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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sounds more like it's using different shaders.
  2. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/wiki Also: Otto or Gustav?
  3. Thanks so much! I do intend to support it, I've just been busy with props right now. Status update: I have some propellers working pretty much perfectly now! P-51H: I have the V-1650-9 with P-51H prop, the R-2800-18W with F4U-4 prop, the Mercury IX with Gladiator prop, the Merlin 46 with Spit V (I think) prop, the BMW IIIa with an approximation of the D.VII prop (modified from the Dr.I prop), the Liberty L-12 with my guess at an appropriate prop; the R-2600-7 with an appropriate prop (engine has issues in FAR though...), Griffon 101 with a tweaked 5-blade version of the P-51H prop. See this branch: https://github.com/NathanKell/AJE/tree/JSBProp
  4. Aw, thanks so much!

  5. So are you on 0.24.2 or 0.24? The current Crossfeed Enabler is for 0.24.2. If you are on 0.24.2 and getting a message that CrossFeedEnabler is incompatible, then you have a bad download. Delete the folder from GameData, download fresh, and reinstall.
  6. Please do the following: Get your plane on the runway, start the engines, and right-click on the RAPIER so it shows the menu (and the 0 thrust). Then take a screenshot and post it.
  7. Pretty sure you mean *= 2.0 there. What you posted will cut the thrust in half *again*.
  8. Texture Replacer already replaces the textures of various parts of the kerbal set-of-meshes. With that you can get the names of most meshes involved. Since I need humans, not kerbals, for various projects I'm quite invested in this
  9. It's not just the Oberth effect; usually concomitant with this method is not caring about *when* you do your transfers. But since both the origin and destination bodies are orbiting, not stationary, then you need to consider their relative alignment.
  10. Please, let's not have this devolve into this mod is better than that mod!!!11one. This thread is for discussion of Kethane. If you want to discuss Karbonite, or Rover Wheels, or RCS Build Aid, there are threads for that.
  11. kuruma: that's Mechjeb. DracovaXIV, Starwaster: a practical example is the S-IVB, where the insulation between the LOX and LH2 tanks was carefully designed such that the heat input to the LOX tank from the stage structure was perfectly balanced by the heat outflow across the LOX/LH2 barrier. They exchanged slightly higher LH2 boiloff for near-zero LOX boiloff.
  12. I don't recall it being asked or answered before, no worries. Do other AJE-enabled engines give you thrust? Do you have enough air intakes on your aircraft?
  13. Thanks so much! Yeah, NEAR does share a lot of the code (even some class names IIRC) so it's possible PWings got confused and thought FAR was installed when it wasn't.
  14. camera00 and 01 are the two relevant cameras (the ones that increase far clipping when you hit p). For now the values aren't saved (just like AFG); when you find good values then I'll get to finishing the reading of them from cfg (that does sorta work, but only for far clipping).
  15. Speaking of water (and atmosphere) I highly recommend just adapting the provided source from here for both of them. That will also let you replace AtmosphereFromGround.
  16. Yep, maxAtmosphereAltitude is purely cosmetic, and should be (if you are using legacy atmosphere, as bascailly everything does unless you change to pressureCurve) set to the altitude at which e^(-alt_in_km / scaleHeight) = 0.000001
  17. The value *is* a formula, or rather part of one: boiloff (in units/sec) = loss_rate * (part temp - desired temp) * maxAmount (of that resource) Example: desired temp = -183 C; part temperature = -182C; tank of 1000 units of LOX; loss per second will be loss_rate * 1000 Alas right now there's no support for modeling *change* rather than boiloff...
  18. The Apollo CM *is* DennyTX's, as is the LEM. The Saturn V, however, is frizzank's; DennyTX built his own for his mod.
  19. Thrustmaster Hotas X ($50 for stick and throttle together) is probably the best deal. Or get a used Saitek X-something setup.
  20. ABZB: Second post, download calcs.xls: the docs page there will explain most stuff. DracovaXIV: no, right now peroxide decay is not modeled.
  21. And the best way to do that is narrow down the problem: replicate it with as few mods as possible, and then precisely describe (as ferram asks) how to cause the problem. No one's asking you to do impossible things, just to make the problem *possible* to find and fix.
  22. Nsomnia, correct, with the exception Justin Kerbice points out: because disk IO is much more expensive than CPU time decompressing, pngs may load slightly faster than MBMs. But they'll have the same memory usage in the end. It's not that GPUs can't afford to lose time per se, it's that the *bandwidth* is at a premium and thus you want to compress files such that bandwidth is minimized, while using a compression format that is short-and-constant-time for accessing a given pixel.
  23. So your only mods are ModuleManager and CrossFeedEnabler? Which version of KSP are you running, 32bit or x64? 1. Describe the problem 2. Reproduction steps. 3. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your entire output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ) Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
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