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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sorry, I see nothing out of ordinary in the log, and you're not using the deathbuild (win x64), so that's not the problem either. Two things you can try. 1. Install Active Texture Management; even though your log doesn't show an out-of-memory crash, that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't the problem. 2. Do a binary search: remove half your mods. If stable, add half what you removed, back. If still crashy, remove half of what remains. Continue until you've narrowed it down.
  2. Sounds like maybe your text editor was saving the file differently than it should be?
  3. As the RZ2 is essentially the same thing (IIRC) as the LR79/LR89/S-3D, you can take detailing from that, too.
  4. Honestly, AFAIK I haven't changed the heat buildup calculations. I'll diff it with prior versions to check, but...unless I goofed badly, it should be the same. Regarding density exponents: Recall that density is in kg/m^3, and is 1.225 at sea level. In real life it hits 1.0 at 2.5 kilometers, and does so much lower even than that in KSP. This means that 99% of the time it's relevant, density will be <1.0, and therefore lower exponents to it will increase it.
  5. RedAV8R: yes, I will enable that. It's on the Giant List [of death (to me)] ThorBeorn: *everything* can be changed; that node is, after processing by RF, loaded directly by the engine, so anything you could put in the MODULE node, you can put there. ZaPPa: that's funny, shouldn't even be able to scale up engines, I thought I had that turned off. It certainly won't work.
  6. On the ALL_VESSEL bug, the floor for setting a rate is > (1e-5 / fixedDeltaTime), or > 0.0005 This is because rates are given as per second, and the physics steps are 1/50th of a second each at 1x warp.
  7. Thanks again, Starwaster (there's a reason you're continuing this, you fix not only other users' problems, but mine ) Repack uploaded. Should be good now.
  8. That thread should have been in Dev anyway; I have moved it there. Link should work again.
  9. What regex said, except for them all. Ferram figured the closest real-world equivalent to the shaping of the LV-909 might be the Molniya Blok L stage's engine (if you want some references).
  10. Looking good! I might ask, though, if you'd be willing to do what, say, frizzank does, and have what you have marked "engine" above be the boattail, with actual engine parts inside. That will allow us to, say, build single-RZ2 rockets, or use different engines for later Europas.
  11. You might want to look into how taniwha handled things for KSPAPIExtensions.
  12. Thanks for that! I'll roll out an official this evening. I must have done something right before release, because when Taverius and I tested it (he was on IRC at the time, and therefore prime guinea pig) it worked >.>
  13. Problem is KSO was not made with FAR/NEAR support in mind, and due to how it is constructed, support will be poor at best. Wings have to be made in a certain way for FAR/NEAR to work with them.
  14. Collider primitives are cheap, cheap, cheap. Better to use a bunch of them than a single mesh-collider.
  15. Motokid600: you have a version of RSS that is months and months out of date. Current version is 7.3 Phylan: awesome! And, thanks so much!
  16. Thanks, that's a truly excellent report and helps a ton! I'll try to get this fixed this evening, if not, tomorrow.
  17. Wow, that's a heck of a bug. Thanks! I'll take a look and figure out what's going on.
  18. Open buildID.txt in your KSP folder and post what it says, just in case? Also GameData\RealSolarSystem\RealSolarSystem.version
  19. Merged duplicate threads. Please edit your OP as you would like it to be (I didn't know which you wanted) and then clear the other post.
  20. The planet names are not changed, because doing so breaks KSP. Not sure why you're getting an out of date message: are you running KSP 0.24.2 build 559? And RSS v7.3?
  21. As long as the *second* (and third and...) part loaded is the one to be renamed, it won't break craft Since if you load a craft, the first loaded part will be the one selected when a partname is given.
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