking it quite right.
  16. Not sure whether it's better to bump this or make a new topic, but: has anyone had any luck using the Lingoona template <<and(1,x)>> ? i.e. Format("<<and(1,5)>> went to the market", "Bob", "Jeb", "Val") When I use it, its output is "one". Just "one".
  17. This is what I get for going by name and not avatar
  18. Yes, KSPCF just released an update including a fix that Butcher wrote to fix heightmaps/biome maps at poles. (Butcher wrote the fix into RSS for RSS's own 16bit heightmaps).
  19. V1.20.4 New since 1.20.3 - Restrict UpgradeBugs to KSP 1.12+ since it is compiled against the new combined editor class. - New KSP bufix : MapSOCorrectWrapping (contributed by @RCrockford)
  20. Ah, apologies. I have left unmarked those that apply to all versions which this mod works on.
  21. It's not necessarily the best idea to have a UI that writes MM patches (or otherwise sets these patches), because certain mods can literally depend on certain patches being active, and a UI that allows user selection can break these fundamental assumptions (i.e. that a @ patch in MM will apply). But that's a call I'm happy to leave to got, I'm just here adding little bits and bobs. As to FewerSaves, it is a performance optimization but not necessarily one that people want on -- some users may well prefer the stock behavior of saving on UI exist and on vessel remove. That, along with its somewhat experimental nature, is why we defaulted it to false.
  22. V1.20.3 New performance patch : FewerSaves (contributed by @siimav). This defaults to off. StrategyDuration had an incorrect transpiler linkage.
  23. V1.20.2: Another small update to fix a bug with my fix to DoubleCurves. Sorry folks.
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