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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I apologize if that post came across as inflammatory; it was certainly not my intention. My intent was, and remains, to try to prevent people using unofficial fixes and then posting complaints or support requests for e-dog to deal with if (when) they don't work. Or not doing so, but still posting about how (within a *day* of a new release of KSP) a mod is not updated. If neither of the latters happen, the former (posting unofficial fixes) is of course fine!
  2. Or if a part mod uses the semi-working workaround to the rescaleFactor bug. Since the rescaleFactor bug was fixed, anyone using the semi-working workaround will now have mis-scaled parts.
  3. Ahahaha it's my own (well, swamp's, but implicitly mine for not fixing it yet) fault. Thanks for this!
  4. Alshain, Capt. Hunt: wow, I totally misread that. Sorry. I read it as "LV-N" for some reason, not LV. Whoops. Please follow the directions in the sticky; the requirements exist so we can help you.
  5. If you can replicate it without mods, please post on the unmodded support forum. Also, your MM needs an update; get 2.5.1. Also also, thank you for following the directions in the sticky! It's almost never done...
  6. KSP is not going to look like a AAA title without quite a lot more work than just a shader patch. And I am not saying it wouldn't be great, just that KSP already does something a bit like this, which means it's tweakable.
  7. Before this gets out of hand, I want to say a few things with my moderator hat on. 1. All posts of DLLs must abide by the addon posting rules. Right now the posted zip needs a little note saying "recompiled by Addle" or something; the license says you can fork/redistribute, but you can't modify without attribution (including to yourself, as I understand it ) 2. The license does indeed allow forking, recompiling, redistributing, etc., so long as the terms of the license are respected. 3. Licenses apply when you share things, not for personal use. 3. This is a very different situation from the Real Chute thread for any number of reasons which I will not go into here because this is not the Real Chute thread. Now, mod hat off. As a *modder*, I tend to advocate patience. I have just done so on the TweakScale thread, and I did so above. e-dog has been active on the forum *today*. e-dog might update the mod, might not but say use Addle's fix, might say please don't use that, or might do any number of things. So let's leave it there, shall we?
  8. Since biotronic was recently active on the forum, I would ask that we please give her/him a couple days before posting unofficial fixes. A few days without a mod isn't going to kill anybody.
  9. GregroxMun: the creator of these parts has already described the direction s/he wants to take them in. I'm sure given the license s/he would be fine with retextures, however. landeTLS: It means you are pretty much limited to using an engine on only one size of tank. Without tankbutts, you could use an LV-T45 on a 2.5m tank if you wanted and it wouldn't look weird, or a Poodle on a 1.25m tank. Also, it means you can't so easily cluster LV-Ts on 2.5m tanks, because the tankbutts clip into each other or go outside the tank. Finally, a tankbutt is what it says: part of a tank. Tanks are pressure vessels, and that's why they're domed; instead, we get oil barrel tanks, and somehow the dome is part of the engine. Which means it should contain fuel, and which makes no sense when there's multiple domes on a tank end. That just looks freaky. Instead, it makes much more sense to have dedicated boattail / thrust plate / tankbutt, or to make tanks that include their own domes (as NP2 and KW tanks do).
  10. Not the creator, yes the maintainer. Swamp_ig is the creator, as the OP says. I'll look at the issue. I've also seen some other issues, so at best the first release for .25 will be quite WIP, but I don't want to deny it to people for too long. :]
  11. Chad became a much better modeler and texturer with experience and practice; C7 stuff was very much "programmer art" at the start, but his late stuff is great. Shame he wasn't given the chance to improve his earlier parts. GregroxMun: just because some people disagree with you on one thing, and other people disagree with you on another thing, does not make everyone who disagrees with you part of the same mafia.
  12. For the record, ialdabaoth has stated many times he'd be perfectly fine with it being integrated, as am I, and I'm pretty sure Starwaster would feel the same way.
  13. Freyera: welcome to the forums! However, this is not the place for support requests. I suggest you make a thread in the Modded Support forum. Others: thanks for the lnks! Do, however, please follow the guidelines in the OP. Mr.Kerbol: MJ *does* work. Use the dev release.
  14. Start lowering density exponent (and afx density exponent to match) and increasing shockwave exponent until things feel too hard.
  15. Raptor also has the RF Stockalikes configs, which maintain engines' original roles (without regard to such pesky things such as size or nozzle shape >.> ) but give them Real Fuels configs.
  16. Why yes, yes it can. MM supports regular expressions.
  17. KSP *does* actually do some of this. Really far away things do get blued.
  18. Well, that's a pretty awesome way to cap your first five posts. Very cool!
  19. Thanks to Taverius (again) I have fixed my link. Oops.
  20. If a mod does not say 0.25 in the title, you should not expect it to work in .25 You may be able to make it sorta-work, but don't claim sorta-work = work, either, please. Let's have a tiny weensy bit of patience, shall we? Also: no, Proc Fairings does not use TweakScale. Both PF and TweakScale use the same tweakable *interface*, provided by KSPAPIExtensions, but both have their own scaling code.
  21. zzz has publicly stated many times that *all* her/his works are public domain. You don't need permission to maintain them. If you wish to rerelease this (with credit) please start a new thread. Sending this back to its peaceful rest...
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