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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. No, the integration plugin is source in the MFT/RF repo and needs to be built for each MFT or RF version, that's why we supply it now rather than TweakScale.
  2. Real Fuels itself doesn't come with engine packs; please let Raptor (or whomever) know the pack needs to be updated. Also...totally forgot to add the subtitle! Fixed.
  3. Try updating to the current release of MFT, and make sure all the mods you have are their absolute latest versions (note a lot have updated over the last few days), then post log again? Clearly MFT is throwing, but it's unclear whether it's a KSPAPIExtensions conflict or something else.
  4. Faark: my memory was hazy, but I was pretty sure you weren't compressing. Point is, as long as read outweighs seek grabbing DDS is going to be significantly faster than MBM/TGA, and about the same as PNG (depends on how noisy the image is) due to decreased file size. And since presumably many folks aren't tied to spindles anymore, seek is likely not a significant factor. And that's even apart from the decompression from PNG or TGA-RLE...
  5. rbray: I hate to ask this, because you just fixed that issue, but now that min size *is* respected, can we have an option to apply to all folders? That's easier than remembering to CFG All The Folders! </alliebrosh> Thanks for taking time to fix all this stuff btw, despite being super busy!
  6. DaMichel: what I do is just disconnect the parts my tail surfaces are attached to, then calculate again. That will give me wing area. Then I reattach and get dry and gross weight from RCS Build Aid. Then run the numbers myself. As ferram says, it doesn't work for blended wing/tail or BWB designs.
  7. Yeah, I had a total splurge of confusion about this, sorry. I saw your PR, and thought it was for my AJE repo; I therefore thought you did not have your own AJE repo. My brain has been unfogged, etc., etc. Sorry.
  8. Moved crazy-scary-fuels discussion to RF thread. impwarhammer: what do you mean by "integrated"? And yes, things should be less flat.
  9. That problem has now been solved, due to ~sooper powerz~
  10. Ah, sorry, I posted before checking my email. >.> I'll send you a pull for the new RF fuels if that hasn't been fixed yet.
  11. Faark: KSP Win x64 is broken for most people; not all of us want to / can / etc switch to Linux, and OS X doesn't have a 64bit version. ATM, while awesome, cannot (apart from fixing the TGA loader bug) decrease memory without quality loss. To get things working with even a *reduced* mod set and only *1* planet worth of textures (RSS) I had to set scaling to 1/4th in ATM. Besides, why the heck would I want to waste RAM (and VRAM) on parts I'm not actively using!? Oh, and do check out Sarbian's DDS loader--streaming DDS from disk direct to VRAM should be much, much faster.
  12. Which reminds me--camlost, you really need to set up a github account so the repo can be yours
  13. rbray: assuming one preformats the texture to Unity's internal format, with Z ignored there's 4 bits each for X and Y, paletted at 64bit for 4x4 should quite be decent. I wouldn't like to apply S3TC to an RGB normal map though!
  14. Ah, the MFT archive seems to be lacking the TweakScale interaction plugin. That would explain it...
  15. nli2work: memory usage should go down since as I understand it the existing loaders leak >.>
  16. rbray: <64x64 should catch them all (stock toolbar is 38x38, blizzy's is smaller).
  17. You need to only pop parachutes when your craft has slowed down enough that the air won't either rip the chute to shreds or burn it up (fast air hitting something heats it quite a bit, and there's a *lot* of parachute for it to hit). That means waiting until you're subsonic, yes.
  18. Pokletu: sounds like you might be using KSP Windows x64? (did FAR and NEAR come up with warnings when you started KSP?) That would explain them not working. Even if you have 64bit Windows, you should use 32bit KSP.
  19. Snjo, thanks for the headsup, thanks for all you've been doing, and thanks for staying involved even when interest (and the muse) is on the ebb.
  20. tedach: raptor is aware and will be putting out a release as soon as possible. If you want to do it yourself, the main changes are N2O4->NTO, Aerozine->Aerozine50, what RedAV8R said, and LiquidH2->LqdHydrogen. Not sure what else Stockalike RF uses that would be affected.
  21. DaMichel: you would need to exclude all vertical wings, and *try* to exclude tail surfaces, as otherwise the wing loading won't be calculated the same as in real life (and thus will not be so useful if you have to mentally multiply it by 1.25 to get a comparison to known real-life loadings) Wanderfound: not really, because until now FAR did not change the masses of wings.
  22. Verios44, can you post the forum links, as the OP asks? Thanks
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