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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. I did as well, and sadly didn't have time to investigate why, so I just yanked the MEM folder as well.
  2. "stockalike" "realistic" Eh? I think you need to pick one or the other
  3. https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/blob/27b8c8c89974e6e60355db60911737ea83b693f7/FerramAerospaceResearch/FAREditorGUI.cs#L247
  4. PQS can have negative altitude (i.e. below PQS.radius). CelestialBody also has a radius, and below that radius is "below sea level" on the altitude meter. As Greys and others said, you're confusing two things: 1. Some PQS have child PQSs (Kerbin, Eve, Laythe), a whole separate PQS that does not get any height mods. This is the ocean PQS. It's why Kerbin etc are more processor-intensive to look at than other bodies, because they have two PQSs. This child PQS has its radius as the body's radius (i.e. sea level) and doesn't vary in height, while (as mentioned above) the parent PQS may vary in height below itsradius (i.e. below sea level) and thus you get a sea floor. 2. All bodies have a set radius, this is their (altitude) sea level, against which the ASL altitude is calculated. Altitude above terrain is calculated from the actual PQS (parent-sphere if there is also a child sphere) terrain.
  5. You don't need to edit mu at all; extension in an mu is ignored by KSP. (textures are not referenced as filenames, but as GameDatabase URLs, i.e. Squad/Parts/Category/foo/model000 rather than model000.mbm ) so if model000 is now a png rather than an mbm, it'll still get picked. (This is why you should never have, in the same folder, two textures differing only in extension: KSP will load them both [memory use goes up] but only be able to reference one of them.)
  6. If you define more as "some, rather than none" If the two parts' origins are > 4.5m apart, *no* temperature will be transferred.
  7. If a patch with NEEDS[RemoteTech] in it runs, that means either 1. There is, somewhere, a RemoteTech.dll OR 2. There is, in some MM file somewhere, a :FOR[RemoteTech] 3. There is a folder in GameData called RemoteTech Make sure you don't have *any* :FOR[RemoteTech] lines, and make sure you don't have the folder or the dll. Then NEEDS[RemoteTech] will fail.
  8. Yes, setting a precedent of ignoring compatibility warnings is very bad....
  9. Unity stores normal maps in a different format than what you're used to. You need to either replace the map with an mbm (with the "is normal map" flag set) or replace it with a filename that ends in _NRM before the extension, like mytexture_NRM.png Or use ATM and tell it it's a normal map.
  10. It's worth noting that a 6.4x Kerbin launch with FAR will probably take about the same amount of time as a current soupodynamics launch. People really underestimate how *long* it takes to go up 10 kilometers at 1-200m/s. Also, how is 6371km smaller than 6000km?
  11. http://www.jet-engine.net/miltfspec.html is good for military turbojets/turbofans.
  12. The dev build is updated more frequently. Also, that's something to ask in the MechJeb thread.
  13. Why? Just don't extract that one, or delete it after you do. It's not going to cause any harm.
  14. Huh! I thought it was metallic, actually. Shows how good my memory is. But yeah, sorry, I meant "at normal chute-opening altitudes." M2 at 130k feet does sound survivable (equivalent KSP at ~28km I think), and if you're only doing 450m/s at 28km, go ahead, pop a chute.
  15. Thanks so much! Balancing planes with ballast will get a lot easier again.
  16. Just nuke your old FerramAerospaceResearch folder and replace it with the one in GameData in the zip from git.
  17. Other than CORONA etc film buckets, which are caught in mid-air, 7km is about the highest I'm aware for drogues on returning capsules. Starwaster: at what altitude? (Also, IIRC it wasn't using any of the materials RC uses)
  18. Modded support actually has a whole sticky thread on this. It's called the READ FIRST How To Get Suport Sticky.
  19. kpstjeev, welcome to the forums, and thanks so much for that catch! I totally forgot about that >.>
  20. My apologies if there is a setting for this that I have not found, but is it possible to reënable the display when in Action Editor mode? People who use MFT or RF or RealChute or any other mod that displays its (mass-changing) GUI when in action mode would really appreciate it (like meeeee!)
  21. *All* parachutes are to be deployed subsonic. That means < 300m/s. Even if the heat doesn't get you, a supersonic shockwave will rip the chute apart. RealChute (let alone stock) parachutes are not designed for supersonic deployment. (BTW the numbers cited are a bit off; DRE sets parachute parts to maxtemp 1250 IIRC, so 1/4 of that is 312. However, that is compared with shockwave * density^densityExponent, so at 15km you're talking, what, density .1 or .2? So something like .14-.25 * shockwave temp)
  22. It's worth noting that stock KSP also ignores the smaller of the two masses; RSS's automatic period calculation does not, which made some trouble for MechJeb a few months ago. Also, you might want to credit regex; as his posts imply, he's the original author of 6.4x.
  23. Yes. You might try checking the OP, lots of info and screenshots.
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