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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. My sig. Although if you want to easily set up a realism install, use the Mod Bundler. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67668
  2. SpacedInvader: 75,000: wow. That means the tallest mountain on the moon will be ~75km high! (deformities are the max increase in elevation, in meters, that that mod will apply). You might be better off just doubling the VertexHeightMap deformity (it should be about 18km from lowest to highest point on the moon, dunno why I put 9500 there) and then vastly increasing the frequency of the SimplexHeight mod. (frequency means how "rough" the Simplex noise is; frequency=1 will have much greater variation in height in a given area). Try something like 50, maybe? You can also mess with its deformity some too. I wouldn't mess with the Craters one much, although maybe the deformation should be increased even more. (The reason I say don't mess much: when I doubled the frequency, RAM usage shot up 500MB. That's why that line's commented.) PQS operates by creating quads for terrain with base vertex displacements based on planetary radius. Then the heights (and many other things, but here we're concerned with heights) are modified by the PQSMods applied. Deformity is the parameter that controls how much the mod modifies the vertex's height, in meters. For the other terms--since Mods often use multi-level noise--see http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/glossary/ When you upgraded to v6, did you stick the old CFG back in? It may or may not be compatible. To make multiple KSP copies, just copy the KSP folder somewhere else. Presto.
  3. (emph. added) Wait, what? Why would that be? My understanding was that pressure vessels scale linearly in mass with the volume of propellant they contain, and that the utilization scales pretty much normally. Also if you mean decreasing efficiency, I think you mean increasing *dry* mass... What *does* have a big impact on utilization is the aspect ratio of the stage: short, fat stages have much lower utilization than tall, skinny stages because of the domes of the capsule tank-shaped pressure vessels.
  4. So, this is a "blue sky" request--I'm sure you're busy enough making the normal stuff. But I'd dearly love a 1-person version of this capsule--like the original plan for Mercury (note the cylinder on top was originally jettisonable IIRC).. Also the option for no RPM displays, for pre-1980s capsules.
  5. camlost: dang, you're updating nearly faster than I can keep track! A suggestion if I might: I went ahead and did a bit of a switcheroo, using the B9 turbojet as the D-30F6 that it's IIRC supposed to be (using that config you posted), the stock advanced jet as the J93, and Taverio's ramjet as the ramjet. Does that make sense to you, or do you want to keep a ramjet accessible to all the stock players? I've also tried to make an Avon and a Nene, but I don't know enough to change the pressure/heat/etc, so I just modeled them by changing the thrust of the J79 and J47 a bit. Also the J57 (which seems quite close in performance to the Avon). If you have better stats I'd love to see them. A site that seems useful: http://www.jet-engine.net/miltfspec.html I have to go through and rebuild all my old planes, too, now that AJE is in. For a taste, check out the last two here. The first is a mashup of a Voodoo (twin J57s), a Mirage, and who knows what; the second is a Voodoo's wings on a Starfighter. I'm wondering if the limit there is the compressor for the J79; it overheats well before Mach 2.5, which is IIRC the Zipper's max. Could also be the wings though.
  6. Ah. You need ModuleManager! Grab it from its own thread, or one of any of the mods that use it. I just assume everyone has it by now, sorry!
  7. Welp, I said this was the final version, but if you start painting ends like that I'll do a quick fix to allow normal maps for tank top/bottom...
  8. Yup, same here! Also no need to worry about needing to loft super-high so you don't reenter during kick.
  9. Ok. I really do need the output_log.txt file. Look in (your KSP folder)/KSP_Data/output_log.txt -- zip it up and upload it somewhere (and post the link).
  10. No problem. RPL hasn't been updated since before .23, so...there are some issues. Another thing you should do is right now open StretchyTanks/Parts/tech.cfg and change the start = foo line to start = 1000 Otherwise you'll be limited to very narrow tanks.
  11. 3. Easier to force throttle to 0 than to lock throttle to "what it currently is"
  12. Pireax: As stated in the StretchySRB changelog, the fixed-width tanks are deprecated (since you can exactly duplicate them with super-stretchies). Working as designed.
  13. Yup. You want to take off at about 1.2 TWR. If your burnout TWR is too high, you have too few stages. Or use multiple smaller engines and shut some of them off when TWR goes too high (Saturn V S-IC stage did this, shutting off central F-1).
  14. Dacsi: just to confirm: in GameData you have these two folders (along with all the other folders): StretchyTanks StretchySNTextures Inside StretchySNTextures, you have this folder: StretchyTextures Inside StretchyTextures, you have a bunch of TGAs and a single CFG. And you're using StretchySRB v9.
  15. Pireax: log looks fine. Start a new sandbox save and see if they appear. Traches: thanks! Fixed.
  16. As I said on your other thread, check FAR. FAR does just this (writing to navball speed display).
  17. Real rocket engines are hardly ever throttleable. If it's a problem, delete your engine configs and switch to stockalike engine configs (post 2, RF thread); you *really* need RF if you want to build for RSS.
  18. I still don't get what you mean, with "ending up"--do you mean your orbital velocity vector, when you circularize, is pointing at about 120? Yes, as mentioned by Starwaster, me, and others, a bunch of times, KSC is at 28 degrees north, which means if you burn east all the way to orbit, you'll still be in a 28 degree inclination orbit. This is normal, and unavoidable unless you make a "dogleg" partway through your ascent to cancel the antinormal component of your orbital velocity.
  19. Try giving them different names too? But the real issue is your braces aren't matching. You never close the Antennas block or the STATION block before starting the next STATION block. You might want to edit your cfg files in something like Notepad++ which will automatically highlight matching braces to help you keep track. Fixed: GroundStations { STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488 Name = Mission Control 1 Latitude = 28.608389 Longitude = -80.604333 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc489 Name = Mission Control 2 Latitude = 45.92 Longitude = 63.342 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+7 } } } STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc490 Name = Mission Control 3 Latitude = -31.6034 Longitude = 115.9305 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+7 } } } } I, too, have had no problems with KSC's heading. What do you mean by "it's actually 130"? How does that manifest itself? SpacedInvader: as Ralathon says, you can tweak terrain. I've only done a bit of work on Earth so far; the moon I've barely touched. Please be my guest and I'll gladly use anyone's edits. You can try increasing the divisor in ATM...
  20. I have to do it manually; looks like it wasn't rebased to latest master? (IANAGitHubExpert) Thanks though!
  21. If that fails, please post your output_log.txt and a modlist.
  22. Twinky827: looks like you're missing a bunch of mods RO requires, and Real Fuels isn't installed correctly. I suggest just instlaling KSP fresh and then using the Mod Bundler for RSS to grab all the mods you need. When it's done you can unzip the package right into GameData. Pireax: logs please.
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