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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. So, I'm finally back(ish) and actually looking through stuff now. So I have a request for Nazari, Nothke, and anyone else writing ModuleEnginesFX conversions: please, please, instead of nuking the old ModuleEngines node and rewriting it, use this form. We'll take the Skipper as the example. @PART[engineLargeSkipper]:Final //Rockomax "Skipper" { !fx_exhaustFlame_blue !fx_exhaustLight_blue !fx_smokeTrail_light !fx_exhaustSparks_flameout !sound_vent_medium !sound_rocket_hard !sound_vent_soft !sound_explosion_low // snip EFFECTS node // DO NOT DO THIS - !MODULE[ModuleEngines]{} @MODULE[ModuleEngines] // do THIS instead { @name = ModuleEnginesFX // and this runningEffectName = powersmoke directThrottleEffectName = powerflame !fxOffset // you should include this, if you want to be sure it doesn't exist. // you don't need the rest, since you're modifying the original node, not replacing it } } This will make it compatible with DRE, and with other things that change the engine's stats. Let me explain. Since ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX take almost the same parameters, instead of replacing the whole module, you just change the name line to refer to the new module, and add the lines that the old module lacks (and do a remove for fxOffset, in case it exists and you want to clear it out). Further, this will occur on the :Final pass, which means it will occur *after* all other changes are made (like DRE's change to heatProduction).
  2. In GameData, do you have one (and only one) ModuleManager dll?
  3. Actually, other than the fact that the stock gimbal is roll-blind and *will* roll your craft accidentally when pitching/yawing, 6 degrees is no problem at all; SAS can handle *lots* of gimbal now. But I really do recommend using a mod gimbal, since it's such a revelation to fly with gimbal roll control, and this is *the* application for it.
  4. Probably because HotRockets does its change *after* DRE? H>D, after all. So my provisional fix doesn't work, bummer. And thanks, Guiltyspark EDIT: Yup, it's because the DRE fix in the OP uses :Final calls on the engine changes, which I'm for good reason less than happy doing (it means it will override any other changes). Better might be if I put the DRE patch in a folder called zFix but left it non-final, such that others could still use :Final patches and override DRE but it would still execute after the HotRockets folder.
  5. 1,2: GameData/StretchyTanks/Parts/tech.cfg defines the tech nodes and what diameter tanks they allow (SRBs will have half this diameter). Since MS18 was released prior to this, the nodes don't quite line up right; in MS19 MedievalNerd will include a patch so that Stretchy has a more natural progression. For now, you can increase the diameter on the start = line... 3. Do you mean the Mk1 pod? I wouldn't try reentries with the lander cans...for the pod, you really shouldn't be going translunar with the Mk1 since it's limited to ballistic reentries. The Mk1-2 has an offset center of mass to allow lifting reentries, which will lower the Gs suffered. Anyway, 65 sounds a little low; maybe you could try 75? Have to try and see, really. 4. Are you using RSS v6pre, or RSS v5.5.? v6pre has the real Earth's terrain (more or less) and much less flat terrain, although still far from perfect. But nearly all the parameters are exposed in the CFG, so you can tweak it farther...
  6. Sarbian's link does it all for you, basically.
  7. Yes, that's the only way that works right now (deleting both MODULEs and re-adding) with the obvious downsides. 1.5.7 is apparently something Sarbian sent me, rather than releasing on this thread; it's in the latest DREC. It was another attempt to fix the NODE[blah,n] or NODE[blah],n syntax--which again failed, alas. Starwaster: That kind of space is fine; especially when you consider that most NODE definitions have not a space before the brace but a whole newline!
  8. Rag3aholik: you said "missing each individually"--have you tried the other way, i.e. *adding* mods back one by one? SABREs are supported by RF, they just don't have tech level support yet. RAPIERs, not at all, as Starwaster says. I hope to get basic ModuleEnginesFX support in fast, but supporting MultiModeEngines is rather tougher, I think.
  9. Indeed, Realism Overhaul makes just such a change to the Mk1-2 pod so you can do lifting reentries. sidfu: does "the smoke addon" change engines from ModuleEngines to ModuleEnginesFX? Does it change heatProduction values?
