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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Beale has confirmed that 0.25 has some bugs in its TGA loader; TGAs are no longer safe to use.
  2. Yep, if you're flying in air rather than soup, you go *really really fast*. That means the force of the air is *really really strong*. Try looking at your G meter when you make those maneuvers, and ask yourself whether a plane's wings are *supposed* to survive 20Gs. Then try in stock, where your speed will be much, much lower (and the forces therefore much much much much [it's squared] lower), and see what the G-meter says.
  3. Most ICBMs had inertial guidance back in the day; I don't know what they have now.
  4. Oh, that's actually even better, because if you're willing to run it through Unity, I'll bloody *make* the cockpit. My problem isn't modeling, it's not having had a chance to learn Unity. But 3ds max I know. :] Seriously though, only if you have time, and after you get SXT sorted; it's low priority. Thanks *ever* so much!
  5. Right now they are listed in order of update, so recent stuff is at the bottom (which makes it easier to see what has changed).
  6. Ah, I had thought you had just upgraded KSP; I didn't realize it was a clean install with all fresh mod downloads. That said, please do go via the post I linked; in particular, the log you appended isn't the right kind (it doesn't actually give useful info, you want player.log), and had you done as it asked and included mod versions, I'd have known they were all .25 compatible. Cool! I read OTSOG a ways back, and mostly-lurk/sometimes-post on AH.com a fair bit myself; I also was active on SB, oh, bout a decade ago, though probably my posts are toast by now.
  7. Please follow the guidelines in the READ FIRST sticky in this forum. In addition, however, I note that you're running .25 -- it was just released; I wouldn't expect All The Mods to be compatible already. Please check each mod's thread and see if there's an update for compatibility. If not, and it's not listed as .25-compatible, then you should assume it is not. Note that not every mod includes compatibility-checking code; you should *not* assume that just because you don't get a warning, the mod is compatible. Finally--you wouldn't happen to be the same guy as on the AH.com and Spacebattles forums, would you?
  8. Welcome to the forums! There is *always* log output; see the READ FIRST sticky in this forum for details. Please follow its guidelines.
  9. Pic? Because that sounds like either an install issue, or something you'd experience at the same speed in stock.
  10. Since NEAR *doesn't* rip the wings off your plane, I'm confused as to how you're managing it.
  11. 1. Your opening post includes no license at all. That is against the rules. 2. The Curse download page says the license is "All Rights Reserved" which you can't use because these aren't your assets. 3. The download file *now* includes License.mdp (it did not when I downloaded it earlier). However, it is not a license; it is in fact simply attribution. You need to specify under what license you are releasing the addon, not (just) who made the assets. You could have something like "the assets were made by Chad Jenkins at SQUAD and retain their original licenses."
  12. Yeah, thing is in about half-to-two-thirds the cases, KSP .24 Win x64 is an unstable wreck (ferram and I can get it to crash on demand, in ways the 32bit client is utterly fine with). So I would not suggest recommending it to people. If you need to recommend it, recommend Ubuntu or something...you can easily install it side-by-side with Windows. And, hah, boy do I know about those 3am releases...just check the typo found on the last page of the DRE thread for an example (that wasn't 3am, but similar level of tiredness/pressure--most of my other releases have been about 3am, with the expected results).
  13. That has been true at least since .22 or so, and probably since the TGA loader was written. Cpt. Kipard: Or just ask everyone to use ATM; many people do already. MBM however is definitely the safest (and also avoids a *Unity* bug with png, where if you have enabled but unconnected network devices, loading the game may take 10+ minutes >.>) and has the least memory leaks too. However, it will confuse anyone who thinks that space on disk = space in memory, since MBM is an uncompressed format on disk. Just be aware, and correct people if they complain.
  14. Temeter: read ferram's post again. We *tried* that approach It did not work. And that was on a *less* broken x64 build (.24). The reason we are doing this is because we have absolute proof that approach does not work.
  15. 1. That thread is doing the same thing you are. It would seem to make sense to not have lots of duplicate thread springing up all doing the same thing and all the mods conflicting with each other. 2. Your addon is in violation of the Addon Posting Rules. You need a license in your opening post and in the download file. Right now neither exists. You will have to be careful in selecting a license, since these are not your assets (they're SQUAD's). While SQUAD has given KSP owners permission to use them in derivative works, you need to make the attribution and the limitations clear.
  16. Thanks for the reports, all. However, please follow the guidelines in the OP. I even bolded and colored them.
  17. Heh. I do get around. That's the 10x Kerbol system config for RSS
  18. You should coordinate with WolfGeek101, here. Also, the notice I put in her/his thread (about licenses) applies here as well.
  19. Yes, rescaleFactor now works correctly. That means that you can safely use non-1.0 values with MODEL nodes. To fix old parts that have rescaleFactor != 1.0, simply multiply the scale = x, y, z inside the MODEL node(s) by the rescaleFactor.
  20. Unless you mean *Linux* x64, please no not preferably x64. .24.2 Win x64 is unstable for the majority of users. (.25 is much worse, for the record). Also, the "click bug" on first load space center is fixed in 0.25. 7.4 dll is preferred: pingpete, you really shouldn't be including RSS dlls; the config file format is not going to change, and later RSS dlls have important fixes, usually. Oh, and also: said it elsewhere, but: awesome!
  21. As with many things in KSP, unless someone knows the answer and answers your question (not me alas) you'll just have to test...
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