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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Eh? I mean the fact that "delta V = nomimal dv to orbit" is at best an approximation of how much the launcher can lift. This calculator is an example of what I mean.
  2. Sure! After looking again: you might want to update CFE to the current release (that comes with current B9), and you will want to remove the existing B9 config from MFT, since B9 now ships with its own, but they're not going to cause crashes or anything.
  3. Sky_walker: after rigorous testing (i.e. custom made testing mods) it is *very* evident that the Windows x64 version of KSP does not play nice with exceptions and high memory usage. The people who report it working for them either (a) don't run it with high enough heap and stack usage to trigger the issues, and/or ( don't often get exceptions thrown, which (since the catching either fails or itself crashes) is what causes the CTDs. This stuff can be (and was) tested; it can be (and I dearly hope will be) fixed.
  4. Which is why it's a good idea to have code to do it for you. (Although what would be really interesting, which AFAIK nothing's really attempted yet, would be a payload calculator--because delta v expended to orbit varies with TWR)
  5. Did mjy receive permission to *bundle* KAS with this? Then that's fine. However, that would exclude bundling Infernal Robotics with this, since the GPL wouldn't allow it, as I understand it. Tomorrow's fine, and sorry for the trouble!
  6. Here's how - you're converting from lat/long/altitude to ECEF format, with a perfectly spherical earth so no oblateness factor.
  7. While the mod looks awesome, there is <moderator voice> a problem. 1. KAS's license forbids redistribution with your mod. Instead, please say your mod requires KAS, and link to it. 2. Infernal Robotics is GPL, and therefore I'm pretty sure you can't combine it with this (but I am not a laywer) so that shouldn't be included, but linked. For now I have edited out the link, although I ask you (New Generation) to please upload a fixed version, since this is too good to miss out on!
  8. While I agree with Zerp and would love to see more plane-making parts (rather than Giant! Huge! Spaceplane! parts), "From the first jetplanes up until today..."--really? Note that that's *not* the USAF's tac-bomber 'Vark, but the Navy fighter version. Douglas F3D (F-10) Skyknight.
  9. Great to see you rejoin the community, and great to see this back. I'd suggest adding a copy of the license to the OP, or at least mentioning that the license is available at the KerbalStuff link.
  10. spookydonut: Nope. Read the rule. It applies only to mods that upload personally-identifiable information, which, as the OP explains, this does not. Version checkers and the like are specifically excluded by Rule 6.
  11. pingopete, they *are* included in cfg processing...all the values you can edit in that GUI, you can set in cfg. (Uh, apparently I removed the part that read clip planes from cfg, I'll put it back. But certainly all AFG parameters are read from cfg). Here is where it starts reading from cfg; note the section at the bottom including Kr, ESun, etc. CDK: That's an install issue. Remove any trace of RSS, and then install it exactly as the instructions in the OP say.
  12. MarrusQ, that's patently false. KSP Win x64 has *serious* issues, as the READ FIRST sticky says, to the point where troubleshooting it is basically impossible and the only real solution (going down to < 3GB of process usage) means it has no advantage over 32bit.
  13. Have you tried without the two mods whose errors you noticed? Does that make the issue go away?
  14. If you're over 3GB of ram usage (by KSP), x64 is not stable--the first exception, even if it's handled, will probably lead to a CTD. At that point you might as well switch to 32bit, since you don't have the one advantage x64 grants (no process memory limit) but you do have all the other issues. Or just install Linux and use the x64 build of KSP for Linux. That's stable. If you really want an answer of the form you're asking, the answer is "those mods are stable together."
  15. Lack, Heh. Does the mu importer work now? taniwha's constantly improving it; and if it doesn't, give him a holler and I'm sure he'll help. If you're still interested in that project, that is.
  16. That...doesn't seem to make sense, IMO, with their stated purpose as thermal control; like Explorer 1, the black and white should be alternating, not on separate areas, I think...
  17. Woot! Per Gunter's page it's coated with a gold wash then painted with white and black. So...white-gold? (As the photo at Gunter's confirms.) Sorry I can't help you with the animation issue...
  18. You didn't download a release, you downloaded the repository. If you want Overhaul, download the x86 or x64 release from here (click it, then click view raw). https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul
  19. The guide suggests using dropbox.com to upload the log; you can sign up with them for a free account (it's very useful) and follow their steps to upload the log and share it. You can also use other hosting services too... For screenshots, I suggest using imgur.com -- it's a fast, free way to upload screenshots and is used by most people on these forums. Good luck, and let me know if you run into issues with that!
  20. Well, if you're going to *ask* for requests... I'd like to re-request a version of the radial intake that has a shock cone (think Mirage III/2000 or F-104), and the radial canopies (though that's a big project). Also, bouncing off what SpaceCommanderNemo said, engines are great. Especially tankbuttless engines with sane area ratios (in particular, it'd be very nice to see, for instance, a Mainsail or Skipper where you can see the cycle (gas generator? staged combustion?) and the area ratio makes sense for the role and the (cycle- and role-dependent) chamber pressure.
  21. I'm pretty sure that module command's control from here just pulls from the part transform, not some extra transform. Docking ports, now, docking ports you can add a "control from here" transform separate from the part transform. So maaaaybe you could for ModuleCommand? Dunno, and never seen it done.
  22. Since as everyone knows I have more mods than fingers, and I use mm/dd/yy, I'd say rbray is just following my set norm.
  23. Sorry, looks like it's just a "KSP Win x64 is badly, badly broken" issue, per the sticky. You're going to have to use 32bit, or install Linux and use that 64bit version of KSP.
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