  10. Wow, thanks! The canopy already always is a separate model, else it would always be visible, right?
  11. Huh. Kinda stumped. Don't see anything obviously wrong in the log. Can you try loading KSP with *just* the Squad folder and the RealFuels folder in GameData?
  12. Aw, thanks! Totally taking you up on that. The three things that need doing, in rough order of precedence: *Converting the parachute parts supplied by Realism Overhaul to all use RealChutes *Creating copies of the RealChutes parachutes in 0.5m, 1m, and 2m diameters *Modifying all of the above, plus KSP's and RC's regular parts, such that canopies are of realistic size (if they aren't already)
  13. That's what I was thinking, yeah. They may just set it once on enter rails, rather than keep setting it, in which case if you *un* set it, then throttle control can occur.
  14. I thought I got 1.5.7 from that thread, but maybe direct from Sarbian. It was another attempt to fix the @NODE,n syntax that still doesn't work quite right yet.
  15. Dragon01: Your profile will depend on the kind of launcher you're using. Pics with MJ's stage stats and I can help you set up a config. Also, when using KM_Gimbal, you need to go into attitude and select "Use Stock SAS". That will fix the wobble. Reign Of Magic: 1. If you're playing career, are you using the Realistic Progression Lite tree? If so, are you using RftS Engines (see OP in this thread) rather than the default RealEngines? That said, I've never understood when people claim RSS is "hard" because the dV requirement is higher (or, conversely, KSP+FAR is "easy" because it takes less dV to get to orbit). Really, it just means you need a bigger rocket in this case; if you're willing to use a big rocket for a smaller payload you can get tons of dV. 2. Change range multiplier to 10 and consumption multiplier to 0.05. Also change multiple antenna line to, well, something between 0.25 and 1.0, depending on taste (taste being, how much extra do you want to get out of using multiple omni antennae on the same craft?) brooklyn666: My motto is always, release what you got. Cilph, as he freely admits, is *always* rewriting RT2... :] 1. Looks cool. I wonder at the Comlar 1 though, compared to the other Terameter-class dishes it seems a bit too good? 2. First of all, AFAIK RT2 doesn't come out-of-the-box supporting AIES antennae; a user has posted configs for that. RT2 does have its own copies of AIES parts with RT2 names; those have out-of-the-box configs. Second, the MM patch you posted has some syntax issues. If you're trying to modify a MODULE node of a particular name, the format is @MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {, not the way you have it. What will actually happen for the code you have, is that @MODULE tells MM to modify the first module it finds, and @name = ModuleRTAntenna will tell it to change the name line of whatever module it found first to name = ModuleRTAntenna. Finally, for each @PART[] line you should do @PART[blah]:Final so your changes get applied *after* everything else.
  16. Just to check, no folder called ModularFuelTanks in GameData? What OS? Post your output_log.txt?
  17. Yeah. I think I even mention RC as required. Man, I have *so* much work to do. :]
  18. 1. Which version of DREC are you running? 2. Please post ksp/KSP_Data/output_log.txt
  19. Also: As I mentioned early on, I had been considering cross-posting to alternatehistory.com. Well, I have now done so.
  20. Sounds like you're doing something like using HotRockets without the DRE patch in the OP of the HotRockets thread.
  21. Yes. Well, IntakeAir isn't set up for that yet--I believe it's set to 1g/cc density at the moment, which is rather high for air, but given how many units/sec intakes take in right now, probably ok.
  22. Since this is being rewritten into Procedural Parts (check the thread in Addon Dev) I'd suggest asking there. I could tell you how to do it for Stretchy v8, but Stretchy v8 is obsolete
  23. Changelog v4.5 = \/ *Fixed compatibility with RealChutes (thanks Starwaster!) *Attempted just-in-case fix for HotRockets, etc. You may no longer need the custom DRE.cfg you get with HotRockets. (This means: in DRE.cfg I have duplicated all ModuleEngines nodes into ModuleEnginesFX nodes too, so if some stock engines get changed to MEFX, well, DRE will still patch them. Note this won't work if a new ModuleEnginesFX node is added *after* DRE's config is processed, but I don't want to make DRE :Final for obvious reasons.)
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