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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. camlost: Alas I am not an engineer. I thus have two questions for you (and a bonus non-engineer question). 1. is there a single parameter that will, roughly, scale thrust? It appears like maybe acore does this? (Trying to figure out the difference between the J47 and J85 configs). 2. Is there a way to emulate a J58, or, even better/also, a full-on turboramjet? Bonus question: how do I go about swapping from ModuleEngines to ModuleEnginesFX? Do I just change the name of your module and change the underlying module(s) so they're like the ones in AJE.cfg, or is it more complex? (I'd like to do this for the B9 jet, which IIRC nazari already has a HotRockets config for, and the FS tailjet, which I guess I might make a config for).
  2. 1. You can change engine TLs the same way you change engine propellant mixtures: go to action group edit mode in the VAB/SPH and click on the engine. A GUI will appear. 2. Use the procedural interstage parts (proc interstage, proc interstage 2-sided, and proc interstage shroud).
  3. scale affects only the node_**** lines. rescaleFactor affects the model and the nodes. (If there is no rescaleFactor in a part.cfg it is assumed to be 1.25) As brooklyn666 says, MODEL nodes make things more complicated; but thus far only mod parts have used them.
  4. Yes. You can use MODEL nodes in internals (although only for this, not for position/scale IIRC). PolecatEZ did for the Squad Reduction Pack. Example from GenericSpace1: INTERNAL { name = GenericSpace1 MODEL { model = Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/model texture = model000 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common000 texture = model001 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common003 texture = model002 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common003b texture = model003 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common001 texture = model004 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common004 texture = model005 , Squad/Spaces/Common/common002 } MODULE { name = InternalSeat seatTransformName = CenterSeat allowCrewHelmet = false } } Note that for that pack, Polecat_EZ included placeholder (1x1) tgas for those textures in the GenericSpace1 folder, but you might be able to get away with not even including any placeholders. I'm fine with no hatches except on airlocks btw; that's how I play anyway.
  5. Do want. Both LES and BPC. And those mini radials look like they'd also work well as a station's OMS.
  6. Victuz: Do they appear when you start a sandbox game? Also, for RealChutes, do *any* chutes show up? Regarding engines, it does look like an issue of multiple or too few configs. Make sure you have one, and only one, Module Manager dll anywhere in/under GameData, and tell me if you have any of the following in/under GameData: real_engines_rescale.cfg RftSEngines.cfg StockEngines.cfg
  7. TimeforAction: It's quite possible that built-in omni is non-operational. Try adding an actual antenna and see what happens. Morden96: huh? The fact that the oribtal line is shown through the planet has literally nothing to do with anything else; there's just a value for how far away from a planet KSP needs to keep doing culling for its orbit lines. RT2 directly queries CelestialBody.radius, which will return 6371km for Kerbin in RSS.
  8. Victuz, what do you mean by "I can't actually use them"? Also, if you start a new sandbox game, can you "use them"? Teobug: as explained in the OP, etc., engines have been rescaled to realistic sizes. One of the required mods mentioned by the OP is Stretchy, so you can have tanks of whatever diameter you like.
  9. Realism Overhaul, I believe is what you're looking for. I thought the Chaka Monkey mod rescaled BobCat's Orion pod.
  10. pingopete: Did you follow instructions for both RF v5 and Stretchy v9? Also, I'll investigate: it may be that an update to RCS Sounds broke the compatibility fixes I added to RF.
  11. Hyperbob is working on a DRE config for them. Support should be in the next DRE.
  12. Should make it easier, though, surely? Well, easier when tanks are full and harder when tanks are empty. But generally you can use RCS to ullage your OMS tank supply, so the harder-when-nearly-empty should be survivable.
  13. PDCWolf: Excellent! And thanks so much on the Big G tower: you can see how needed it is... (Note this is a NP2 tower, not one of your excellent ones yet, and it's not a Gemini either, it's the Argo from Reaching from the Stars)
  14. Have you tried with RCS Sounds uninstalled? To verify that's the issue?
  15. MAKC: Glad you're enjoying it! Motokid600: yup. Haven't used any non-stretchy tank but a spherical RCS tank in...forever. Dragon01: neat idea! I'd suggest you mention that on the PP thread, though, since this one is over and done.
  16. That's bloody amazing. Excellent work! (In case you didn't know that's EXACTLY how it works in real life: pitch motor makes it tip, and at burnout the canard opens to flip the pod bottom-side-into-airstream).
  17. Here's an example, a cutaway of the Titan II. Note how for both the first and second stage there's a lot of "wasted" space--the intertank and the fore and aft skirts--when you think of the entire stage as a cylinder. This is because usually a rocket stage is made up of an outer shell (cylindrical) and two large inner pressure vessels (the fuel and the oxidizer tank) as well as some other small pressure vessels (for N2 or Helium or whatever) and other sundries. But also note how, proportionally, the second stage has a lot *more* wasted space. This is because it's much shorter and wider, and so two capsule-shaped pressure vessels fit less optimally. On the other hand, some stages (like the Saturn S-II and S-IVB) have a common bulkhead, where the upper dome of the oxidizer tank is also used as the bottom bulkhead of the fuel tank. That lets them cram more propellant into a smaller volume than a normal tank+intertank+tank setup can. That's where utilization comes in. It lets you capture that fact. However, rather than calculating it internally, Stretchy lets you set it by hand. This brings up the second use of utilization: replicating real rockets. If you know how tall a rocket stage is, and how much volume of fuel/oxidizer it should actually hold, you can set the stretchy to the appropriate height/width and then use utilization to tweak the volume until it's correct.
  18. For larger things that's fine (I always automatically add ullage rockets...); I was thinking of, for example, the WAC Corporal, the Aerobee, and other sounding rockets of that ilk. (220kN for .75 seconds booster, then a pressure-fed RFNA/Aniline sustainer in the second stage.) Which reminds me: does the ullage simulation take into account how full a tank is? When a tank is very full it should require much less work to ullage it (the tank is much more propellant by volume when there's more propellant in it...). This would also solve the above problem, I think: since the RFNA/Aniline tanks are full on separation/ignition, then even massive drag shouldn't disturb the tanks much.
  19. Teobug: No, this supercedes StretchyTanks. Strechy parts look like white cylinders and should appear immediately following stock parts in the Propulsion tab. No problem. MAKC: not done at all! It's just that stretchy has a new name (PP) and a new lead coder (swamp_ig). AndreyATGB: While I've contributed only very little (mostly chatting with swamp_ig about how to handle stuff, especially MFT/RF integration, and the source [this] which he rewrote for PP), I'm still invovled at least notionally. And--it's not really just the natural evolution of this; it *is* this (but, err, evolved). We just changed the name.
  20. Alttabmatt: looks like a city lights issue. Try nuking the folder and installing the latest VE fresh. Also, you have SCANSatRPM but apparently not SCANSat itself; that's also throwing an error.
  21. Unlife98: Not heard of those. Can you post an output log? Sounds like something is erroring out, surely. Alttabmatt: Thanks! That's the right file but only a small chunk of it--can you zip and post the whole thing? All I see is an NRE in mapView, which is obviously the proximate cause but not the ultimate cause. Also: gotta love the avatar. Brings back so many awesome memories (my first big Lego was the Cosmic Fleet Voyager!) jandcando: Modlist and output_log.txt please? Something's clearly breaking the editor. (Also, make sure you've updated all your mods, and note if any aren't .23 compatible--people got this issue all the time from non-23-compatible mods).
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