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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah. Go here and click on x64 if x64, x86 if x86 (32bit). Then click view raw to download the file.
  2. I believe you can do the same thing you would for a ModuleEnginesFX engine. You'll need to create an EFFECTS node in the cfg, create various states (running, etc), and add visual and auditory FX to them, then add hooks to them in the ModuleRCSFX module.
  3. Here is a dump of all the PQSMods bodies have (as of .22, but seems still valid). Note that RSS *does* allow you to add heightmaps (check out the bodies in RealSolarSystem.cfg which have a PQSMod_VertexHeightMap in the Add node, rather than regular node...)
  4. Ok, now *that* is bloody confusing. I'll reupload a fixed archive. EDIT: Apologies for doubting you, there was something messed up in my *own* tweakscale install. I believe it is now fixed, And RF's interaction recompiled, so redownload 7.4.
  5. Suggestions? Engines. All engines. There is no reason to have to use cubic struts, when you can merely clone the node_stack_top line and call it node_attach, and edit the attach rules.
  6. Phylan: Awesome! What version of EVE are you using? Release, or Overhaul? (KSP cares not for texture extension; if you are told to replace a TGA with a PNG, put the PNG in the folder and delete the TGA; once a texture is loaded, it is referred to by its extensionless post-GameData path)
  7. As far as I am aware, what does not work in KSP right now is the tech stuff, and some of the MODEL calls might be bugged. Based on what has been said in Dev Notes, that situation is likely to become worse with .25. It sounds like there are three choices: 1. Let KOSMOS die entirely 2. Allow community fixes to be merged in, while retaining a no-derivatives license 3. Allow derivates, such that it can be fixed in perpetuity without an original author around to merge fixes in.
  8. smunisto: as Starwaster says, it's not out yet. We (ferram, Ippo, and I) hope to have it ready soon after .25 though. ModZero: yes, RealHeat models emission. Starwaster: RF models boiloff because that's something to do with fuel. The cryogenic tank in RF, for the record, has a much, much, much lower boiloff rate than the S-IVB did (in fact, I think even the Default, non-Cryogenic tank does!) so I don't think it unfair to still have boiloff in RF, besides which if one does use RF, one is quite likely to use RealHeat too. DaMichel: undercoveryankee (hah, love that name) has about the size of it. We certainly won't be supporting/overriding KSPI out of the box, but it would be a shame not to integrate to some extent down the road. biohazard15: I will check again in case I somehow broke the packaging of it. Meanwhile, is it broken for anyone else? John FX: Yep. In fact, since it's being co-written by ferram, the connection is quite close.
  9. Starwaster: Tweakscale includes dlls for MFT and RF that will fail gracefully with that exception when (not if) they find the wrong version of RF or MFT. However, I include a fresh dll, in another folder, that *does* offer good support. If you don't want to see those exceptions, delete the MFT/RF interaction plugins in TweakScale/Plugins (but leave the dlls in TweakScale/TweakScaleInteraction alone, which is where MFT/RF will put its own dlls) p1t1o: Check the link in my signature to CrossFeedEnabler. It will enable crossfeed in situations where it should be but isn't (like radially attaching an RCS tank). It is entirely working as designed that fuel cannot magically teleport from a fuel tank to an RCS thruster; RCS fuels now merely obey the same rules that radial engines do (after all, that's what they are). You will need to place RCS thrusters in such a way that there is valid fuel crossfeed between the tank and the thruster; that means using girders (which apparently have magical fuel lines in them) rather than Ibeams.
  10. I really, really doubt that a mod founded on being license conscious and open is going to break licenses.
  11. Just tell me everything you have installed, *exactly* the control inputs (and craft) used to reproduce, and I'll try to replicate. Oh, and note that RO *always* has the latest version of this mod, because my build script pushes it to the RO repository whenever I build this mod.
  12. Why yes, we can, but only if you follow the guideline in the READ FIRST sticky--we won't have enough information otherwise.
  13. Eh? What does insulation have to do with it, other than ever so slightly decreasing usable volume? The problem is *pressure vessels*. Which *all* tanks are.
  14. I will look into this, but it may be a stock bug; FX is tied to thrust power, and if the thruster is producing very little thrust (but a fair amount of torque, given location) you won't get visual FX.
  15. Replace. DRE is if you want to make reentry dangerous. RealHeat is for if you want realistic heating and cooling. Think of RealHeat like FAR for heat, with DRE closer to Starwaster's Stock Drag Fix (it's not even NEAR).
  16. Changelog: v5.3 *DRE will now calculate atmospheric density from temperature and pressure, assuming an atmosphere like Earth's. *Chute-cutting logic improved; tweakable max chute temperature added. *Removed B9 part configs (done by the B9 mod itself). *Display ambient temperature in right-click menu. *Corrected Celsius/Kelvin conversions, clamp part temperature to absolute zero. *Sped up the update loop a fair amount *Fixed a shielding raycast bug *Avoid some VAB/SPH slowdown/logspam *Use vessel velocity as the reference frame, not the part (might help with rotors and wobbling parts) *Made burnup FX (when a part is burning up) occur higher in the atmosphere *Allow tweaking the reentry FX by applying an exponent to density as used by it. Defaults to 0.7, so they start appearing earlier on reentry than they used to. *Tweak part burning rate and damage handling. *Tweak drag etc of inflatable shield (Starwaster) *FINAL PRE-STARWASTER EDITION (I'm moving to RealHeat; Starwaster is taking over DRE)
  17. Awesome! Let us know if it doesn't.
  18. Well, one generally hopes people will read the second post of a thread too, but I have edited the OP.
  19. Sounds like you didn't grab the RT2 config from the second (third?) post in the RO thread. That adds ground stations in appropriate locations.
  20. I really don't know why you posted that here; I have answered on the Real Fuels thread (the relevant thread), and I have closed this thread as all RO discussion (about RO proper, not a submod like Real Fuels) should by now be on the release thread, as the OP states.
  21. RCS fuel flows like any other fuel. If a radial engine mounted there would work, an RCS port would; if not, RCS won't either. You'll need to place RCS on parts that have crossflow (like girders or tanks or wings), not parts that don't (decouplers, structural panels).
  22. The problem is also that all the required and recommendeds in the RO thread are too much for *any* KSP install, unless you use a quite impressive scaling level in ATM and use the 2048 planets. You'll need to be quite selective with what parts you keep from those mods, and which you delete.
  23. Ah, missed those then. I'll add tanks for them.
  24. The real answer is you ask eggrobin to do it: what he did was chuck all the (correct) orbital data into Mathematica, and have it compute new values based off Earth's axial tilt.
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