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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's worth noting that, in DRE, a part will start "burning" at 85% of its max temperature. This is why, for heat shields that top out at 1530C, you want a maxTemp of over 1800, and it means your 800C-max-temp fuselage will start burning at 680C (which is about Mach 2.7 at sea level, for reference).
  2. reversed rotation should be doable, just make rotation period negative?
  3. You have almost no vertical tail at all, and almost no horizontal tail in pic 2. Look at how big the tail fins (both the tails and the stabilators) are on, say, an F-15. And then recall for the vertical tails, it has *two*.
  4. Thanks. v8.1 *Fix my stupidity; I forgot to change some of RF's own patches to account for the new resource names. *camlost: fix tank name for new FS. *Fix applying changes to resource amounts more than once on TweakScale rescale. *Change FS fuselages to calculate their own basemass. *Fix a GUI click-locking issue. *Remove old/broken KSPI interaction config; a new one is in the works by dreadicon and Northstar1989.
  5. I have pulled the existing KSPI_MFS.cfg file from RF v8.1, pending its replacement with the result of this thread (absent any engine configs; RF will not ever ship with engine configs.)
  6. Technically, the two jets in KSP are *exactly* this; they *really are* air-breathing rockets, not jets.
  7. No, converting EVE's textures to dds is not going to work. EVE needs many of them kept readable in memory, and DDS is never kept readable (at least the way Sarbian wrote the loader), it's shunted straight to the GPU. (Some of) the detail textures you can convert, but the cloudmap for example you can't.
  8. Bug was reported a looong time ago (.22 or so), and until you posted your mod I had thought that when Mu said the rescaleFactor bug was fixed in .25, he meant *all* the ways it's bugged.
  9. regex, hope you feel better! Northstar1989: I have pulled the existing KSPI_MFS.cfg from RealFuels, pending inclusion of your and dreadicon's updated one. I will only post about that topic, going forward, in the topic you created for it; I am not going to try to keep up with your crossposting and I ask others to not post about KSPI-RF integration here either. Regarding boiloff, it will be in the next major version; I don't have time to redo the whole system for 8.1. Regarding the NovaPunch tank, thank you for that. I will endeavor to update RF configs for current Novapunch for RF 8.2, if no one is kind enough to do a pull request by then.
  10. I see nothing wrong with the cfg for the shield, so my guess is you might be attaching via the wrong node.
  11. Yes, it only locks for Winx64. It warns but works (as far as anyone has been able to test--bugs may be possible) on OSX.
  12. Awesome! Just a note, the OP says 9/18 not 10/18 for the date
  13. Resource name is...the name of the resource. Like LiquidFuel or ElectricCharge.
  14. TheClaw: You're most welcome! Re: scaling, take a part like the Mk1 fuselage (or anything with a MODEL node and non-1.0 rescaleFactor) and make it the root part of a vessel. Launch the vessel, then revert to launch. See if it changes size.
  15. RussianIvan: In career mode, there are limits to maximum (and minimum) diameter, and to height, and to volume. GiantTank: Sorry, not likely.
  16. Increase wing root. Attach control surface. Decrease wing root.
  17. .25 has a few hundred MB more stock textures (new building, new characters, etc) so don't be surprised at being able to use fewer mods.
  18. You do great stuff, and I really hope someone steps up for this! I also just realized you might also consider posting a [Help Wanted] as its own thread, maybe in Addon General; unlike most such threads, you actually *will* be doing the harder part (modeling, texturing).
  19. 12 hour day would be optimal, but then the "day" reported ingame on the clock would be either 2, or 1/2, Kerbin solar days.
  20. I'm working on a patch. FAR has changed a fair bit since 0.9 was released.
  21. I just made a 2-stage launcher with quite low TWRs that takes ~3350 to get to orbit (that's "give it 3400 vac dV, have 50 left at 75x75km", not "how much dV did Mechjeb say I expended" which would be less). I have no doubt that a low-drag, high-TWR launcher could manage closer to 3000.
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