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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. There's another factor no one's been mentioning so far: In real life, nuclear engines use LH2. LH2 is..."not dense" is putting it mildly. You need 14x as much of it for the same mass of fuel. That imposes its own penalty (in terms of drag and heavier tanks and unwieldyness). Oh, and regarding LV-N thrust: KSP's liquid rocket engines have poor (1/3 to 1/4 the) TWR, compared to real life. The LV-N, however, has as-good-if-not-better. (Let's not talk about the insanity that is the KSP ion engine, off by about 3-4 orders of magnitude!). So while it's true that in real life they had 3-800kN NTRs under development, they also massed 6-15 tons.
  2. Only the propeller code has a hard dependency on FAR. The jet code does not, AFAIK, and therefore you should be fine.
  3. No. That's a sign you don't have things installed correctly and/or don't have the right version. Make sure you download the most recent version of every mod, and make sure you install mods exactly as their READMEs / posts instruct you to.
  4. Reddragon: great! No one else has signed up yet, so I'd suggest signing yourself up for now. Add yourself to the Block III list on Asset Groups, add the particular assets you're making to the Assets List, and add yourself to the Contributors list. CluelessModeler: Awesome! PMing shortly. Please also add yourself to the contributos list. NoMrBond: great! I'll check it out. Also I'll forward that question to e of pi if he doesn't comment soon. Could you also fill out the sheet? To other folks who mentioned interest: If you're still interested in working on this, please let me know! (And sign up...)
  5. The Pink Ranger: That's odd. Does the window not show up? Can you not click "launch into target plane"? MajorJim: Why would you want to resize the textures? What I'm talking about is the fact that if you want the new textures, they will completely change the terrain of the various planets. So in effect you *will* be getting the 1/10th real system from the OP. Can you try to explain more what you want? How is it different from that?
  6. Also Isp is "per unit of thrust" so if one has more thrust than they other it may both be more efficient and use more fuel.
  7. raidernick: in stock "aero"dynamics, drag is purely a function of mass and therefore does not change based on part orientation. Therefore moving the center of mass does absolutely nothing, because drag does not change based on part orientation and so the center of drag will move with it.
  8. Majorjim: then they won't be stock planets any more. Unless you resize them to be more or less proportional to their real counterparts (as the 1/10th config does) things will be *very* weird. I suggest trying the 1/10th config as that's closest to what you want. The Pink Ranger: what do you mean by "it doesn't work for spaceplanes"?
  9. Ippo: I've been meaning to add that light changing to RSS for a while (based on Alternis's code; I have permission). I'll, uh, try to remember to do that soon. Saturation of reaction wheels...hmm, possible to implement. Regarding their stats, I have to look into exactly what units the module uses. I did find *some* stats on reaction wheels / CMGs so they're not baseless, although they're probably still more effective than they should be by an order of magnitude or two.
  10. That depends. Are things too slow? Are you using 32bit KSP and getting crashes? If the answers to these are yes, aggressive; if not, basic.
  11. Hokay. Confusion averted. Let's get back on topic here, which is how awesome *these* parts are.
  12. Check the OP. That's not BobCat's model. raidernick, I'd love to test, but only if you can supply time as well as the files
  13. Mary Sherman Morgan was great. Also, not much to contribute yet, but of course following this...
  14. I will try to make sure there won't be. The issue before was that it wouldn't work with normal (non-EFFECTS) RCS effects...
  15. Yes. That's because you select "download zip" and then extract the AJE folder to gamedata. Like the bad and lazy man that I am, I'm including the dll in git.
  16. Basically same as regex: major.minor.bugfix.
  17. Sorry. Yes, you should use the one in the OP if you're indeed on .23.5. All my repos can be found here: https://github.com/NathanKell/ I will put the EFFECTS handling back in for the .24 version.
  18. The link from the OP, as it says, is for .23.5. If you have .23.5, feel free to use it.
  19. This isn't about attacking Squad, or trying to get perfection, or whatever. This is about simple suggestions from a master...who happened to make the other buildings at KSC.
  20. Wrong log; that one doesn't say much. 1. Describe the problem 2. Reproduction steps. 3. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your entire output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ) Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  21. Dragon01: um...you can use the one that forked and fixed a month ago, and that's in RO. I just, uh, never updated this thread.
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