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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. "Unless you'll put in a save and load feature?" Well yes. I was planning on presets too.
  2. Open StretchyTanks/Parts/tech.cfg and change each name as appropriate. Or change (or add, if nonexistent) the line start = (something) to start = 100 That will disable the diameter limiting.
  3. Mulbin: thanks! And...awesome project! Windows Preview will render transparent areas of an image transparent. Since the EarthColor.png uses alpha as a specular map (ocean = white = shiny, land = black = matte) but alpha is usually transparent, preview renders the land transparent. Paint evidently strips the alpha on image load. Note if you're using Photoshop you really need SuperPNG, else it will bake the alpha into layer transparency on load rather than retaining as a separate channel. Woopert: A launch site selector/type-in-er is coming when I get back and have a chance. JonSpace_CEO: The UK used Woomera too; that's where their missile launches (and Black Arrow shots) were done, as well as the Europa LV tests ( &*(#$&$ Coralie stage...). I've been playing around with using Pemba (the northern island in the Zanzibar archipelago) as a launch site. (For the Germans in RftS; I'm assuming they did some deal with the Brits to add it to Deutsch-Ostafrika.) I haven't reoriented the space center yet so the runway is aligned such that runway 09 is pointed at 205 degrees, but eh. PQSCity { KEYname = KSC latitude = -4.97 longitude = 39.83 repositionToSphereSurface = true repositionRadiusOffset = 2 } The MapDecalTangent is left as-is (i.e. at the Cape).
  4. Actually, since you're just duplicating the part via CFG, the assets are loaded only once. (KSP will only ever load each file in GameData once. If multiple part.cfgs reference the same model, either via being in the same folder and using mesh =, or being anywhere and using MODEL nodes, then the assets are reused. This is because nothing in a part.cfg will actually load any models or textures; they're all loaded before any CFGs are. This is also why models and textures that are never used by a cfg are still loaded anyway, which is why you can't leave files lying around...)
  5. frisch: the bundler is the best place to go to get it all. Oh, and protip: you want RF, *not* Modular Fuels. You use one *or* the other...
  6. So dragging down that scrollbar on the right doesn't do anything? EDIT: You *are* getting an NRE, so it'd be nice to see the full log. ksp.log is the trimmed version which doesn't tell you what's throwing the NRE.
  7. kiko1004: frizzank is releasing FASA parts faster than we can realism-ize them. Also I'm pretty sure that's not even the A7 engine used on Jupiter C/ Juno I, but the A-4 used on the V-2.
  8. I definitely support the service-module solution. Tiny-size nodes might help some in terms of reentry alignment, but since nodes now provide lift as well as drag, it might screw up lifting reentries; not sure. Also, it might be an issue that one of the nodes is far from the actual surface of the pod?
  9. junkie_business: yes, you can add a custom tcfg for this. Follow the instructions on the AMR thread (or the main tcfg?) on how. Also, awesome avatar.
  10. Shad0wCatcher: LCH4 NTR is already pretty high thrust; I'm not sure you'd need to burn LOx. But I can't imagine methalox would be higher-temperature than hydrolox (which you have to burn way fuel-rich because a near-stoich ratio is too hot). Raptor831: I'm sorry, I don't know of any configs yet. I've been meaning to add spaceplane support to RF/RO for a while but .23 and the massive work put into making RF .23-compatible scotched that for some time. For now, I'd suggest just whipping up a simple patch that replaces LF with Kerosene for those engines, although even if you don't the only downside is your LF will be ~22% denser than kerosene so you can carry slightly more. Techlevels notionally support changing velocityCurves, but that's not actually config'd yet. You can try making techlevels for jets if you like, but you'll have to use the new form. Aghanim: sounds like you haven't installed a set of engine configs. Check the second post of this thread. brooklyn666: Right now you can either have faked-up bipropellant RCS, *or* you can have modular/techlevel RCS, not both. We need to make a new RCS module, really. cardgame: That sounds very strange; I'm pretty sure some people have no trouble with RF on Macs (heck, ialdabaoth who first created Modular Fuel Tanks uses a Mac!) so my hunch is it's an install error. Make sure you don't have a ModularFuelTanks folder in GameData and that there's only one Module Manager dll *anywhere* in GameData. If that fails, post your output_log (which is, IIRC, stuck in some other folder on the Mac...)
  11. Are you rendering to texture in the DLL, rather than doing stuff GPU-side? If so, have you considered rendering single cubemaps per *vessel*, not per part?
  12. Deformity is how much variation in height for the terrain (in meters) but multiple mods stack. More when not in phone.
  13. Use SuperPNG plugin. It makes life so much easier by supporting alpha in PNG
  14. Mulbin: ah, you didn't mention you wanted it to take no bigger rockets than stock, just that you wanted to need only stock parts. Yes, KIDS is the way to go with that. a 3x multiplier for both atmospheric and vacuum Isp should be right to go from Earth-scale to Kerbin-scale.
  15. 1. The right values for RSS are don't touch them, exactly as the OP says. 2. Pics of the rocket on pad and during over-G please?
  16. Real fuels with stockalike engine configs (2nd post, RF thread) should be just right. Make sure useRealisticMass is set true.
  17. Last time you were talking about it I wasn't aware of a link for it. Now there is, in the op it goes, and sorry for the delay! Yeah, funeral is on Monday and we're flying back Tuesday....
  18. Mulbin: RF and stockalike engine configs should be what you want, and regex is right that his 6.4x scale cfg should be right for you....
  19. Heh, you had a response to it in your inbox before you posted that message.
  20. AbeS: yeah, you can either get acceleration-from-gravity-at-sea-level from mass, or get mass from g; the latter is what's done for Mun and Kerbin, since that number is more important (in gameplay terms) than mass. ferram4: ....jaw....floor. I think you're well past ROMBUS-level huge and into Convair Aldebaran-level size. Although you have it well beat; Aldebaran has a wet mass of ~50kt, though a payload fraction of .5 due to NTR. See also: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=7229 for scale comparisons. As for names...Supernova? Runabout?
  21. I had really hoped to post the next update Tuesday, as I had finally returned, but literally the day we got back from our trip my GF got the call that her best friend's mother died suddenly, so we scrambled for tickets and scrabbled together clothes and are now gone again, for another week. My apologies for the continuing delay.
  22. AbeS: you get all the gold stars ever, that's awesome! If a value isn't in the cfg, that means it's still the KSP default. I didn't add moons' LANs etc because I couldn't find them on wikipedia; asmi suggested pulling them from Orbiter (which will have the J2000 values) but I forgot to do it until now. brooklyn666: the moons are, or supposed to be, inclined vs. the ecliptic *except* in the case of Luna, since there it matters more inclination vs equator (for launch purposes) than it does to have ecliptic-relative inclination (for interplanetary purposes) for the moon. Axial tilt basically requires Mu to make some changes. He said he'd ask around re: maybe doing it for .24, but I haven't talked with him since (this was a good month or two before .23 came out).
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