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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Ok, I'll look into it when I have a sec. That's very weird, because AFAIK we don't check for physics sig anywhere in thermo!
  2. @Crzyrndm in a way it will fix things. Because any mods that don't properly implement IPartMassModifier will have their changes destroyed on the next frame. So no more getting away with not implementing it.
  3. ConfigNode foo = new ConfigNode(); ConfigNode propNode = foo.AddNode("PROPELLANT"); propNode.AddValue("name", "LiquidFuel"); propNode.AddValue("ratio", 0.9f); // do Ox too engineModule.Load(foo);
  4. @rsparkyc I don't think it would; I think it's more likely the weird staging you mentioned earlier. I have done similar missions (get both contracts, stay in orbit for ~5 hours to complete both, then EVA and store data, transmit the data once back inside, then land) and not had problems. @axelaxel that does sound like a bad install. Try installing only the mods that CKAN recommends (i.e. already has checked -- don't check any others) when you install RP-0.
  5. @Jack the Kerbal Calculator have you tried extending the Comm16?
  6. It would be better to just make a ConfigNode, stick the new PROPELLANT nodes in it, and call the engine's OnLoad on the confignode.
  7. @PTNLemay you can set them to a highly-pressurized mode. Instead of using the << and >> buttons for the tank type chooser, drag the bar like it's a tweakable range. Use Fuselage or (if you have the tech) ServiceModule. The cockpit would probably not survive anyway, although you won't need more than a single heatshield (and they're unlikely to run out of ablator anyway; if you get in a situation where the flux is higher than the ablator's cooling rate, it'll kill all the shields, not just the first...). Instead, you might want to try using really large wings.
  8. @Mad Rocket Scientist sorry, late to the party. People do need 1.0.5.
  9. @allmhuran no, it's not thermo. Engines heat parts by raycasting from their exhaust to find what they are hitting. Raycasts cast against colliders. PhysicsSignificance=1 parts don't have rigidbodies so don't have colliders to raycast against, IIRC, so the cast goes through them.
  10. @rsparkyc the timers on EVA and first orbit are different; did you stay in orbit (before EVAing) long enough for the spacewalk orbit-first timer to complete?
  11. Exactly right. It's possible, but to use the Mariner-level dish it takes 6 panels that unlock in that node, and that only works while you're powered down, and you probably need even more when out by Mars. It's hard. Possible, but hard.
  12. I have no problems with you posting the cfg, that's always fine. People are welcome to share launch sites for KSCSwitcher all they like! They're not hardcoded or anything.
  13. Little known fact: the little sensors (acceleration, gravity, pressure, temperature) consume EC when they are set to display data.
  14. @Dman979 sorry, no idea, haven't used it myself except during that first mission. Give @Rich a holler? @Qwerzar that sounds like you installed other mods and they are taking precedence. Try a clean KSP install, select RP-0, and then install only the mods that CKAN autochecks for you. Do not install other rando mods.
  15. @leudaimon config error, will be fixed in next RO. For some reason the stock amounts were retained.
  16. @leudaimon I think there was perhaps a rounding error or something. Because TIROS by that listing is granting 500W, and even TIROS's successor, Nimbus, provided only 165 watts. TIROS itself was supposed to use only about 20 watts. @Varamin yeah, they're really mostly balanced due to poorer reliability. For ions, use Principia.
  17. @PTNLemay a pressure-fed engine requires a highly-pressurized tank. In the VAB, right click on the tank feeding it and change its type to one of the highly-pressurized ones. @leudaimon I'll check on the solar stuff; it may be that we're underestimating the solar tech of the time if the numbers for those probe cores are right.
  18. The former. Watch your engine icon in the staging list, watch how quickly it goes from clear to red when the thrust stops.
  19. If you are moving quickly during separation, you'll get a comparatively large amount of drag. Light the upper engine before the lower engine burns out, 1-2s before, then separate when the lower stage burns out.
  20. @leudaimon 1. That sounds like perhaps a broken install? Those nodes are fixed AFAIK. There are some orphans down at the bottom, which is intentional, however. 2 and 3 sound like RemoteTech bugs...try asking there?
  21. @Qwerzar that sounds like RP-0 was not installed correctly. How did you install it?
  22. @DiamondExcavater I'm well aware of that slider, and the formulae. RP-0 has very heavily modified formulae. What I was responding to was the question of whether KCT's rollout and reconditioning could occur at the same time; in real life they cannot, as I showed in that example. Which is why I asked magico to add an option to prevent them happening at the same time.
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