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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. OSX has been x64 for a good long time; it's the Unity client (that runs KSP) that is x86 only for Mac.
  2. Changelog: v8.0 *SAVE-BRREAKING - however, regex made a tool to attempt to update saves. Post on the thread if you want to try it out. *Redone resources by regex: some resources have changed name, a couple generic ones have been made into various specific ones, and many new (often scary) resources have been added. Note that all resources now have costs, normalized for 1 fund = $1000 in 1965 US Dollars. *Redone tank masses to better match extant launch vehicles. LV performance will decrease, since mostly that means dry mass went up. *Cryogenic tank type is now modeled on the Delta IV and Ariane 5 cores; the Shuttle ET is best modeled as a BalloonCryo tank with some ballast. *RCS, RCSHighEfficiency, Jet, and Oxy tanks are deprecated. Fuselage is ServiceModule with slightly higher mass (used for planes) and Structural is Default with the same basemass as Fuselage (used for planes when the tank doesn't need to be highly pressurized, or have electricity, life support, etc.) *Updated to MM 2.5.1 (and added FOR[] to the patches). *Updated SPP patches for .25, redid volumes. *Fixed for current Tweakscale; should now finally work right! *taniwha: refueling pump now works, costs funds, and only works if at KSC. *Disabled when incompatible KSP detected (.24 or any non-.25 version, .25Winx64), though unlocked versions are available on request by PM (on condition of no redistribution and no support)
  3. Sure they are! Deploy the parachute, the contract will complete, then DRE will burn the chute. (I think)
  4. Get the latest dev release, just in case, and destroy your old GameData\MechJeb2 folder before extracting the folder in the zip to GameData.
  5. Do blame me for the scale, not ferram, though; I wasn't aware how much stronger wings were in this version, and so wanted to make sure that the "nooo far y u break mah wings!" folks would have recourse (at quite the price in mass). That said: 0.05 (the lowest you can go) is lighter than modern fiberglass gliders; sounds more like ferram needs to make wings more breakable again if you can actually fly supersonic with wings that mass only 10% what a jet airliner's does. Or you just have an incredible amount of wing area, of course.
  6. TranceaddicT: looks like RF<->Tweakscale issues? Will be fixed in 8. refiter: as regex said, costs are in. They are normalized for 1 fund = $1000USD in 1965. Release should be today.
  7. The issue is that without FAR, your ascent will look very, very little like a real ascent. With FAR, KSP can server as a suitable analog for a real ascent; without it, it's going to be somewhat odd.
  8. It fixes the stock KSP bug (still here since .23) where a part that has three or more resources, but no module, will appear to blow up to infinite size when you mouseover it in the editor part list.
  9. Ah, my apologies for improperly preemtive snark. blizzy, update yo pages!
  10. Kirondoll: stock KSP issue, the TGA loader breaks randomly on .25.
  11. Are you on windows? Try copying the KSP folder out of steam and into, like, C:|Games Programs in Program Files\ are restricted, and there's often been an issue where they can't load plugins.
  12. I suggest posting on the DRE thread; not sure Starwaster checks here.
  13. Welcome to the forums! It is indeed out-of-memory crashing. You're going to need to remove some mods with lots of parts, and/or use Active Texture Management (once it's solidly working on .25).
  14. It depends on whether you have the demo or the game. If you have only the demo, yeah.
  15. dtobi: that's very sad, though understandable--it's a lot of work! I'd like to use some of this in Real Fuels, if I might. Want to tie ice sheets, etc., to fuel type loaded in tanks.
  16. KSP OS X .25 uses a different version of Unity than the other builds. That's warning you that there are no guarantees that RealChute will work on OS X (but on the other hand no one has reported an OS X-specific problem yet so...).
  17. Yep, it's not like there's an "Older Releases" link in the OP...oh wait.
  18. You...might not want to have this tagged as [0.25] when one of the dependencies (EVE) isn't updated to 0.25...
  19. TouhouTorpedo: that's perfectly normal output from FAR (or NEAR): it tells you the stats of the drag model applied to whatever part you just placed.
  20. You can leave the file right where it is. Is it not working?
  21. You can create a confignode with the settings you want to load, then reference that module and call its OnLoad on the node you made.
  22. You're welcome! It's not had the most extensive testing, so do report bugs, but it seems fine. Also, about time this got moved to Releases, I think.
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