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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yep, (windows) KSP x64 is an unstable mess and, as the READ FIRST sticky says, not really supportable. Linux x64 is stable if you need an x64 client.
  2. Captain Party: You click the link to 10x Kerbol in the OP.
  3. Sounds good to me. Might want to wait a little bit for the new RF, which will work tweakscaling tanks (apologies for delay). Then you can tweakscale up the stock tanks as needed.
  4. metaphor: I got no vertical scrollbars, but by dragging and highlighting I got the rest to show up. Chimer4, apologies.
  5. Copy the KSP folder, paste it somewhere else. Play via that folder.
  6. Augustus: Here you go. This is also helpful. dreadicon: Haha no. But thanks so much! As I said above--maybe I wasn't clear?--those map exports are not directly used by KSP. All scaled space maps that RSS uses are textures in the folder that I load (just like you'd load any other texture). The export is there if you want something to start from, which you then rename/move/etc, hand-edit to taste, and hook up (in RSS.cfg) so it gets loaded. See the giant texture packs in the RSS OP. From what you're saying Kopernicus creates them automatically if unspecified, or something? Kopernicus will be using a fully reflection-based loader for PQSMods, so arbitrary PQSMods are supported; you specify the various variables' values in confignode format, and Kopernicus reads it in, creates the PQSMod if it doesn't already exist for that body, and then applies your settings. I'd PM Teknoman (or open an issue) and ask if the final schema is decided; that's what you'd convert PF configs to.
  7. No, you don't need a pay account to download it. Try again. Or get MonoDevelop, or Xamarin. But the best thing you can do is follow some C# tutorials so you actually know what you're doing; blindly building stuff is *not* a recipe for success. Heck, check the wiki too; it even has a tutorial for how to get set up for plugins!
  8. Per the OP's request, shutting this down. It has gone far afield (aero, development plans, and my own personal sidetrack of resource loading). Not because you can't talk about the feature (there are other threads open right now, for example)--but this has gotten very scattered, and heated, and troubled. Fly safe around each other (not least because crashes will take out buildings too )
  9. AvronMullican: Yes, I'm aware people make military ships and mods. That's very different from people taking joy in crashing their own rockets and seeing how many of their own kerbonauts they can kill. EDIT: Timberwolffe: Part of it is that the loader is sloooow, part of it is that if you load a texture at a time in the background you won't notice it (it's amortized nicely).
  10. Thanks for the endorsement of divinity, but last I checked I was mortal. Also, the fact that the thread where you posted this is (a) still open, ( running mostly against the feature, and © in the general discussion forum, like many others criticizing Squad, does not lend credence to the argument that we run this place with an iron fist.
  11. When you decrease the number of nodes, the extra nodes get chucked off far away. Maybe you're seeing them?
  12. TimberWolffe: As I said, *that mod does it*. No, your game won't grind to a halt when a texture is streamed. Also, you know the big loading screen you get on scene change? An extra second or two there won't make a difference. ferram: on the contrary, we might hope that it could stem the tide of uncaring destruction that (as bac9 covered) is becoming the sad byword of KSP. If destroying things actually makes it impossible to build rockets, if you suffer consequences for your careless disregard for safety, maybe then you will learn to exercise better care and not treat KSP as Destruction Derby with Rockets. Or maybe people will compete to blow the buildings up faster, ~so kerbal~. If, and that's a big if as hoojiwana says, the functionality is exposed for modding (particularly Kerbin City etc), then I think it will be awesome; and while I am personally underwhelmed, I do think it's neat in and of itself--it's very strange that the environment doesn't react at all, and this will help.
  13. Welcome to the forums! What OS do you use? How do you get KSP (the KSP Store? Steam?)
  14. FleetAdmiralJ: I'm sure this feature took *absolutely no programming at all*. Right? Just art? That's why a mod like Load On Demand is totally impossible, right? ....oh wait. Nope, There is nothing about Unity that requires all assets to be loaded at all times; it's only because, despite various comments to the contrary, KSP is not actually designed to be mod-friendly (heck, the original plugin loader was done by injection!). Voculus: You may be unpleasantly surprised; in the souposphere, it won't be falling very fast.
  15. Can you list all the mods? Looks like way more than just those two...(I saw ModuleManager, and DOE, and...)
  16. 1. Welcome to the forums! 2. Please don't make duplicate threads. Also, it'd be very useful if you gave your threads explanatory titles, like "Help finding mods using two parts" rather than "Help!" 3. The second sounds like it's from RPM. Dunno where the first is from.
  17. You're going to need a plugin for that. You can't just take bits from different modules and stick them in a cfg; all a cfg is, is a set of data for *existing* code. I.e. the code will say "load this variable from cfg" and it will load the value from the line of that name in the cfg.
  18. AlternNocturn: right now I abstract the pressurant; it's considered part of the tank's dry mass. You do need a ServiceModule (or RCS type tank), since other tanks don't have the strength for high pressurization.
  19. Taverius: YESSSSSSS SirSock: yeah, that would be awesome. Very, very awesome.
  20. If you dedicate only a few hundred kg per person, you don't have to worry for like a month. If you're planning on voyages longer than a month, or colonies, then it's something to worry about.
  21. Size on disk has very little to do with size in RAM.
  22. Best I can offer is "hopefully Kopernicus will get done soon". sorry. I've never tried PF myself.
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