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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. No, it works fine. It is only disabled for "KSP 0.25 Win x64", the build of KSP.
  2. Yes. It's due to the limited (only 256 variations) heightmaps possible right now. In order to have decent accuracy in heights on the continents, I sacrficed about 5km of ocean depth. v8.0 *Update to ModuleManager v2.5.0. *Update to KSP 0.25. *Removed some useless checks. Note: As KSP 0.25 Win x64 has been deemed unstable by SQUAD, RSS is disabled on it for your protection. Please use 32bit KSP on Windows, or use Linux x64.
  3. Yep, that's probably because ferram changed the wing masses. They're balanced against modern (semi-military?) jets' wing strength and mass.
  4. Or you might want to try all their parts, and find that because Squad fixed a bug with rescaleFactor, now a bunch of their [KW/NP2] parts (that use workarounds to the bug) don't work anymore. They're on the list for a reason. (And KW in particular was warned that the way they were working around the bug was itself an issue months ago, and still hasn't fixed it--and now they're paying the price). Those warnings are there because we, as plugin authors, put them there. Part packs that don't have plugins don't check compatibility. sumghai: how thorough, out of curiousity? I had heard people had trouble, and given the changes to the editor (which broke EdEx) I'm surprised SelectRoot is working.
  5. If the compatibility checker says it doesn't work, believe it. That warning is there for a reason.
  6. v3.1 *Recompiled for KSP 0.25 *Turns off crossfeed on Squad radial decouplers to prevent weird things from happening. The pylon, however, still has it, so you can still make droptanks (or just use a fuel line). *Bundle Module Manager
  7. Climber: here's an ion glider I built just before .25 (shown in .25). Note that with the changes current FAR makes to wing mass, it doesn't work as well as it used to. Ferram, you really need to make it tweakable... (The ion engine is hidden by the gear; it's attached via a cubic strut to the back of the xenon tank, below the fuselage.)
  8. Apologies, with .25 I haven't had a chance to investigate. I still plan to. Meanwhile, updated for 0.25
  9. Nooooo, this is a very bad idea. All this will do is break those mods when they do update, and further break other mods. Instead, fix the mods. Open the part cfg of the remotetech antenna and fix the path to the new path; same with other mods that reference stock assets whose paths have changed.
  10. Going back slightly, I realize I didn't answer this. I am less against there being mach effects without reentry heating than I am there being reentry heating without mach effects (also, poor choice of words: reentry heating *is* a mach effect, so said better, I am less concerned at one of the mach effects being left unimplemented, than *only* one being implemented). While I think in general they should be tied together, I can see why one might want Custom difficulty to allow toggling heating off (or, maybe better, simply turning off "part explodes at max temperature" rather than turning off heating and cooling). Yeah, actually, that's a much better solution. Change it so a difficulty option is "parts do/don't explode on > max temperature) and then you don't have to worry about toggling mach effects.
  11. The thread title says this mod is for .24. That might have something to do with your issues running it on not-.24.
  12. What version of KSP are you running? braininator: sorry, replying to your PM now, I'll cover it there.
  13. LitaAlto: thanks, perfect! And thanks everyone else too! nli2work: I'm going to hold off on the top three, since I know updates/recompiles are coming shortly. L3GO: no, sarbian has not woken up at 4am just to rush out a new MechJeb. You might have to wait a little longer. The current dev build seems more or less ok, but since it does have a compatibility warning, no promises, and further it is not a good idea to ignore those warnings. Starstrider42: there's mention of a pre-release, and an upcoming actual release; I'd prefer not to link to the OP and have people think the old version, not the pre-release, is the working one. Sounds like the full release will be out soon, so I'll update then.
  14. Per the Addon Posting Rules all posted addons require a license and attribution. Further, since this is the work of Squad, you will be somewhat constrained in what license you may choose (I suggest something simple like "license is as the original assets were, i.e. available for derivative use by KSP modders").
  15. Climberfx: the problem is it's *not* a light craft. It's not a sailplane, it's a spaceplane, with a multi-ton fuselage and heavy wings. Suggestion: open the FAR dialog, go to the stability derivatives page, click calculate. That will give you reference area (wing area). Now, take the craft's mass in tons, divide by the wing area, and multiply by 1000, and you'll get kg/m^2 wing loading. Now compare that to some actual sailplanes. And that's not even accounting for sweep and for aspect ratio; sailplanes, as ferram mentioned, have very long, narrow, unswept wings. That's best for slow speeds.
  16. Naw, final just means it's the last commit that goes into an update. You'll see I did it for earlier updates too. It's so I can find the milestones in the commit log easily. I have this recompiled (I think with a couple logic holes fixed?) and will post it after supper and after I add one other thing.
  17. The paths for a number of parts changed in .25, breaking things that use them (like welded parts). They will need to be updated for the new paths.
  18. My understanding is that selectroot also has issues. That said, the real test is this: do any of them throw compatibility warnings when you launch KSP? If so, then (with the exception of blizzy's toolbar, see his dev thread) they should not be treated as compatible.
  19. Pingopete's pack should work fine in 7.4, or 8/.25 assuming EVE does too. braininator: nope, 8 is just a recompile for .25, which I realize I haven't released yet. Oops.
  20. CjStaal: please bring that up on the Resource Overview thread, as the modder in question thinks it is. Also, I have edited the OP again to add highlighting...
  21. dreadicon: it can now. It supports variables, and relative locations; you can go all the way up to gamedatabase root and then down again to the other part.
  22. Aw, thanks so much! That means a great deal, especially on a trying day.
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