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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. And if KSP were a better teaching tool, it would teach you the difference between a ballistic and a lifting reentry, so this is in fact an argument for more realism in KSP, not keeping it as it is...
  2. m4v: It'd be nice if it were 0.2%. It usually isn't, and it's hard to ignore when there are giant advice threads on the forum that say "Don't use nose cones! They make drag worse!" It's also pretty counterintuitive that wide, flat noseconessless rockets perform better than long, spindly streamlined ones. And I for one thing it's bad if KSP teaches us wrong, counterintuitive things. Especially when it's sold as a learning tool. EDIT: ninja'd by Franklin.
  3. Here's an excellent framework. Note that the license does not allow simply using code snippets, but it's fine to use it for reference. Basically, craft on rails get serialized to confignode; you can edit the RESOURCE nodes there.
  4. There are no links because SCANSat is not currently in compliance with the forum rules. technogeeky et al are working on making it compliant, but are very busy; please be patient. In the meantime, please *don't* post links to other ways to download it, as I will have to remove them.
  5. Guessing, without logs, is neither all that useful, *nor* polite to baldly accuse a mod of wrongdoing. The sticky exists for a reason. Please follow it.
  6. If it does, if you can reduce the number of mods to the bare minimum necessary to reproduce (or none, if is in fact a stock bug) and then launch KSP, *immediately* cause the issue, and *immediately* quite, that would be awesome because then I can take it right to QA.
  7. VDNKh: they do not. Mostly. Worlds with oceans will support (like the usual KSP shader) the alpha channel of the diffuse map *as* the specular map.
  8. Sorry, I'm not going to revisit heating/cooling until RealHeat's done...at which point I'll have to *entirely* revisit it. Comet Tail: It's true for non-pressurized objects, of course; it's just that even non "pressurized" (read: highly pressurized, for pressure-fed engines) tanks are still *somewhat* pressurized, and thus obey pressure vessel rules (and can be only a limited number of shapes, if you care about having decent dry mass fractions). AFAIK you can't get ZBO on passives alone; you can reduce boiloff a shedload (and get *LOX* boiloff practically near zero) but you can't get LH2 ZBO on passive.
  9. For imgur, if you have an ablum, you can enclose just the album name (the alphanumeric characters at the end of the URL) in [ imgur ] and [ /imgur ] tags. Bothersome: Non-Overhaul EVE has serious issues with RSS. I suggest you use Overhaul. As for the launch sites, sounds like an install issue: make sure you cleaned out the old install, installed 7.3 (and any textures) fresh, and have one (and only one) Module Manager 2.3.3 (or 2.3.4) in your gamedata root. Thanks for the awesome screens! I'll do an OP update soonish Ippo: https://github.com/NathanKell/DeadlyReentry/tree/Rework ferram4 and I are rewriting DRE so that it will actually entirely replace the stock temperature system and turn it into a heat system (where mass, heat capacity, emissivity, conductance, etc. matter).
  10. Next RF will also no longer include RCS tanktype, and simply set all RCS tanks to type ServiceModule, for the same reason. Also: RSS updated for latest MM. Sorry for delay.
  11. Fixed. Thanks to you and Taverius, who also spotted it. And you're most welcome!
  12. Please follow the guideline in the Read First sticky. That's how we can narrow the problem down and try to get it solved.
  13. Please follow the guideline in the Read First sticky. That's how we can narrow the problem down and try to get it solved.
  14. Changelog v7.3 \/ *Added LightShifter (ported by regex, based on Alternis Kerbol source). You can now adjust light. See wiki for details. *Update to Custom Biomes 1.6.6 *Now supports ModuleManager 2.3.x (Launch Sites work again) *asmi: fixed Baikonur elevation and default azimuth *regex: can now set PQS radius independent of CB radius *Updated message display on change KSC location to use display name, not internal name *Add more attempts at garbage collection during RSS load; they probably run as coroutines and therefore it doesn't help, but... *Darkened Earth a bit (was too bright for non-EVE users( *Upgrade to Module Manager 2.3.3 NOTE: RSS WANTS YOUR SCREENSHOTS. The OP needs a facelift now that things are prettier. If you have screenshots, albums, videos, etc, please post 'em here and you might get into the OP!
  15. Well, there's also the rationale "you really shouldn't be using planets with insane densities when you're teaching kids about space"--Kerbal.EDU should have the real system at least as an option. Also, I think a reasonable case can be made for something like 6.4x Kerbin (or maybe only 3x? who knows). Basically, juuust large enough that parts can have realistic sizes and masses and retain the same payload fraction they do now. If that happens, then we can have reasonable Isp, reasonable dry mass fractions, etc., but keep the same "easy sandbox" feel. That said, given the sense of the community (although one might question just how many have *tried* a smaller variant of RSS, but eh) I don't think that the second will be happening, and I won't spend time and effort arguing for it. EDIT: Yeah, if all these "TOTAL REALISM!!!" folks would actually *name* one person who has said they *do* want total realism in stock KSP, that would be great. Heck, even the thread title was edited to get away from that strawman.
  16. Yeah, sorry. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Mad props (V-22 variety) to Taverius though; despite his earlier not wanting to do the RF/MFT work, and my saying I would, he ended up doing most of it anyway (based on some excellent work by Raptor831).
  17. There's a bunch of threads about this. It is the Toolbar, it has nothing to do with texture replacer. It is a neat easter egg, though.
  18. As I explained in the RF thread, that's not true. Tanks are pressure vessels, which means if you keep *shape* constant, then mass scales linearly with volume. (Insulation scales with surface area, but insulation is not a large proportion of tank mass IIRC). The problem with implementing any sort of nonlinear scaling for mass, however, even besides its not comporting with reality, is that KSP rockets are made up of lots of small tanks due to the way KSP works, which it makes sense to simulate as one large tank. If we instead set dry mass based on part size, then everyone will *have* to use *one* procedural part per actual tank (one for LF, one for Ox, one for MonoProp) in each stage. That also precludes simulating arrangements such as that used for Vostok's upper stage, or Martin's Apollo proposal, where the large-volume tank is a torus and the small-volume tank is nestled inside. Right now that's all happily abstracted away.
  19. v3.0.1 *Bugfix: no longer slow in VAB/SPH *Fixed more internal logic issues. Note: MechJeb is not CFE-aware, at least not in the VAB/SPH; Kerbal Engineer Redux 1.x is.
  20. 1. ZBO is modeled by the use of cooling fins (they're in the Science tab). Add them to your tanks to keep your tanks cool. The paper itself talks about how it's not passive cooling (unless I'm misreading it). 2. Nope, because you don't keep the thickness of the walls constant. Tanks are pressure vessels; all tanks of the same shape will have the same mass fraction (as a function of volume). Spheres and pills are different shapes.
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